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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « feeding behavior » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • مینو زراعتی جورشری، محمدرضا فدائی چافی*

    پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی رابطه سلامت روانی و نگرش به خوردن با مقدار کاهش وزن در افراد چاق و دارای اضافه وزن انجام شد.

    روش ها

    این مطالعه از نوع مقطعی و جامعه آماری آن شامل افراد چاق و دارای اضافه وزن مراجعه کننده به کلینیک های تغذیه در شهر رشت بود که 420 نفر [378 زن با وزن 91/15 ± 99/79 کیلوگرم، قد 98/5 ± 67/161 سانتی متر، سن 15/11 ± 59/39 سال و شاخص توده بدنی  (Body mass index یا BMI) 06/3 ± 88/30 کیلوگرم بر مترمربع و 42 مرد با وزن 59/23 ± 31/100 کیلوگرم، قد 75/9 ± 07/175 سانتی متر، سن 35/11 ± 45/38 سال و BMI برابر با 20/4 ± 75/32 کیلوگرم بر مترمربع] به روش نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب شدند. اطلاعات به وسیله پرسش نامه آنلاین نگرش به خوردن Carner (Eating Attitude Test یا EAT) و پرسش نامه سلامت روانی Goldberg (General Health Questionnaire یا GHQ) جمع آوری گردید. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون ضریب همبستگی Pearson و مدل بندی رگرسیونی در نرم افزار SPSS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.

    یافته ها

    از میان مولفه های مورد بررسی، ارتباط معنی داری بین سلامت روانی (001/0 > P، 18/0- = r) و نگرش به خوردن (030/0 = P، 10/0 = r) با میزان موفقیت در کاهش وزن وجود داشت. رابطه ابعاد سلامت روانی شامل علایم جسمانی (001/0 > P، 19/0- = r)، اضطراب (018/0 = P، 11/0- = r)، اختلال عملکرد اجتماعی (001/0 = P، 16/0- = r) و افسردگی (063/0 = P، 09/0- = r) با کاهش وزن معنی دار بود. همچنین، ارتباط معنی داری بین مولفه های نگرش به خوردن شامل کنترل دهانی (001/0 > P، 21/0 = r)، تمایل به خوردن (009/0 = P، 12/0- = r) و عادات غذایی (001/0 > P، 10/0 = r) با موفقیت در کاهش وزن وجود داشت.

    نتیجه گیری

    سلامت روانی بالاتر و سطح بهتر نگرش به خوردن، با موفقیت بیشتر در کاهش وزن افراد چاق و دارای اضافه وزن مراجعه کننده به کلینیک های تغذیه ارتباط دارد. بنابراین، توجه به عوامل مذکور، منجر به افزایش احتمال موفقیت در کاهش وزن خواهد شد.

    کلید واژگان: سلامت عمومی, رفتار خوردن, کاهش وزن, اضافه وزن, چاقی, ایران}
    Minoo Zeraati-Jorshari, Mohammadreza Fadaei-Chafy*

    The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between mental health, eating attitudes, and the amount of weight loss in obese and overweight individuals.


    The design of the study was cross-sectional. The statistical population consisted of obese and overweight individuals who visited nutrition clinics in Rasht City, Iran. A total of 420 participants were included in the study, comprising 378 women with an average weight of 79.99 ± 15.91 kg, height of 161.67 ± 5.98 cm, age of 39.59 ± 11.15 years, and body mass index (BMI) of 30.88 ± 3.06 kg/m2, as well as 42 men with an average weight of 100.31 ± 23.59 kg, height of 175.07 ± 9.75 cm, age of 38.45 ± 11.35 years, and BMI of 32.75 ± 4.20 kg/m2. The participants were selected using convenience sampling method. Data were collected using online questionnaires that included Carner's Eating Attitudes Test (EAT) and Goldberg's General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Data analysis was conducted using Pearson's correlation coefficient test and regression modeling in SPSS software.


    There was a significant relationship between mental health (r =- 0.18, P < 0.001) and eating attitude (r = 0.10, P = 0.030) with the success rate in weight loss. The relationship between mental health dimensions, including physical condition (r =- 0.19, P < 0.001), anxiety (r =- 0.11, P = 0.018), and social function (r = -0.16, P = 0.001) was significant with weight loss. The relationship between the components of eating attitude, including oral control (r = 0.21, P < 0.001) and desire to eat (r =- 0.12, P = 0.009) with success in weight loss was significant.


    Higher mental health, as well as a better level of eating attitude, was associated with greater weight loss success in obese and overweight people referred to nutrition clinics. Therefore, paying attention to these factors will increase the probability of success in weight loss.

    Keywords: General Health, Feeding Behavior, Weight Loss, Overweight, Obesity, Iran}
  • علیرضا رهبر، بتول امیری، زینب خجسته، محمدرضا حسینی، نجمه سوادی *

     تغذیه ی سالم و ایجاد عادات غذایی مناسب در دوران کودکی، می تواند شرایط مساعدی را جهت سلامت مطلوب حفره ی دهان فراهم سازد. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی ارتباط پوسیدگی دندان و الگوی غذایی در کودکان مراجعه کننده به مراکز دندان پزشکی بوشهر در سال 1401 انجام گرفت.

    مواد و روش ها

     این پژوهش مقطعی، بر روی 178 نفر از کودکان مراجعه کننده به مراکز دندان پزشکی بوشهر انجام شد. برای اندازه گیری پوسیدگی دندان، از شاخصDMFT/ dmft  و برای بررسی الگوی غذایی، از نسخه ی فارسی پرسش نامه ی بسامد غذایی استفاده شد. برای بررسی ارتباط پوسیدگی دندان و الگوی غذایی از مدل رگرسیون خطی سلسله مراتبی استفاده شد؛ بدین گونه که متغیرهای اثرگذار بر پوسیدگی در چهار بلوک عوامل جمعیت شناختی، عوامل رفتاری، عوامل اجتماعی- اقتصادی و میزان دریافت مواد غذایی قرار داده شدند تا با تعدیل اثر سه بلوک اول، اثر بلوک میزان دریافت مواد غذایی در پیش بینی شاخص dmft، DMFT و مجموع این دو شاخص (DMFT+dmft) بررسی شود.

    یافته ها

     نتایج رگرسیون خطی سلسله مراتبی نشان داد که در مدل نهایی، مقدار ضریب تعیین تعدیل شده برای شاخص DMFT (0/63 adjusted R square: و 0/001p value <)، برای شاخص  dmft (98/0adjusted R square: و 0/001 p value <) و برای مجموع این دو شاخص DMFT+dmft (0/59 adjusted R square: و 0/001 p value <) می باشد. نقش پیشگویی کننده ی الگوی غذایی به تنهایی (R2 change) بر شاخص های DMFT، dmft و DMFT+dmft به ترتیب 0/30، 0/52 و 0/45 بود که نشانگر نقش پیشگویی کننده بالاتری نسبت به عوامل رفتاری، جمعیت شناختی و اقتصادی- اجتماعی می باشد.

    نتیجه گیری

     در مطالعه ی حاضر، ارتباط بین پوسیدگی دندان و الگوی غذایی تایید گردید و مشاهده شد الگوی غذایی، بیشترین نقش را در میزان پوسیدگی دندان های شیری، دائمی و هر دو در این گروه سنی کودکان دارد. خصوصیات جمعیت شناختی، وضعیت اجتماعی- اقتصادی خانواده و ویژگی های رفتاری به ترتیب در درجات بعدی قرار داشته و سهم کمتری در بدتر شدن این شاخص ها ایفا می کردند.

    کلید واژگان: پوسیدگی دندانی, الگوی غذایی, شاخص DMF}
    Alireza Rahbar, Batool Amiri, Zeinab Khojaste, Mohammad Reza Hosseini, Najmeh Savadi *

    A healthy diet and proper eating habits in childhood promote optimal oral health. This study aimed to evaluate dental caries and its association with feeding patterns in children referred to Bushehr dental centers in 2022.

    Materials & Methods

    This cross-sectional study was conducted on 178 children who referred to Bushehr dental centers in 1401. The DMFT index and the Persian version of the Food Frequency Questionnaire were used to check the tooth decay and the food pattern of children, respectively. A hierarchical linear regression model was used to investigate the relationship between tooth decay and food patterns; in this way, the variables affecting caries were placed in four blocks of demographic factors, behavioral factors, socio-economic factors, and the amount of food intake, so that by adjusting the effect of the first three blocks, the effect of the block of food intake in predicting the indices of dmft, DMFT and the sum of them (DMFT+dmft) could be checked.


    The hierarchical linear regression results showed that in the final model, the value of the adjusted R2 for the DMFT, dmft indices and, the sum of them (DMFT+dmft) was 0.63, 0.98 and, 0.59, respectively. (p value < 0.001). Furthermore, the predictive role of the dietary pattern alone (R2 change) on DMFT, dmft, and DMFT+dmft indices was 0.30, 0.52 and, 0.45 respectively, which indicates a higher predictive role than behavioral, demographic and, socioeconomic factors.


    The study found a confirmed relationship between tooth decay and feeding patterns. It was also observed that feeding patterns have the greatest impact on the decay of deciduous, permanent teeth, and both of them in children of this age group. Demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status of the family, and behavioral characteristics were respectively in the next levels and played a lesser role in the deterioration of these indicators.

    Keywords: Dental Caries, Feeding Behavior, DMF Index}
  • Soode Tajik-Esmaeeli, Atefeh Ghanbari Jolfaei, Vahid Rashedi, Leila Kamalzadeh, Zahra Rahimi, Razieh Salehian *
    The aim of this study was to assess the psychometric aspects of Persian version of Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (YFAS 2.0) and the prevalence of Food Addiction (FA) among Iranian obese population seeking bariatric surgery.
     In this cross-sectional study, psychometric aspects of the YFAS 2.0 including validity and reliability were assessed. Convergent and discriminant validity of the YFAS 2.0 was evaluated using Eating Disorder Inventory-3, Referral form (EDI-3 RF), Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), and Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-15) and reliability of the scale was examined by test-retest analysis and internal consistency.
    Among 124 patients (48.6%) who met FA criteria, 2 patients (1.6%) received a mild, 12 (9.6%) a moderate, and 110 (88.7%) a severe FA diagnosis. FA was more prevalent and severe in females, unmarried individuals, unemployed patients, and those with higher Body Mass Index (BMI) or binge eating disorder/bulimia nervosa diagnoses. Reliability analysis showed high internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.89) and test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.88). Content validity was 0.8 or higher in terms of convergent validity. Except for one criterion, a one-factor structure was confirmed for the P-YFAS 2.0 (above 0.42). FA prevalence was higher in participants with BED or bulimia nervosa, and FA severity was correlated with scores on measures of impulsivity, emotion regulation difficulties, eating behaviors and psychopathology.
    These findings support the reliability and validity of the P-YFAS 2.0 in assessing FA as defined by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-fifth (DSM-5). The high rate of FA identified highlights the need for targeted interventions in this clinical population.
    Keywords: Bariatric surgery, Feeding behavior, Food addiction, Iran, Obesity}
  • Jyoti Jyoti, Malar Kodi S, Rupinder Deol

    Sucking and swallowing coordination did not achieve until 32–34 weeks of gestation in premature infants. Oral motor stimulations improve oral motor musculature and neurobehavioral synergism which improves the rate of oral feeding readiness and weight gain and ultimately reduces the duration of hospitalization. Premature Infant Oral Motor Interventions (PIOMI) is a specific oral motor therapy effective in improving the clinical outcomes among premature infants. Earlier no review had been conducted specifically to assess the effectiveness of PIOMI on oral feeding progression, weight gain, and Length of hospital Stay (LOS) among premature infants. So, the present review had been planned.

    Materials and Methods

    Review was conducted by searching databases like PubMed/Medline, Embase, Ovid, Clinical Key and Academia, Google and Google Scholar (from PIOMI inception to October 2020). Published articles on RCTs and clinical trials were included.


    Six studies, with a total of 301 premature infants, were included in Meta Analysis (MA). PIOMI was found effective in early attainment of feeding progression (Mean Difference (MD) = −4.63 days at 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = −4.97 to − 4.29, p < 0.001) and shifting from gavage to independent oral feeding (MD = −2.54 days at 95% CI = −3.13 to − 1.95, p < 0.001), shows weight gain at discharge (MD = 51.61 grams at 95% CI = 19.84 to 83.38, p = 0.001), and reduces LOS (MD = −2.81 days at 95% CI = −3.51 to − 2.10, p < 0.001).


    Review shows shows the effectiveness of PIOMI in improving oral feeding progression and early attainment of gavage to independent oral feedings, and it also showed weight gain at discharge and reduced LOS.

    Keywords: Bottle feeding, breastfeeding, feeding behavior, infant, length of stay, motor skills, mouth, premature, weight gain}
  • Samaneh Farnia, Arian Jahandideh*, Daniel Zamanfar, Mahmood Moosazadeh, Akbar Hedayatizadeh-Omran

    Since a comprehensive study of eating disorders in children with type 1 diabetes in the Iranian population is necessary, this study aimed to investigate the prevalence of eating behaviors and metabolic control status of children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus.


    The present cross-sectional study aim to explore the prevalence of eating behaviors and their influence on metabolic control of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus.


    In this cross-sectional study, all children and adolescents 6 to 12 years old with diabetes were included. First, the prevalence of eating-related behaviors in participants was assessed and recorded. Then the recorded data were statistically analyzed.


    The Mean±SD age of the study participants was 8.92±1.925 years. One hundred children with food approach scores above 12.29 had food-approach behaviors, and 78 children with food avoidance scores above 11.85 were classified as having food avoidance behaviors. The relationships between food-approach behaviors and hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) and insulin dose, body mass index (BMI), and lipid profile were significant (P<0.05). Nevertheless, the relationship between these variables and food avoidance behaviors was not significant (P>0.05).


    High BMI, high insulin dose, increased lipid levels, and high HbA1c are associated with an increased eating tendency in children. Therefore, these children should be evaluated for disordered eating behaviors.

    Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Feeding disorders, Pediatric obesity, Feeding behavior}
  • سمانه فرنیا، جواد علاقبند راد، زهرا شهریور*
    زمینه و هدف

    این مطالعه به مقایسه رفتارهای غذایی کودکان، شاخص توده بدنی وشیوه های تغذیه والدین در بین کودکان در حال رشد و کودکان مبتلا به اختلال نقص توجه بیش فعالی پرداخته است.

    مواد و روش

    در این مطالعه توصیفی 95 کودک اختلال نقص توجه بیش فعالی و 95 کودک معمولی در محدوده سنی 6 تا 11سال بررسی شدند. مقیاس درجه بندی والدین کانر، پرسشنامه جامع تمرین تغذیه، پرسشنامه رفتار غذا خوردن کودک و ارزیابی وزن و شاخص توده بدنی برای هر دو گروه تکمیل شد. مصاحبه بالینی و برنامه کیدل برای هر دو گروه انجام شد. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داد ه ها از نسخه 19 نرم ا فزار SPSS از آزمون تی مستقل و مجذور کای دو در سطح معناداری کمتر از 0/05 استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    دو گروه ازنظر مشخصات جمعیت شناختی و رفتارهای تغذیه ای تفاوت معنا داری نداشتند. والدین به جز کنترل هیجانی و نظارت در تمرین تغذیه مشابه بودند. همبستگی بین شاخص توده بدنی و نمرات مقیاس رفتار خوردن کودکان رابطه معناداری با آشفتگی غذا (r=-0/281, P=0/006)  لذت غذایی (r=0/295, P=0/004) و پاسخگویی به غذا /پرخوری عاطفی (r=0/288 , P=0/005) نشان داد. با توجه به رگرسیون گام به گام متغیرهای پیش بینی کننده شاخص توده بدنی در گروه مبتلا به اختلال نقص توجه و بیش فعالی  شامل محدودیت برای کنترل وزن و آشفتگی غذا و در گروه کنترل محدودیت برای سلامت بود.

    نتیجه گیری

    تفاوت معنی داری را در رابطه با وزن، رفتار غذایی یا شیوه تغذیه والدین در بین کودکان معمولی و مبتلایان به اختلال نقص توجه بیش فعالی پیدا نکرد. تحقیقات بیشتری برای ارزیابی متغیرهای مرتبط مانند فعالیت بدنی و وزن هنگام تولد مورد نیاز است.

    کلید واژگان: کمبود توجه بیش فعالی, شاخص توده بدنی, رفتار تغذیه ای}
    Samaneh Farnia, Javad Alaghband Rad, Zahra Shahrivar*
    Background and Objective

    This study compared children's eating behaviors, body mass index, and parents' feeding practices between typically developing (TD) children and children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

    Materials & Methods

    In this descriptive study, 95 children with ADHD and 95 TD children aged 6 to 11 years were studied. The Conner's parents rating scale, the comprehensive feeding practice questionnaire, and the child eating behavior questionnaire were completed for both groups. In addition, both groups' weight and body mass index were measured and calculated. Clinical interviews and the Kiddie Schedule were held for both groups. The obtained data were analyzed by the independent t test and the Chi-square test in SPSS software, version 19.0, at a significance level of less than 0.05.


    The two groups showed no significant differences in demographic characteristics and feeding practices. The parents in the two groups were similar in all study variables except for emotional control and monitoring over feeding practice. The correlation between body mass index and child eating behavior scores showed significant relationships with food disorder (r=-0.281, P=0.006), enjoyment of food (r=0.295, P=0.004), and food responsiveness/emotional binge (r=0.288, P=0.005).According to the stepwise regression, the predictors of body mass index were weight restraints and food disorder in the ADHD group and health restraints in the control group. 


    This study found no significant differences between TD children and ADHD children regarding weight, body mass index, eating behavior, or parental feeding practice. Further research is needed to evaluate related variables, such as physical activity and birth weight.

    Keywords: Attention-deficit, hyperactivity (ADHD), Body mass index, Feeding behavior}
  • Mina Farrokhi, Mohammadreza Seirafi*, Amin Rafieipour, Hasan Ahadi, Adis Kraskian Mujembari

    Nutrition education is a key component of health promotion programs and leads to the improvement of nutritional behaviors of adolescents. Understanding the stages of cognitive-behavioral therapy in eating behavior and weight loss in adolescents is important in terms of preventive care.


    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on eating behavior and weight loss in adolescents.


    The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design with a two-month follow-up with the control group. The statistical population consisted of all adolescents referred to counseling centers in Mashhad in autumn 2019; 30 of them were selected by convenience sampling method and were randomly divided into experimental, and control groups. The research questionnaires were demographic questionnaire, and eating behavior questionnaire. Data were analyzed using repeated variance analysis and SPSS.22 software.


    The mean (SD) of age was 17.66 (4.49) years in the experimental group 59.7% and 17.01 (4.10) years in the control group. 65.9% in the experimental group and in the control group, 59.7% were girls and the mean (SD) of body mass index was 27.73 (1.34) in the experimental group and 27.32 (0.95) in the control group. The results showed that cognitive-behavioral therapy was effective in decreasing uncontrollable eating (P<0.01), emotional eating (P<0.01), weight loss (P<0.01), and increasing cognitive restraint (P<0.01) in adolescents.


    It is concluded that cognitive-behavioral therapy can be used as an effective treatment of weight loss and eating behavior in adolescents.

    Keywords: adolescent, weight loss, feeding behavior, cognitive behavioral therapy}
  • Siew Chin Ong*, Annushiah Vasan Thakumar

    Dietary behavior applying theory-based approaches is seldom documented in the general adult population. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the eating behavior of Malaysian adults and the demographic factors that were associated with positive eating habits.


    In this cross-sectional survey, the convenience sampling technique was used to sample Malaysian adults aged 18 or older. The questionnaire was based on constructs from Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), which has six scales or constructs, including self-efficacy, intentions, situation, social support, behavioral strategies, and outcome expectations and expectancies. All the six constructs demonstrated adequate model fit using confirmatory analysis fit by the developers and good internal reliability using Cronbach’s alpha in this study. The data were descriptively analyzed, and subsequently, logistic regressions were performed, assessing demographic factors associated with healthy eating habits. The variables achieving a P value<0.05 were considered statistically significant.


    A total of 461 respondents completed the questionnaire. Good social support (83.30%), outcome expectations (90.24%) and expectancies (92.41%), and the situation in relation to healthy eating (88.94%) were frequently observed among the respondents. The sentence has been revised to express the idea more clearly. “However, the observations in these dimensions were not necessarily translated into good self-efficacy (33.41%), intentions (39.91%), and behavioral strategies relating to healthy eating (53.15%). Additionally, demographic variables such as ethnicity, age, and region were significantly associated with the positive attitude observed on the questionnaire constructs.


    In summary, the findings of the study revealed that many Malaysians have poor self-efficacy, intentions, and behavioral strategies when it came to eating healthy. The demographic factors significantly associated with dietary behaviors should be targeted in future interventional studies and awareness programs.

    Keywords: Feeding behavior, Adult, Psychological theory, Diet}
  • Sajjad Rezaei*, Elham Jahanbin

    Wrong eating behaviors increase the risk of numerous chronic diseases.


    This study aims to determine the validity and reliability of the Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ) in the Iranian population.

    Materials & Methods

    In a validation study at the University of Guilan City, Iran, in 2019-2020. First, the MEQ was translated based on the forward-backward method. After applying the changes to the Persian version of MEQ (P-MEQ), 50 participants responded to the P-MEQ twice with an interval of 3 weeks. Then, 384 Iranian students selected by the two-stage cluster sampling method completed the P-MEQ to determine its construct validity. Sixty participants simultaneously filled the P-MEQ and the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (FMI-SF) to determine concurrent validity. To determine known-group validity, 23 very obese participants and a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 35 kg/m2 were compared to individuals with a healthy weight (BMI: 18.5-24.9 kg/m2 ).


    The test-retest reliability of the P-MEQ was obtained as 0.59 for the total score, and it ranged from 0.58 to 0.79 for the subscales. The first-order Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) results indicated that after removing four items with weak factor loading, the five-factor P-MEQ model had appropriate goodness of fit (χ2 /df=2.516, RMSEA=0.067, AGFI=0.835, IFI=0.924, & CFI=0.916). The second-order CFA revealed that the latent components of awareness, distraction, disinhibition, emotional response, and external cues reflected the concept of higher levels of mindful eating acceptably (χ2 /df=2.545, RMSEA=0.067, AGFI=0.825, IFI=0.912, & CFI=0.905). However, there was a poor relationship between the total score of P-MEQ and FMI-SF (r=0.24, P=0.07).


    Regardless of concurrent validity, the Persian version of MEQ has proper construct validity, test-retest reliability, and internal consistency.

    Keywords: Mindfulness, Feeding behavior, Psychometrics, Body Mass Index}
  • Bhushan Bande, Garima Agrawal Varshney, Shruti Gupta, Amit Agrawal*, Soumitra Sethia Sethia, Pramila Verma
    Background and Objective

    Social class, hygiene, and feeding behavior determine the status of nutrition in children during the first 1000 days of life. This study aimed to evaluate the association of the above factors with the need for admission to nutrition rehabilitation.


    This prospective study was conducted in the Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) of a secondary care center from April 2019 to March 2020. Convenience sampling was applied for the selection of study participants. Information about all the children suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM) was collected and documented, such as age, gender, social class, hand washing habits, breastfeeding, age of starting complementary feeding, anthropometry, and medical complications.


    During the study period, 398 children with SAM were admitted to NRC. Moreover, 71.86% (n=286) of children were from 7 to 24 months and 88.43% (n= 352) of the children belonged to the families with upper/lower and lower socioeconomic status. Poor hand washing habits were seen in 36.18% (n=144) of families. The mean weight gain per child during a hospital stay was 8.3 gm/kg/day.


    Inadequate complementary feeding practices and poor hygiene are the most common preventable causes leading to malnutrition and the majority of admissions to the NRC occurring before the age of two years.

    Keywords: Child, Feeding Behavior, Hygiene, Malnutrition, Social Class}
  • مائده اسدی رجانی، محسن کچویی*، زهرا احمدبیگی، الهه وحیدی
    زمینه و هدف

    با توجه به شیوع فزآینده مشکلات خوردن در زنان جوان، این مسئله یکی از موضوعات قابل توجه در آسیب شناسی روانی محسوب می شود. ناگویی خلقی نقش مهمی در رفتارهای خوردن ناسالم دارد، اما این که چگونه مشکلات در وضعیت خلقی منجر به رفتارهای خوردن ناسالم می شود، بدون پاسخ مانده است. لذا پژوهش حاضر با هدف تعیین ارتباط ناگویی خلقی و آشفتگی روانی با رفتارهای خوردن ناسالم و نقش میانجی آشفتگی روانی در رابطه ناگویی خلقی با رفتارهای خوردن ناسالم انجام شد.

    مواد و روش ها

    روش این پژوهش، توصیفی از نوع مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری است. جامعه آماری آن کلیه دانشجویان دختر دانشگاه های علم و فرهنگ، شهید بهشتی، الزاهراء و علامه طباطبایی شهر تهران در سال 1398 بودند که از این میان 350 دانشجو به صورت نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب شدند و مقیاس رفتار خوردن Dutch، مقیاس ناگویی خلقی Toronto و مقیاس آشفتگی روانی Kessler را تکمیل کردند. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون همبستگی Pearson و روش تحلیل مسیر تجزیه و تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها

    آشفتگی روانی همبستگی مثبت و معناداری با ناگویی خلقی (44/0=r، 001/0>p)، رفتارهای خوردن بیرونی (28/0=r، 001/0>p) و رفتارهای خوردن هیجانی (22/0=r، 001/0>p) نشان داد. هم چنین نتایج تحلیل مسیر نشان داد که آشفتگی روانی، میانجی رابطه بین ناگویی خلقی و رفتارهای خوردن ناسالم بود.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به نقش میانجی آشفتگی روانی در رابطه بین ناگویی خلقی و رفتارهای خوردن ناسالم، توصیه می شود، از راه کارهای ارتقاء ادراک و ابرازگری هیجانی و کاهش آشفتگی روانی استفاده شود. این راه کارها می توانند در بهبود سلامت روان شناختی و پیش گیری از رفتارهای خوردن ناسالم، سودمند باشند.

    کلید واژگان: رفتار خوردن, علائم عاطفی, آشفتگی روانی, دانشجویان دختر, تهران}
    M. Asadi-Rajani, M. Kachooei*, Z. Ahmadbeygi, E. Vahidi
    Background and Objectives

    Due to the increasing prevalence of disordered eating in young women, it is one of the significant issues in psychopathology. Alexithymia plays an important role in unhealthy eating behaviors, but how mood problems lead to unhealthy eating behaviors remains unanswered. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between alexithymia and unhealthy eating behaviors and the mediating role of psychological distress in the relationship between alexithymia and unhealthy eating behaviors.

    Materials and Methods

    The research method is descriptive and structural equations modelling. The statistical population was all female students from universities of Science and Culture, Shahid Beheshti, Alzahra, Allame Tabatabaei in Tehran in 2019, from which 350 students were selected by convenience sampling and completed the Dutch Eating Behavior Scale (DEBQ), the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), and the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K-10). Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation and path analysis.


    Psychological distress was positively associated with alexithymia (r=0.44, p<0.001), external eating behaviors (r=0.28, p<0.001), and emotional eating behaviors (r=0.22, p<0.001). In addition, results of path analysis showed that psychological distress mediated the relationship between alexithymia and unhealthy eating behaviors.


    Considering the mediating role of psychological distress in the relationship between alexithymia and unhealthy eating behaviors, using strategies to promote understanding and expressing emotions and reduce psychological distress is recommended. These strategies can be helpful in improving mental health and preventing unhealthy eating behaviors.

    Keywords: Feeding behavior, Affective symptoms, Psychological distress, Female students, Tehran}
  • Mina Farrokhi, Amin Rafieipoor *, MohammadReza Seyrafi, Hasan Ahadi, Adis Kraskian Moojembari

    Nutrition education is a key component of health promotion programs and leads to improvement of nutritional behaviors of adolescents. Understanding the stages of cognitive-behavioral therapy in eating behavior and weight loss in adolescents is important.


    The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the transtheoretical model and cognitive-behavioral therapy on eating behavior and weight loss in adolescents.


    The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design with a two-month follow-up with the control group. The statistical population consisted of all adolescents referred to counseling centers in Mashhad in autumn 2019; 45 of them were selected by convenience sampling method and were divided into 3 experimental, second, and control groups. The research questionnaires were Cappelleri et al.'s (2009) eating behavior questionnaire. Data analyzed by analysis of covariance test using SPSS.25 software.


    The results showed that the effectiveness of the transtheoretical model and cognitive-behavioral therapy was different on eating behavior so that cognitive-behavioral therapy is more effective than the transtheoretical model (p <0.001).


    Cognitive-behavioral therapy on eating behavior and weight loss of adolescents was more effective in comparison with the model of the change process. It is suggested that cognitive-behavioral therapy should be considered in the treatment of appropriate principles of nutrition and control of adolescents' weight.

    Keywords: Adolescent, Weight Loss, Feeding Behavior, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Transtheoretical model}
  • Najmeh Golestanbagh, M. Miraghajani, Reza Amani*, Michael E.Symonds, Sorour Neamatpour, Mohammad Hosein Haghighizadeh

    Personality plays an important role in food choices. The aim of this study was to assess the association of personality traits with dietary habits and food preferences.


    This cross‑sectional study was carried out on 224 healthy female students aged 18–30 years with a normal BMI. Dietary habits, food preferences, and personality were assessed using validated questionnaire.


    Our results showed that neuroticism and openness were associated with low scores while conscientiousness was related to high scores of dietary habits (r = ‑0.33 P < 0.001, r = ‑0.13, P < 0.05 and r = 0.26, P < 0.001, respectively). In addition, neuroticism was correlated with preference to salty, sour and fatty foods and negatively associated with dairy products (P < 0.05). Extraversion showed a positive correlation with preference to fast foods, ice cream, chocolate, cocoa, and negative correlation with meat. Openness was positively correlated with preference for meat and biscuit and negatively correlated with fruits (P < 0.05). Agreeableness was related to having soft drinks and sweetened fruit juices and conscientiousness had a positive association with preference to dairy products, vegetables, nuts, food with salty tastes, and a negative association with biscuits (P < 0.05).


    Overall, assessing personality traits could be useful to identify young women who may be at risk of unhealthy dietary habits.

    Keywords: Body mass index, feeding behavior, food preferences, personality, tast}
  • Farideh Kamran, Setareh Sagheb, Seyyed Ahmadreza Khatoonabadi, Abbas Ebadi, Yaser Faryadras, Mahshid Aghajanzadeh *

     One of the fundamental factors in infants’ readiness to discharge from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is attaining full oral feeding. Determining the infants’ development requires instruments to comprehensively assess the infants’ oral skills and the process of feeding.


     This study aimed to measure the validity and reliability of Early Feeding Skill assessment (EFS) and the subscales of the cue-based feeding (Oral Feeding Readiness scale (OFRS) and Oral Feeding Quality scale (OFQS)).


     Participants consisted of 30 preterm infants born at gestational age (GA) ≤ 34 weeks in Dr. Shariati Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Infants were enrolled by convenience sampling. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and Weighted Kappa were used to measure reliability, and Spearman and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were used to test convergent and discriminant validity.


     The inter- and intra-rater reliability of all dimensions of EFS were good (ICC ranged from 0.77 to 0.95) except intra-rater reliabiltiy for the ability to maintain physiologic stability and ability to coordinate swallowing was moderate. The inter-rater reliability of the cue-based feeding scales was excellent (Weighted Kappa of > 0.74). The intra-rater reliablity indicated good agreement for OFRS (Weighted Kappa = 0.73) and excellent agreement for OFQS (Weighted Kappa = 0.75). There was an inverse correlation between most subscales of EFS and cue-based feeding scales (P < 0.05), except the ability to maintain physiologic stability and ability to coordinate swallowing dimensions (P > 0.05). There was a significant correlation between the ability to maintain physiologic stability dimension and post menstrual age (PMA) (r = 38, (P < 0.05) and between the oral feeding recovery assessment and GA (r = 0.37, (P < 0.05). OFQS was inversely correlated with GA and PMA (P < 0.05).


     EFS and cue-based feeding scales are valid and reliable scales to assess the oral feeding skills of preterm infants; however, using only one of these scales solely to evaluate infants’ feeding process is not enough.

    Keywords: Infant, Premature, Psychometrics, Feeding Behavior}
  • Masoud Sattari *, Mohammad Forouhar Vajargah, Mehdi Bibak, Shima Bakhshalizadeh

    The trace elements (TEs) in aquatic environments due to anthropogenic activities are readily available to aquatic organisms. There are 153 fish species inhabiting the Caspian Sea. However, little is known about TE (TE) concentrations in these species. In this study, we investigated the effects of TEs levels in the brain of some bony fish species inhabiting the Caspian basin. Totally, 405 fish from nine species with different feeding behaviors including Leuciscus aspius (n = 20) and Perca fluviatilis (n = 37) as piscivores, Rutilus kutum (n = 27) and Rutilus caspius (n = 71) as carnivores, Vimba persa (n = 56), Ponticola caspia (n = 25) and Tinca tinca (n = 31) as mollusivores, and Alburnus chalcoides (n = 77) and Alosa braschnikowi (n = 61) as zooplanktivores were collected from the southwest of the Caspian Sea basin from September 2017 to June 2018. The ICP-OES was used to measure TEs in the brain tissue of fish. The variability of TEs concentrations in the brain tissues of these fishes by principal component analysis (PCA) was decreased to 63.59% and 17.68% for PC1 and PC2, respectively, exhibiting that 81.27% of the total variability is associated with K, Mg, P, S, Zn, and Al. The two-dimensional diagrams showed the weight of each component in PCA. The PC1 was mostly influenced by P, Mg, K, and Zn, while the greatest value in PC2 belonged to Al. Furthermore, the entire number of elements determined in this study was found to be a suitable indicator for the distinction between fish species based on their feeding items

    Keywords: Fish, Caspian Sea basin, Trace elements, Bony fish, Feeding behavior}
  • Sedigheh Ghalandari, Ahmad Borjali*, Fariborz Bagheri
    Background and objective

    Unhealthy eating behavior is one of the four major risk factors for diseases. This study was conducted to model the prediction of eating behavior based on anxiety mediated attachment styles.

    Materials and Methods

    This correlational research was carried out based on a path analysis approach. The statistical population (n=461) included all high school female students in Tehran, Iran, in the school year of 2018-19, who were selected using the cluster sampling method. The required data were collected using the Attachment Styles Questionnaire, Spielberger Anxiety Inventory, and Eating Behavior Questionnaire. The gathered data were analyzed by path analysis based on regression equations in LISREL software (version 8.80).


    Based on the findings, secure, ambivalent, and avoidant attachment could influence studentschr('39') eating behavior both directly and indirectly. It was also revealed that state anxiety (β=0.24) and trait (β=0.34) could directly increase unhealthy eating behavior in the samples (β=0.41). Model fit indices showed that the presented paths could explain the data well.


    It can be concluded that a secure attachment style reduced unhealthy eating behavior by reducing anxiety. Moreover, avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles increased anxiety and resulted in unhealthy eating behavior.

    Keywords: Anxiety disorders, Adolescent, Feeding behavior}
  • Motahare Golbarg Khonachah*, Mahnaz Khosrojavid, Seyed Musa Kafi Masouleh, Ebrahim Mirzajani, Marjan Mahdavi Roshan

    Depression includes negative interpretations of events, dislike of the self, and negative appraisal of the future.


    The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of educational programs of cognitive-behavior modification and feeding behavior on serotonin levels and depression symptoms in university students.

    Materials & Methods

    This quasi-experimental study was conducted with a pretest-posttest and a control group design. The study population included all male and female bachelor degree students in the Faculty of Literature and Humanities of the University of Guilan, Guilan Province, Iran at the time of the research. Among 2854 students, using Morgan’s table, the sample size was determined as 340. In the following, 24 students with depression symptoms and other inclusion criteria were selected as the sample and randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. During the twelve sessions of training, the number of participants decreased from 24 to 16. The study tools included the Beck depression inventory (1996), the food frequency questionnaire (2017), 21 food enjoyment questionnaire, and the blood test. The obtained data were analyzed by 1-way analysis of covariance in SPSS v. 24.


    The analysis showed that the use of cognitive-behavior modification training reduced students’ depression (P<0.01). However, the use of feeding behavior training did not increase serotonin levels in students (P>0.05).


    Among people with depression symptoms, cognitive-behavior modification by focusing on their negative self-talk can be useful in creating sensible thoughts and positive inner dialogue. But in these people, feeding behavior training for two months did not change serotonin levels.

    Keywords: Depression, Serotonin, Behavior, Feeding behavior, Students}
  • Sarah Nouriyengejeh, Bahare Seyedhoseini, Parastou Kordestani-Moghadam, Ata Pourabbasi

    Metabolic indices are the wide range of characteristic factors, which can be changed during several medical conditions such as metabolic syndrome. Nutrition and related behaviors are one of the main aspects of human lifestyle which recent investigations have recognized their roles in the development of metabolic disorders. According to the spread of risky nutritional habits/behaviors due to the changes in lifestyle, and its importance in the prevalence of metabolic disorders, the authors attempted to summarize these evidences in a systematic review. The present study is a systematic review that encompasses those studies investigating the association between metabolic indices and nutritional/dietary behaviors published in two international databases in recent 11 years. Twenty-nine related articles were considered and their data were extracted. The relation between food choices and metabolic indices is more frequent in studies. While, inhibition and abstinent and eating together were two behavioral sets with the smallest share of research. Anthropometric indices have the highest rate in the evaluations. Finding the links between nutritional behavior and metabolic indices will be the key point in selecting the different types of interventions. These results will guide therapists to the accurate recognition of metabolic effects in targeting behavior for their intervention.

    Keywords: Behavior, feeding behavior, metabolism, nutrition assessment}
  • آرمیندخت شاه ثنایی، سمیه شمسایی، رضا والاگهر

    مقدمه :

    مطالعه ی حاضر با هدف مقایسه ای تاثیر مداخله ی مبتنی بر مدرسه با مداخله ی مبتنی بر خانواده بر کاهش وزن و نمایه ی توده ی بدنی (Body mass index یا BMI) دانش آموزان چاق و دارای اضافه وزن صورت گرفت.

    روش ها

    مطالعه ی نیمه تجربی حاضر، بر روی 137 نفر از دانش آموزان پسر چاق یا دارای اضافه وزن 12-6 ساله در سه مدرسه از شهر یزد در سال های 98-1397 انجام شد. از بین سه مدرسه ی انتخابی، به طور تصادفی و با استفاده از نرم افزار Random systematic مدرسه ی اول در گروه مداخله ی مبتنی بر مدرسه و مدرسه ی دوم در گروه مداخله ی مبتنی بر خانواده قرار گرفتند و تحت مداخله توسط کارشناس تغذیه، طی 6 جلسه ی 2 ساعته مورد آموزش قرار گرفتند. مدرسه ی سوم، به عنوان گروه شاهد در نظر گرفته شد و دانش آموزان آن، تحت هیچ آموزشی قرار نگرفتند. وزن، BMI، عادات غذایی و فعالیت فیزیکی دانش آموزان قبل و 6 ماه پس از مداخله ارزیابی و ثبت شد و در بین سه گروه مورد مقایسه قرار گرفت.

    یافته ها

    بین گروه های سه گانه ی مورد پژوهش، در فعالیت بدنی (307/11 = F، 2 = df و 001/0 > P)، وضعیت تغذیه (868/11 = F، 2 = df و 001/0 > P)، وزن (667/9 = F، 2 = df و 001/0 > P) و BMI (854/13 = F، 2 = df و 001/0 > P) تفاوت معنی داری وجود داشت. به علاوه، تاثیر گروه مداخله ی مبتنی بر خانواده نسبت به گروه مداخله ی مبتنی بر مدرسه به مراتب بیشتر و قابل ملاحظه تر بود (050/0 > P).

    نتیجه گیری

     بر طبق نتایج مطالعه ی حاضر، اگر چه هر دو مداخله ی آموزشی تاثیر مثبتی بر افزایش فعالیت بدنی و بهبود عادات تغذیه ای و کاهش وزن و BMI داشته اند، اما میزان اثر مداخله ی آموزشی مبتنی بر مدرسه در مقایسه با مداخله ی آموزشی مبتنی بر خانواده کمتر بوده است. بنابراین، آموزش مبتنی بر خانواده بهترین نوع مداخله ی آموزشی جهت افزایش فعالیت بدنی، بهبود عادات غذایی، کنترل یا کاهش وزن و کاهش BMI در دانش آموزان 12-6 ساله ی شهر یزد بود.

    کلید واژگان: نمایه ی توده ی بدنی, آموزش, فعالیت بدنی, رفتار تغذیهای, مدرسه, خانواده}
    Armindokht Shahsanai, Somayeh Shamsaee, Reza Valagohar

    The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of school-based versus family-based intervention on weight loss and body mass index (BMI) in obese and overweight students.


    The present quasi-experimental study was performed on 137 obese or overweight boy students aged 6-12 years at three schools in Yazd City, Iran, during the years 2018-2019. Of the three selected schools, the first and second schools were randomly assigned to the school-based and family-based intervention groups, respectively, and were trained by a nutritionist for six two-hour sessions. The third school was considered as the control group, and received no training. Weight, BMI, eating habits, and the level of physical activity of students were assessed, recorded, and compared before and six months after the intervention.


    There was a significant difference among the three groups regarding the level of physical activity (F = 11.307, df = 2, P < 0.001), eating habits (F = 11.868, df =2, P < 0.001), weight (F = 9.667, df = 2, P < 0.001), and BMI (F = 13.854, df = 2, P < 0.001). In addition, the effect of family-based intervention was significantly higher than that of the school-based intervention (P < 0.050).


    According to the results of the present study, although both training interventions had a positive effect on increasing physical activity, improving eating habits, and reducing weight loss and BMI, the effect of school-based training intervention was less than that of the family-based training intervention. Therefore, family-based training intervention can be regarded as the best type of intervention to increase physical activity, improve eating habits, control or reduce weight, and reduce BMI in 6-12-years-old students in Yazd City.

    Keywords: Body mass index, Education, Exercise, Feeding behavior, Schools, Family}
  • Maedeh Moradi, Ammar HassanzadehKeshteli, Awat Feizi, Leila Azadbakht, Ahmad Esmaillzadeh, Peyman Adibi

    The present study was conducted to evaluate the pattern of food preference among a large sample of Iranian adults.


    In a cross‑sectional study within the study on the epidemiology of psychological alimentary health and nutrition (SEPAHAN) projects, a total of 6239 of 8694 subjects completed a 106‑item food preference questionnaire. Subjects indicated whether they liked, disliked or had gastrointestinal symptoms for each food item separately. They also reported the frequency of consumption for each food item.


    We observed that presence of some foods such as yogurt, fruits and vegetables in the list of the most preferred food items and presence of kalbas, sausages and chips in the list of the most disliked food items, were representative of healthy dietary pattern in this population. Results also revealed that women liked unhealthy foods more than men (P value <0.05 for all significant food items). Moreover, in most of the food items, men reported less gastrointestinal symptoms than women (P value <0.05 for all significant food items). Our findings revealed that smokers disliked most of the healthy food items. We also observed that pregnant women regardless of the trimesters, reported dislike for sweet‑tasting food items.


    More researches are suggested in order to indicate the origins of preferences and recommend some practical alternatives to improve the dietary pattern in society.

    Keywords: Feeding behavior, food intolerance, food preferences, gastrointestinal diseases}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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