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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « hydrogels » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Shaghayegh Doudi, Mohammad Kamalabadi-Farahani, Amir Atashi, Jafar Ai, Danial Cheraghali, Sepehr Zamani, Majid Salehi *
    Objective (s)

    The skin serves as the main defense barrier, protecting against injuries, and preventing infection and water loss. Consequently, wound healing and skin regeneration are crucial aspects of wound management. A novel hydrogel scaffold was developed by incorporating carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and gelatin (Gel) hydrogels cross-linked with 1-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) containing Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P). This hydrogel is applied topically to treat acute wounds and is covered with a human acellular amniotic membrane (hAAM) as a secondary dressing. 

    Materials and Methods

    The scaffold was subjected to in vitro cell viability, red blood cell hemolysis, blood clotting index, and in vivo assays. Real-time PCR was implemented to verify the expression of genes involved in skin wounds. The physical and chemical properties of the scaffolds were also tested using weight loss, swelling ratio, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and mechanical tensile analysis. 


    The synthetic scaffold is biocompatible as evidenced by the high percentage of 3T3 cell viability (127%) after 72 hr. Additionally, excellent hemocompatibility with a low hemolytic effect (2.26%) was observed. Our in vivo wound healing assay demonstrated that CMC/Gel/S1P/hAAM wound dressing led to faster wound healing in treated rats compared to the control group over 14.Also, the mechanical tests showed that the amniotic membrane and the hAAM had very different Young’s modulus and elongation at break values.


    This study demonstrates the effectiveness of the CMC/Gel/EDC hydrogel with S1P as a wound dressing. Additionally, hAAM exhibits excellent characteristics as a protective layer for the treatment of acute wounds.

    Keywords: Amnion, Gelatin, Hydrogels, Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose, Sphingosine 1-Phosphate, Wound Healing}
  • Hossein Teymouri, Mojgan Mohammadimehr *, Mohammad Ahanjan, Somayeh Sheidaei, Majid Saeedi, Amir Mellati
    Background and Objectives

    The main cause of mortality in burn patients is infection from burns. Drug-resistant bacteria are the main causes of wound infection, so alternative antibiotic therapies hold significant importance. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of a collagen hydrogel that contains a nanoemulsion of Lavandula essential oil on the heal- ing process of infected burn wounds.

    Materials and Methods

    In this experimental study, 20 rats were randomly divided after applying burns with a 10 mm diameter hot plate and infecting the wounds with multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa into four groups, including a positive control, a negative control, the first experiment (collagen hydrogel), and the second experiment (collagen hydrogel containing Lavandula essential oil nanoemulsion). On the 4th, 11th, and 18th days, tissue samples were taken for pathology studies. The important parameters in burn wound healing with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome staining meth- ods were investigated and scored according to Abramov’s method.


    Based on the pathology findings, experimental groups 1 and 2 compared to the negative and positive control groups were effective in rat infection wound healing. The hydrogel scaffold in the experimental groups increased fibroblasts and an- giogenesis compared to the control groups. Epithelization was noticed only in the hydrogel group containing nanoemulsion.


    The study findings suggest that the use of collagen hydrogel with Lavandula essential oil nanoemulsion has potential as a wound dressing. This is because it has the potential to effectively promote healing and act as an antibacterial agent to prevent infections.

    Keywords: Lavandula, Wound Healing, Collagen, Hydrogels, Burns}
  • Hojat Rezazadeh, Nazafarin Samiraninezhad *, Mostafa Rezaee

    Defects and dysfunctions of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc are responsible for the majority of TMJ diseases. Current treatments in this matter are usually short-term and only palliative, thus an alternative treatment that offers long-lasting repair is in great demand. In recent years great attempts have been made to prepare an ideal scaffold which best resembles the native TMJ disc in characteristics such as mechanical, physical and biological properties. This narrative review focuses on developments of the recent ten years in fabrication of scaffolds using decellularized tissues, natural and synthetic biomaterials for regeneration of TMJ disc and compared their properties. PubMed and Google Scholar databases were searched using the following keywords (“TMJ” OR “temporomandibular joint” OR “TMD” OR “temporomandibular disease”) AND (“scaffold” OR “hydrogels”). Randomized controlled trials, randomized clinical trials, case-controls, case reports, and animal studies were included. Comments, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and non-English papers were excluded. The study concluded that hybrid scaffolds have exhibited favorable cell attachment and proliferation. Synthetic scaffolds have shown promise in providing better control over structural properties; however, additional processes are often required to provide biomimetic cell signaling. While there is still much to learn about the ideal scaffold for TMJ disc regeneration, both natural and synthetic scaffolds have shown promise in achieving the functional, structural, biological, and mechanical properties of a native TMJ disc.

    Keywords: Temporomandibular Joint Disc, Regeneration, Tissue Scaffolds, Hydrogels, Decellularized Extracellular Matrix}
  • مریم فیاضی*
    زمینه و هدف

    ظهور فناوری نانو و بکارگیری مواد نانومقیاس امکان بهره گیری از کاربردهای بالقوه و بدیع این فناوری در عرصه های مختلف کشاورزی را فراهم آورده است. لذا هدف از این مطالعه، ساخت کود کندرهش برای عناصر غذایی پرمصرف مانند ازت، فسفر و پتاسیم (NPK) بوسیله هیدروژل های مبتنی بر نانوساختار رسی سپیولایت (Sep) و نشاسته (S) است.

    روش بررسی

    در این مطالعه، از روش بازدارندگی فیزیکی برای کنترل رهایش عناصر غذایی پر مصرف کود استفاده شده است. بدین منظور مقادیر مناسبی از نمک NPK در ساختار هیدروژل های Sep-S قرار گرفت. سپس میزان رهایش عناصر غذایی بوسیله شویش ستونی و اندازه گیری هدایت محلول خارج شده از ستون مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.

    یافته ها

    پروفایل شستشوی کود NPK تنها نشان می دهد که نمک ها به سرعت از انتهای ستون خارج می شوند و هدایت محلول انتهای ستون در شستشوی اول پس از صرف mL 250 آب به حدود µS/cm 12000 می رسد. در مقابل پروفایل شستشوی کود کندرهش حاوی نمک های NPK نشان می دهد که پروفایل رهاسازی کود در 4 مرتبه شستشو با حجم یکسان تقریبا مشابه (محدوده µS/cm 1400 تا µS/cm 2300) است. نتایج نشان می دهد که قرارگیری نمک کودها در داخل هیدروژل های پیشنهادی منجر به رهاسازی آهسته عناصر غذایی پرمصرف می شود.

    نتیجه گیری

    انتشار مواد مغذی از ساختار کود کندرهش مبتنی بر هیدروژل های Sep-S دارای تاخیر بوده که برای جلوگیری از انتشار بیش از حد عناصر غذایی، به حداقل رسیدن اثرات منفی زیست محیطی و مصرف بیش از حد کودهای شیمیایی حیاتی است. همچنین، مواد استفاده شده برای ساخت کود کندرهش دارای هزینه نسبتا پایینی هستند.

    کلید واژگان: هیدروژل, کود کندرهش, سپیولایت, عناصر مغذی خاک, نشاسته}
    Maryam Fayazi*
    Background and Objective

     The emergence of nanotechnology and the use of nanoscale materials has made it possible to take advantage of the potential and novel applications of this technology in various fields of agriculture. Therefore, this research aims to make fertilizer for high-consumption nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) by hydrogels based on the sepiolite (Sep) clay nanostructure and starch (S).

    Materials and Methods

     In this study, the physical inhibition method was used to control the release of high-consumption nutrient elements of fertilizer. For this purpose, appropriate amounts of NPK salt were inserted in the structure of Sep-S hydrogels. Then, the release level of nutrients was investigated by the column elution and measuring the conductivity of the outlet solution of the column.


     The elution profile of the NPK fertilizer shows that the salts quickly leave the end of the column so that the conductivity of the solution at the end of the column in the first washing after consumption of 250 mL of water reaches about 12000 µS/cm. On the other hand, the elution profile of the slow-release fertilizer containing NPK salts shows that the release profile of the fertilizer in 4 times of washing with the same volume is almost similar (range 1400 µS/cm to 2300 µS/cm). Results show that the placement of fertilizer salt inside the proposed hydrogels leads to the slow release of highly consumed nutrients.


     The release of nutrients from the structure of slow-release fertilizer based on Sep-S hydrogels has a delay, which is vital to prevent the excessive release of nutrients, and minimize negative environmental effects and excessive consumption of chemical fertilizers. Also, the materials used to make the slow-release fertilizer have a relatively low cost.

    Keywords: Hydrogels, Slow-release fertilizer, Sepiolite, Soil nutrients, Starch}
  • فاطمه فرجادیان*، فاطمه محسنی، امین رئیسی، راضیه ثابت، سعید دانش آموز

    هیدروژل ها به دلیل خواص منحصربه فرد خود مانند محتوای آب بالا، نرمی، انعطاف پذیری و زیست سازگاری بسیار محبوب شده اند. در همین راستا کاربردهای فراوانی را در پزشکی پیدا کرده اند. از میان ساختارهای مختلف هیدروژلی می توان به هیدروژل های هوشمند اشاره کرد. این ساختارها توانایی پاسخ به محرک های محیطی را دارند. محرک های محیطی می توانند فیزیکی، شامل دما و یا شیمیایی مانند  pH باشند. در این مطالعه کاربرد هیدروژل های هوشمند در زمینه های دارو، ژن و پروتیین رسانی و مهندسی بافت تقسیم بندی شده است. نتایج مطالعه نشان می دهد که انواع مختلفی از هیدروژل های هوشمند شناسایی شده اند که دارای قابلیت های گوناگون می باشند. در حال حاضر، هیدروژل ها برای ساخت عدسی های تماسی، محصولات بهداشتی، داربست های مهندسی بافت، سامانه های دارو رسانی و پانسمان زخم استفاده می شوند و بیش ترین مطالعه در زمینه دارو رسانی هوشمند به ویژه در داروهای ضد سرطان مورد بررسی قرارگرفته است و همچنین در زمینه مهندسی بافت که می توان به نتایج مطلوب تری در آینده نزدیک رسید.

    کلید واژگان: هیدروژل ها, هیدروژل حساس به محرک, دارو رسانی, ژن رسانی, ‍پروتئین رسانی, مهندسی بافت}
    Fatemeh Farjadian*, Fatemeh Mohseni, Amin Raeisi, Razieh Sabet, Saeid Daneshamouz

    Hydrogels have unique properties such as water retainer, softness, flexibility, and biocompatibility that cause their application in biology. Among the various hydrogel structures can be referred to intelligent hydrogels. These structures can respond to environmental stimuli. Environmental stimuli can be physical, including temperature or chemicals, such as pH. In this study, the application of smart hydrogels in the fields of medicine, protein, and gene delivery, as well as tissue engineering has been divided and the results of this study show that different types of smart hydrogels with different capabilities have been identified. The mechanical strength of hydrogels is suitable for physiological function and various purposes such as biomedical applications, tendon and ligament repair, cartilage replacement, and tissue engineering. Currently, hydrogels are used to make contact lenses, health products, tissue engineering scaffolds, drug delivery systems, and wound dressing. Most studies in the field of smart drug delivery have been reported, especially in anticancer drugs, and also tissue engineering that can achieve more desirable results in the near future.

    Keywords: Hydrogels, Stimulant-sensitive hydrogels, Smart drug delivery, Gene delivery, Protein}
  • Bijaya Ghosh*, Satarupa Acharjee, Akash Kr Samanta
    Background and Objectives

    Characterized by insulin insufficiency due to irreversible pancreas defects, type 1 diabetes is traditionally managed by regular insulin supplementation. Recently, tissue regenerative technology coupled with advanced-level surgical intervention has created hope for a cure. Research in this direction started with replacing defective pancreas with healthy ones. However, the strategy met showed limited success. Presently, extensive work is being conducted to replace the damaged β cells with healthy ones and create insulin-producing cells from stem cells. This study reviews various research strategies used to replace or regenerate β cells for curing diabetes.


    The literature survey was done on PubMed and Google Scholar until June 2023. The keywords used were “type 1 diabetes,” “cure,” “techniques,” “islet transplantation,” “encapsulation of β cells,” and “stem cells,” etc. Full-length research and review articles were used as the basis for the preparation of the manuscript. Papers describing the basic features and rationale supporting the development of technologies were included, whereas clinical aspects and case studies were excluded.


    Mainly, three important approaches were discussed. Treatment involves transplantation of whole organ (pancreas), islet, and stem cells derived β progenitor cells. A brief discussion was included for each technique, such as the extraction of β cells and generation of insulin-producing cells from stem cells, along with the essential findings obtained from each approach.


    The review demonstrated various strategies researchers have undertaken to find a cure for type 1 diabetes in terms of insulin independence.

    Keywords: Diabetes mellitus type 1, Islets of Langerhans transplantation, β cell encapsulation, Hydrogels, Stem cells}
  • Farzaneh Ahmadi, Mona Pazhouhi, Mitra Bakhtiari, Fuzieh Khani-Hematabadi, Ali Ghanbari, Mohammadreza Gholami, Cyrus Jalili *

    As the repair capacity of the nervous system is low, stem cell therapy is a trend for replacement therapy. Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) have the potential to differentiate into many tissues, such as neurons. Harmine (7-methoxy-1methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b] indole) is an alkaloidal component of medicinal plants with a long history in traditional medicine. Alginate is a biocompatible hydrogel widely used as a biomaterial base in various scaffolds.


    This study investigated whether harmine and encapsulation of cells in alginate hydrogel could improve DPSCs differentiation into neural cells.


    DPSCs were cultured under standard stem cell culture conditions, then encapsulated in alginate hydrogel, and treated with differentiation medium with and without harmine. After 14 days, cell proliferation and differentiation were assessed by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and flow cytometry.


    Harmine (5 and 10 M) significantly increased the proliferation and viability of DPSCs compared to the control group in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional culture systems (P < 0.05). The expression levels of three neural cell markers (nestin, microtubule-associated protein [MAP-2], and -tubulin III) in DPSCs-derived neural cells cultured in two-dimensional and three-dimensional culture systems were significantly increased in harmine-treated two-dimensionalandthree-dimensional culture systems compared to the control group (P < 0.05).


    Either harmine or alginate hydrogel had an accelerating effect on DPSCs differentiation into neural cells. Harmine also increased the proliferation of the cells.

    Keywords: Alginate, Cell Differentiation, Dental Pulp, Harmine, Hydrogels, Neurons, Stem Cells}
  • Eman Mohamed Sedek, Hebatallah S. Barakat, Walid A. Lotfy, Sybel Mohktar Moussa, Mustafa AbouShelib, Rania M. El Backly

    The objective of the current study was to develop a human treated dentin matrix (hTDM) hydrogel for use as a scaffold to allow the controlled release of an antimicrobial agent for regenerative endodontics.

    Materials and Methods

    Human extracted teeth were treated via chemical demineralization using ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid solution to produce hTDM powder. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was conducted to determine the functional groups of hTDM, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to define the morphology/particle size of hTDM, and energy dispersive X-ray analysis was performed to identify the superficial apatite groups. Prepared hTDM powder was added to the amoxicillin-clavulanate mixture with a mass ratio of 1:1. Then, the combination was dripped into a 5% (w/v) calcium chloride solution. Antibiotic release profiles were evaluated for 14 days via high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Hydrogel degradation properties were studied for 14 days using 10 mL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Encapsulation efficiency was determined by HPLC, while minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of amoxicillin-clavulanate were determined against Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis). The antibacterial activity of amoxicillin-clavulanate against E. faecalis was investigated for 14 days via agar diffusion test. Statistical analysis was performed with the Shapiro-Wilk test (P=0.05).


    hTDM showed statistically a significant difference for percentage weight change (P=0.1). The encapsulation efficiencies for hTDM hydrogel with antibiotic and hydrogel with antibiotic was 96.08%±0.02 and 94.62%±0.11, respectively. MIC and MBC values of amoxicillin-clavulanate against E. faecalis were 2.4 µg/mL and 9.6 µg/mL, respectively. The antibacterial activity of antibiotic loaded hTDM hydrogels was significantly greater than loaded hydrogels alone by 31% after 4 and 100% at 14 days, respectively (P≤0.001).


    This in vitro study showed antibiotic-loaded injectable hTDM hydrogel could be an alternative system to transfer antibiotic-based intracanal medicaments for use in regenerative endodontics.

    Keywords: Demineralized Dentin Matrix, Drug Delivery Systems, Hydrogels, Regenerative Endodontics}
  • Rong Deng, Yuzheng Xie, Unman Chan, Tao Xu, Yue Huang*

    Periodontal tissues are organized in a complex three-dimensional (3D) architecture, including the alveolar bone, cementum, and a highly aligned periodontal ligament (PDL). Regeneration is difficult due to the complex structure of these tissues. Currently, materials are developing rapidly, among which synthetic polymers and hydrogels have extensive applications. Moreover, techniques have made a spurt of progress. By applying guided tissue regeneration (GTR) to hydrogels and cell sheets and using 3D printing, a scaffold with an elaborate biomimetic structure can be constructed to guide the orientation of fibers. The incorporation of cells and biotic factors improves regeneration. Nevertheless, the current studies lack long-term effect tracking, clinical research, and in-depth mechanistic research. In summary, periodontal tissue engineering still has considerable room for development. The development of materials and techniques and an in-depth study of the mechanism will provide an impetus for periodontal regeneration.

    Keywords: Hydrogels, Periodontal regeneration, Three-dimensional printing, Tissue engineering}
  • Leila Yavari Maroufi, Mohsen Rashidi, Mahnaz Tabibiazar, Maryam Mohammadi, Akram Pezeshki, Marjan Ghorbani*

    Enzymes are one of the main biocatalysts with various applications in the food industry. Stabilization of enzymes on insoluble carriers is important due to the low reuse, low operational stability, and high cost in applications. The immobility and the type of carrier affect the activity of the immobile enzyme. Hydrogels are three-dimensionally cross-linked macromolecular network structures designed from various polymers. Hydrogels can provide a matrix for an immobile enzyme due to their extraordinary properties such as high water absorbing capacity, carrier of bioactive substances and enzymes, biocompatibility, safety, and biodegradability. Therefore, this study mainly focuses on some enzymes (Lactase, Lipases, Amylases, Pectinase, Protease, Glucose oxidase) that are of special importance in the food industry. These enzymes could be immobilized in the hydrogels constructed of macromolecules such as kappa-carrageenan, chitosan, arabic gum, pectin, alginate, and cellulose. At last, in the preparation of these hydrogels, different enzyme immobilization methods in macromolecular hydrogels, and effect of hydrogels on enzyme activity were discussed.

    Keywords: Hydrogels, Enzyme immobilization, Food industry}
  • Shabnam Aghayan*, Ghazaleh Azari, Ehsan Seyedjafari

    Inflammatory bone resorption in periodontitis can lead to tooth loss. Systemic administration of bisphosphonates such as risedronate for preventing bone resorption can cause adverse effects. Alginate hydrogel (ALG) and poly (lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles have been studied as drug delivery systems for sustained release of drugs. Therefore, the release pattern of risedronate from PLGA microparticles embedded with ALG was studied as a drug delivery system for sustained release of the drug, which can be used in local administrations.


    Risedronate-containing PLGA microparticles were fabricated using double emulsion solvent evaporation technique. Ionic cross-linking method was used to fabricate risedronate-loaded ALG. Risedronate-containing PLGA microparticles were then coated with ALG. The calibration curve of risedronate was traced to measure encapsulation efficiency (EE) and study the release pattern. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging was carried out, and cell toxicity was examined using MTT assay. Statistical analysis of data was carried out using SPSS ver. 20 software, via one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s tests.  


    SEM imaging showed open porosities on ALGs. The mean EE of PLGA microparticles for risedronate was 57.14 ± 3.70%. Risedronate released completely after 72 h from ALG, and the cumulative release was significantly higher (p = 0.000) compared to PLGA microspheres coated with ALG, which demonstrated sustained released of risedronate until day 28. Risedronate-loaded ALG showed a significant decrease in gingival fibroblasts cell viability (p < 0.05).


    Alginate-coated PLGA microspheres could release risedronate in a sustained and controlled way and also did not show cell toxicity. Therefore, they seem to be an appropriate system for risedronate delivery in local applications

    Keywords: Alginates, Hydrogels, Polylactic acid-polyglycolic acid copolymer, Risedronic acid}
  • محبوبه رضازاده*، محسن میناییان، سپیده دانشفر، مصطفی قنادیان

     موکوزیت دهانی، التهاب و زخم دردناک غشاهای مخاطی پوشاننده‌ی دهان می‌باشد و به طور معمول، به عنوان یک اثر جانبی جدی ناشی از شیمی درمانی و پرتودرمانی، شناخته می‌شود. هدف از اجرای این مطالعه، تهیه و ارزیابی یک ژل دهانی حاوی گلیسیریزین به منظور درمان و پیش‌گیری موکوزیت دهانی می‌باشد.


    هیدروژل حاوی 2/0 درصد گلسیریزین و مقادیر به ترتیب 1، 3 و 1 درصد هیدروکسی اتیل سلولز، پلی‌وینیل پیریلیدون و هیالورونیک اسید در آب دیونیزه تهیه شدند. درصدهای مختلف ماده‌ی محافظ نیز به فرمولاسیون اضافه شد. بررسی خصوصیات فیزیکوشیمیایی از قبیل ویسکوزیته، pH، مطالعات آزادسازی، روش‌های پایداری و کارایی ماده‌ی محافظ بر روی فراورده انجام شد. اثربخشی فراورده بر روی موش صحرایی نژاد Wistar مبتلا به موکوزیت دهانی ناشی از شیمی درمانی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.


    فرمولاسیون تهیه شده بدون ذرات قابل لمس و بسیار شفاف بود و از قوام مناسبی نیز برخوردار بود. ویسکوزیته و pH فرمولاسیون به ترتیب 1500 سانتی‌پویز و 2/0 ± 5/6 محاسبه گردید. محتوای گلیسیریزین موجود در فرمولاسیون در مدت سه ساعت آزاد شد. عوامل بررسی شده شامل pH، ویسکوزیته و شکل ظاهری در مطالعات پایداری بدون تغییر معنی‌داری باقی ماند و مطالعات میکروبی نیز کارایی مواد محافظ را تایید کرد. بعد از هفت روز تزریق داخل صفاقی فلورواوراسیل، موکوزیت دهانی در Ratها القا شد. در Ratهای دریافت کننده‌ی فرمولاسیون، شدت موکوزیت در مقایسه با گروه شاهد به طور معنی‌داری کاهش یافت.


     فرمولاسیون طراحی شده در این مطالعه، به خوبی توانست شدت موکوزیت را در Ratهای آزمایشگاهی کاهش دهد و اثرات آن قابل مقایسه با نمونه‌ی خارجی ژل کلر بود. بنابراین، فرمولاسیون تهیه شده می‌تواند در درمان موکوزیت دهانی و سایر زخم‌های جلدی و دهانی مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: سرطان, گلیسیریزین, موکوزیت دهانی, هیدروژل, هیالورونیک اسید}
    Mahboubeh Rezazadeh*, Mohsen Minayian, Sepideh Daneshfar, Mostafa Ghanadian

    Oral mucositis, inflammation, and painful wound of oral mucosal membranes is commonly known as a serious side effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The aim of this study was to prepare and evaluate physicochemical hydrogel containing glycyrrhizin, hyaluronic acid, and polyvinylpyrrolidone for treatment and prevention of oral mucositis.


    The hydrogel containing glycyrrhizin 0.2% w/v was prepared by adding 1, 3, and 1 percent hydroxyethyl cellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and hyaluronic acid in deionized water. Different percentages of preservatives were also added to the formulation. Physicochemical characteristics such as viscosity, pH, stability, and antimicrobial effectiveness were evaluated in details. Finally, the efficacy of the formulation was evaluated in Wistar rats with chemotherapy-induced mucositis.


    Macroscopically, the formulation was found to be without particles, it was touchable and transparent, and also had good consistency and uniformity in terms of physical appearance. The viscosity and pH was obtained 6.5 ± 0.2 and 1500 cp, respectively. Glycyrrhizin was completely released during 3 hours. The viscosity, pH, and physical appearance did not significantly change during stability studies. Oral mucositis was induced in rats after seven days intraperitoneal injection of fluorouracil. In the group received the formulation, the severity of mucositis significantly reduced more compared to control group.


    The current formulation successfully reduced the severity of oral mucositis in rats, and its efficacy was comparable with commercial formulation (Gelclair® ). Therefore, the developed formulation has the potential to be used in the treatment of oral mucositis and other oral or subcutaneous wounds.

    Keywords: Neoplasms, Glycyrrhizic acid, Stomatitis, Hydrogels, Hyaluronic acid}
  • Mansooreh Sadat Seyedkarimi*, Hamid Mirzadeh, Aliasghar Mohammadi, Shadab Bagheri Khoulenjani

    Self-assembling peptides (SApeptides) have growing applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The application of SApeptide-based hydrogels depends strongly on their viscoelastic properties. Optimizing the properties is of importance in tuning the characteristics of the hydrogels for a variety of applications.


    In this study, we employed statistical modeling, conducted with the response surface methodology (RSM) and particle tracking microrheology, to investigate the effects of self-assembling SPG-178 peptide and added NaCl salt concentrations and milieu type (deionized water or blood serum) on the viscoelastic properties of SPG-178 hydrogels. A central composite RSM model was employed for finding the optimum value of the parameters to achieve the highest storage modulus and the lowest tan δ.


    Viscoelastic properties of each sample, including storage modulus, loss modulus, and tan δ, were determined. Storage modulus and tan δ were modeled, accounting for the impact of the SPG-178 peptide and NaCl concentrations and milieu type on the viscoelastic properties. It was found that the SPG-178 hydrogel storage modulus was positively influenced by the SPG-178 peptide concentration and the serum.


    A combination of microrheology and RSM is a useful test method for statistical modeling and analysis of rheological behavior of solid-like gels, which could be applied in various biomedical applications such as hemostasis.

    Keywords: Hydrogels, Regenerative medicine, Rheology, Tissue engineering, SPG-178}
  • Parisa Ghasemiyeh, Soliman Mohammadi-Samani *

    Hydrogels are cross-linked polymers with hydrophilic groups which enable them to absorb large amounts of water. Hydrogel based delivery systems have been used for delivery of different types of active pharmaceuticals. Although hydrogels have numerous capability and advantages in drug delivery including biocompatibility, low toxicity and good swelling behavior but depending on chemical moieties of the gel forming polymers and route of administration some limitations would appear in delivery of active pharmaceutical using hydrogel as delivery vehicle. Development of successful hydrogel based delivery system is possible upon knowledge about the hydrogels forming polymers physiochemical properties and understanding the influencing factors which control the swelling behaviors, hydrophilicity, biodegradability, biocompatibility and targetability of the selected polymer. In this review at first classification of the hydrogel with different approaches including chemical moieties, crosslinking agent behaviors and release controller mechanism was performed and limitations arise from each category was described and finally different approaches to overcome each of this limitation was proposed.

    Keywords: Hydrogels, Polymers, Drug delivery, Pros, Cons}
  • شیما توکل، هادی علیقلی، آرزو اسحق آبادی، سید مصطفی مدرس موسوی، جعفر آی، سید مهدی رضایت*
    صدمه نخاعی یک وضعیت ناتوان کننده خطرناک است که می تواند منجر به فلج شدن گردد. به علت اثرات سودمند هیدروژل در مقایسه با داربست های از پیش ساخته شده، در این مطالعه یک زیست ماده بر پایه هیدروژل به نام ماتریژل به کار برده شد. ماتریژل یک زیست ماده حساس به حرارت است که در دمای بالای 20 درجه سانتی گراد تشکیل هیدروژل و نانوفیبر می دهد. ماتریژل حاوی لامینین، نیدوژن و برخی از فاکتورهای رشد است که تمایز نورونی را القاء می کند.
    مواد و روش‏ها: یک کوفتگی متوسط در طناب نخاعی در موش صحرایی بالغ ایجاد شد و ده روز پس از ضایعه، ماتریژل در محل ضایعه کاشته شد. سپس به مدت 42 روز تست Basso، Beattie، Bresnahan انجام شد. رنگ آمیزی کریزل ویوله جهت آنالیز هیستوپاتولوژی انجام شد.
    یافته ها
    داده ها بر کاهش التهاب و تعداد سلول های تیره در گروه ماتریژل در مقایسه با گروه کنترل دلالت می کند. نتایج آزمون حرکتی نشان داد که عملکرد حرکتی به طور چشمگیری در گروه حاوی ماتریژل بهبود یافته است.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج ما پیشنهاد می‏کند که ماتریژل به واسطه برخی از فاکتورهای رشد و مولکول های چسبنده، ممکن است اثرات مناسبی در بهبود عملکردی متعاقب ضایعه نخاعی داشته باشد.
    کلید واژگان: ضایعات طناب نخاعی, هیدروژل, لامینین, داربست بافت}
    Shima Tavakol, Hadi Aligholi, Arezou Eshaghabadi, Mostafa Modarres Mousavi, Jafar Ai, Mehdi Rezayat*
    Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a serious disabling condition associated with paralysis. Owing to suitable effects of hydrogels compared to preformed scaffolds, in this study a hydrogel based biomaterial, Matrigel, was applied. Matrigel is a termogel that forms nanofibers and hydrogel above 20°C. It contains laminin, nidogen and some growth factors that induce neural differentiation.
    Materials And Methods
    A moderate spinal cord contusion was performed in adult rats and 10 days after injury, matrigel was implanted. Then, they follow up via Basso, Beattie, Bresnahan test for 42 days. Cresyl violet staining was performed as a histopatological analysis.
    Our data indicated less inflammation and dark cells in Matrigel group compared to control group. Locomotor test showed significant improvement of motor recovery in Matrigel group.
    Our results suggest that Matrigel via some growth factors and adhesive molecules may have beneficial effects on functional recovery in SCI.
    Keywords: Spinal Cord Injuries, Hydrogels, Laminin, Tissue Scaffolds}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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