Effect of tree planting design on human thermal comfort at microclimate scale; Case study: Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

This study aimed to investigate the effect of different planting plans, especially trees with varying characteristics of branch and leaf structure, height, canopy diameter, and density, leaf shape, and size, and compare the cooling effect under similar conditions to a suitable planting plan for maximum productivity. 


The data collection method in this field and library research and the analysis method used are simulations, and the findings and comparison of results are quantitative and qualitative. Vegetation information of the site in the first stage is harvested, and the current situation is simulated, and its impact is determined. Then two new planting plans with the same amount of greenery in the current situation are designed and manufactured in the environment, and the results are compared.


The simulation results show that group planting mode is completely similar conditions in terms of plant species and the number of trees 0.85 ° C reduces the average air temperature compared to the linear planting mode and the biggest difference is in the average radiant temperature, which is more than 3 (3.18) ° C There is a temperature difference between group planting mode compared to linear planting mode and group planting mode has a lower average radiant temperature.


This study revealed the effect of the group planting plan factor, despite creating a full shade of trees and reducing the shading area of ​​trees, improved the PMV thermal comfort index and improved environmental variables.

Naqshejahan- Basic studies and New Technologies of Architecture and Planning, Volume:12 Issue: 2, 2022
138 to 157
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Hashemin، Sayyid Abolfazl
    Author (1)
    Hashemin, Sayyid Abolfazl
    Phd Student landscape Architecture, Architecture, Art and Architecture Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, تهران, Iran
  • Suzanchi، Kianoush
    Author (4)
    Suzanchi, Kianoush
    Assistant Professor Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, تهران, Iran
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