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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « invasive ductal carcinoma » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Leila Sabour Takanlou, Gulsah Cecener, Maryam Sabour Takanlou, Hulya Ozturk Nazlioglu, Havva Tezcan Unlu, Ozgen Isik, Unal Egeli, Berrin Tunca, Erdem Cubukcu, Sahsine Tolunay, Mustafa Sehsuvar Gokgoz

    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease and differences in the expression levels of the ER, PR, and HER2 the triplet of established biomarkers used for clinical decision-making have been reported among breast cancer patients. Furthermore, resistance to anti-estrogen and anti-HER2 therapies emerges in a considerable rate of breast cancer patients, and novel drug therapies are required. Several anomalous signaling pathways have been known in breast cancer have been known; heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) is one of the most plenty proteins in breast cells. The family of ubiquitin ligases such as SIAH1 and SIAH2 is known to specifically target misfolded proteins to the proteasome; also, they have been illustrated to play a role in RAS signaling and as an essential downstream signaling component required for EGFR/HER2 in breast cancer.


    The expression of SIAH2, HSP90, and HER2 was assessed by quantitative Real-Time PCR in 85 invasive ductal carcinoma breast tumor samples at Uludag University Hospital in Turkey during the years 2018–2019, and its association with the clinicopathologic variables of patients was evaluated.


    HSP90, SIAH1, and SIAH2 were significantly (P=0.0271, P=0.022, and P=0.0311) upregulated tumor tissue of patients with breast cancer. Moreover, this study observed a significant association between the high expression of SIAH2/ HSP90 with ER status, high expression of HSP90 with Recurrence/ Metastasis, and high expression of SIAH2 with Ki-67 proliferation index.


    The HSP90 and SIAH2 expressions play a significant role in breast cancer development by combining the experimental and clinical data obtained from the literature.

    Keywords: Breast cancer, Invasive ductal carcinoma, Ubiquitin-protein ligases}
  • مهسا اکبری عریانی*، زهرا نیک فرجام

    بروز تومور فیلودس بدخیم همزمان با کارسینوم داکتال مهاجم در یک توده پستانی یک تشخیص بسیار نادر می باشد. در این مطالعه یک مورد بروز همزمان کارسینوم داکتال مهاجم و تومور فیلودس بدخیم در یک توده پستانی گزارش می شود.

    معرفی بیمار

    بیمار خانمی 39 ساله بود که به علت لمس یک توده در سمت چپ پستان مراجعه کرده بود. در سونوگرافی درخواست شده، تصویر توده هیپواکو هتروژن با مارژین نامنظم با ابعاد 24×17×30 میلی متر رویت شد. بیمار در نهایت کاندید جراحی حذف کامل پستان و غدد لنفاوی زیر بغل شد. در این بیمار در بررسی میکروسکوپی، علاوه بر جزء کارسینوم داکتال مهاجم در تومور، جزء فیلودس بدخیم به طور همزمان در تومور تشخیص داده شد که از طریق بررسی ایمنوهیستوشیمی نیز تایید گردید. در بررسی ایمنوهیستوشیمی، مارکرهای ER، PR و HER2 در جزء کارسینومی منفی بودند. همچنین در جزء استرومال فیلودس، مارکر CK منفی و KI67 بالا و در حد 35% بود. در بررسی غدد  لنفاوی زیربغل، درگیری 1 لنف نود از 7 لنف نود توسط جزء کارسینومی وجود داشت. جهت بیمار شیمی درمانی ادجوانت شامل 4 دوره داروی دوکسوروبیسین و سیکلوسفامید هر 2 هفته و سپس 4 دوره داروی پکلی تاکسول هر 2 هفته و سپس رادیوتراپی ادجوانت انجام و بعد از پیگیری به مدت 20 ماه، بیمار زنده و بدون شواهد بازگشت بیماری بود.

    نتیجه گیری

    با وجود اینکه بروز همزمان فیلودس بدخیم و کارسینوم داکتال پستان بسیار نادر می باشد، اما در صورت نمای میکروسکوپیک غیرعادی در کارسینومای پستان با توجه به اهمیت از نظر تشخیص و درمان، باید حضور همزمان سایر نیوپلاسم های پستان همچون تومور فیلودس را مدنظر قرار داد.

    کلید واژگان: تومور فیلودس, سرطان پستان, کارسینوم داکتال مهاجم}
    Mahsa Akbari Oryani *, Zahra Nikfarjam

    Coexistence of malignant phyllodes tumor and invasive ductal carcinoma in a breast lesion is a very rare medical condition. In this study, a case of coexistence of invasive ductal carcinoma and malignant phyllodes tumor in a single breast mass was reported.

    Case presentation

    The patient was a 39-year-old woman with a mass in left breast. On the requested ultrasound, the image of a heterogeneous hypovaco mass with an irregular margin with size of 30 × 17 × 24 mm was seen. The patient was candidate for complete removal of the breast and axillary lymph nodes. In the histologic evaluation, an invasive ductal carcinoma with malignant phyllodes component was diagnosed which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. In immunohistochemical study, ER, PR, HER2 were negative in carcinomatous component and CK was negative in phyllodes stromal component, also KI67 index was 35%. In the evaluation of axillary lymph nodes, one out of 7 lymph nodes involved by invasive ductal carcinoma. The patient was referred for adjuvant chemotherapy using four cycles of doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide every two weeks, and four cycles of paclitaxel every two weeks and then adjuvant radiotherapy. In 20 month follow-up, she was alive with no evidence of disease recurrence.


    Although coexistence of malignant phyllodes and invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast is very rare, but in breast carcinoma with abnormal microscopic findings, due to the diagnostic and therapeutic importance, the concurrent presence of other breast neoplasms such as phyllodes tumor should be considered.

    Keywords: Breast Cancer, invasive ductal carcinoma, Phyllodes Tumor}
  • Masoume Gity, Maryam Jafari*, Asiie Olfatbakhsh, kiara Rezaei Kalantari, Esmatsadat Hashemi, Fatemeh Sari

    To evaluate ultrasound (US) characteristics and BI-RADS (Breast imaging-reporting and data system) of malignant breast masses in women <40 years and to compare with older patients.


    In a retrospective, descriptive-analytical study, we assessed the US images and BI-RADS category of 78 malignant masses with a final pathology of invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC, NOS type).


    Overall, the most frequent US descriptors of IDC were indistinct margin (45%), irregular shaped (63.5%), posterior shadowing (38.8%), heterogeneous internal echogenicity (56.3%) and non-parallel orientation (76.3%). In this study, most malignant masses of young patients were categorized as BI-RADS 4a while in the older patients (over 40), they were mostly BI-RADS 4b and 5 with P=0.03 and odds ratio (OR) of 2.57 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.74–8.8). In addition, the mean dimension of the mass in young cases was greater (18.3 mm) compared with older patients (13.2 mm) with P value of 0.04 and OR of 3.8 (95% CI, 1.1–13.4).


    Similar to previous studies, malignant masses were diagnosed in greater dimensions in younger cases which may be due to the delay in diagnosis, the rapid growth of the tumor and the absence of routine screening guidelines. Radiologists should be aware of the possibility of malignancy in palpable slightly suspicious masses (BI-RADS 4A) in young cases.

    Keywords: BI-RADS (Breast imaging-reporting, data system), Breast cancer, Invasive ductal carcinoma, Ultrasonography, Youngwomen}
  • Sedigheh Tahmasebi, Mohammad Yasin Karami *, Majid Akrami, Vahid Zangouri, Azam Asgari, Sara Hosseini, Azin Sohrabi, Abdolrasoul Talei, Nazanin Karimaghaei
    Mucinous breast carcinoma (MBC) is a subtype of breast cancer categorized by the presence of extracellular mucin and has more favorable prognosis than invasive carcinoma of no special type of breast cancer. The present study incorporates 27 years of practical experience from a breast disease research center-based series of cases regarding MBC and invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC).
    In this retrospective study, we studied the medical documents of 7,739 patients in the Breast Disease Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, from December 1993 to January 2019. TNM data, demographic status, pathologic stage, histological grade, hormonal receptor data, recurrence, overall survival (OS), and disease-free survival (DFS) were reviewed. We also statistically evaluated the clinical and histopathological differences of pure, mixed MBC, and IDC using SPSS, version 21.0 (IBM, USA). P<0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
    A total of 78 and 31 patients were observed to have pure and mixed MBC, respectively, and 5,774 breast cancer patients had IDC. The pure MBC group showed a lower histological grade and pathologic stage and a larger tumor size compared with mixed MBC (P<0.001). The pure MBC patients had significantly less perinural and lymphovascular invasion and had less HER-2 positive status in comparison with IDC patients (P=0.023). The DFS and OS did not differ the between groups.
    MBC is a rare diagnosis with a favorable prognosis due to low lymph node metastases.
    Keywords: Mucinous, Breast, cancer, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma}
  • Mohammad Abdolahi, Mohammad Salehi, Iman Shokatian, Reza Reiazi*

    Breast cancer is one of the most causes of death in women. Early diagnosis and detection of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) is an important key for the treatment of IDC. Computer-aided approaches have great potential to improve diagnosis accuracy. In this paper, we proposed a deep learning-based method for the automatic classification of IDC in whole slide images (WSI) of breast cancer. Furthermore, different types of deep neural networks training such as training from scratch and transfer learning to classify IDC were evaluated.


    In total, 277524 image patches with 50×50-pixel size form original images were used for model training. In the first method, we train a simple convolutional neural network (named it baseline model) on these images. In the second approach, we used the pre-trained VGG-16 CNN model via feature extraction and fine-tuning for the classification of breast pathology images.


    Our baseline model achieved a better result for the automatic classification of IDC in terms of F-measure and accuracy (83%, 85%) in comparison with original paper on this data set and achieved a comparable result with a new study that introduced accepted- rejected pooling layer. Also, transfer learning via feature extraction yielded better results (81%, 81%) in comparison with handcrafted features. Furthermore, transfer learning via feature extraction yielded better classification results in comparison with the baseline model.


    The experimental results demonstrate that using deep learning approaches yielded better results in comparison with handcrafted features. Also, using transfer learning in histopathology image analysis yielded significant results in comparison with training from scratch in much less time.

    Keywords: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Breast cancer, Artificial intelligence, Convolutional neural networks, Deep learning, Digital pathology}
  • Ismet Sarikaya *, Ali Sarikaya, Ahmed Albatineh, Ebru Tastekin, Yavuz Sezer
    Studies have reported that invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) with coexisting ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) show lower metastatic potential and recurrence and better overall survival than pure IDC. In this study, we assessed F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) imagesof patients with newly diagnosed IDC to determine if there is any difference in PET findings in IDC-DCIS and pure IDC cases.
    FDG PET/CT images of patients with newly diagnosed IDC of the breast who subsequently   underwent breast surgery and had histopathology result in our records were further evaluated. Tumor grade, pathological staging, and presence of DCIS were noted from the histopathology results. Standardized uptake value (SUV) of the primary tumor (SUVmax and SULmax), other hypermetabolic foci in the breast, and   ipsilateral normal breast were measured. Presence of axillary and distant metastases was noted.  
    Fifty seven (57) patients with IDC were included. Coexisting DCIS was present in 44 (IDC-DCIS) and not present in 13 (pure IDC) cases.  Per histopathology, the primary tumor was unifocal in 33 IDC-DCIS (75%) and 12 pure IDC (92.3%) cases, and multifocal in 11 IDC-DCIS cases (25%), and 1 pure IDC case (7.7%). FDG uptake was multifocal in 20 IDC-DCIS cases (45.5%) and 1 pure IDC case (7.7%), and unifocal in 24 IDC-DCIS (54.5%), and 12 pure IDC (92.3%) cases. There was no significant difference in patient age, size of the primary tumor, SUVmax and SULmax of the primary tumor and SUVmax of the normal breast in IDC-DCIS and pure IDC cases (p>0.05). Pathology showed axillary metastasis in all 13 pure IDC (100%), and 27 IDC-DCIS (61.4%) cases. PET showed axillary uptake in 25 IDC-DCIS (56.8%), and 8 pure IDC (61.5%) cases, and abnormal/questionable distant uptake in 12 IDC-DCIS cases and 1 pure IDC case.
    In our preliminary findings,multifocal breast FDG uptake and multifocal tumor appear to be more common inIDC-DCIS than pure IDC. There is no significant difference in SUV and size of the primary tumor in IDC-DCIS and pure IDC cases. Axillary metastases appear to be more common in pure IDC than IDC-DCIS cases.
    Keywords: FDG PET, Breast carcinoma, invasive ductal carcinoma, coexisting DCIS}
  • Sant Prakash Kataria, Namita Bhutani*, Gajender Singh, Sanjay Kumar, Rajeev Sen, Sandeep Yadav

    Most common sites of metastasis from breast cancer are the lungs, bones, liver, and brain. Although metastasis to the uterus from breast cancer is uncommon, there have been some case reports on uterine metastasis. Among them, myometrium is involved more frequently comparing to endometrium. The majority of breast cancer metastases to endometrium are lobular type, and there have been only 7 reported cases of ductal type since 1984. In this study, a new case of invasive ductal carcinoma with metastases to endometrium and isolated presentation of abnormal uterine bleeding is described. If an endometrial abnormality is detected, the differential diagnosis of whether the uterine tumor is metastatic or primary is very important to determine the course of treatment. Atypical bleeding in patients with known breast carcinoma should prompt screening for endometrial metastasis by a gynecologist. Metastasis to the uterus carries a grim prognosis. We herein report a case in which we detected a uterine tumor during followup after treatment with tamoxifen, and demonstrate that GCDFP-15 is useful in diagnosing metastatic uterine tumors arising from breast cancer.

    Keywords: Breast carcinoma, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Menorrhagia, Tamoxifen, Uterine metastases}
  • ریحانه روانبخش گاوگانی، اسماعیل بابایی *، محمدعلی حسین پور فیضی، اشرف فخرجو، وحید منتظری

    علی رغم پیشرفت های اخیر در زمینه تشخیص و درمان، سرطان پستان همچنان دومین عامل مرگ مرتبط با سرطان در میان زنان جهان است. گزارش های اخیر، گروه جدیدی از مولکول های غیرکدکننده به نام RNAهای غیرکدکننده طویل را شناسایی کرده اند که نقش مهمی را در فرآیندهای بیولوژیکی متعدد درگیر در سرطان ایفا می کنند. هدف از این مطالعه، ارزیابی بیان RNA غیرکدکننده طویل HULC در سرطان پستان بود.

    مواد و روش ها:

    در مطالعه تجربی حاضر، پس از جمع آوری 40 نمونه بافت توموری کارسینومای تهاجمی مجاری پستان و 40 بافت سالم حاشیه تومور، استخراج RNA و سنتز cDNA صورت گرفت. با استفاده از PCR کمی، سطح بیان HULC در نمونه ها به دست آمد. از نرم افزار REST 2009 به منظور برررسی ارتباط بیان آن در بافت های توموری و بافت های سالم، استفاده شد. توان بیومارکری HULC نیز با رسم منحنی ROC ارزیابی شد. ارتباط بیان HULC با ویژگی های کلینیکوپاتولوژیکی نیز مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.

    یافته ها:

    نتایج حاصل از نرم افزار REST افزایش معنی دار بیان HULC را در بافت های توموری نسبت به حاشیه سالم آنها نشان داد (0/0001=p؛ CI 95%). آنالیز منحنی ROC نیز توان بیومارکری HULC را در سرطان پستان ثابت کرد (0/0001>p؛ 0/79=ROCAUC). نتایج بررسی بیان HULC با ویژگی های کلینیکوپاتولوژیکی نشان داد که بین بیان HULC با مراحل پیشرفته تومور رابطه مثبت معنی داری وجود دارد (0/019=p؛ CI 95%).

    نتیجه گیری:

    با توجه به افزایش بیان HULC در کارسینومای تهاجمی مجاری پستان، بیان این RNA غیرکدکننده طویل می تواند به عنوان یک بیومارکر تشخیصی بالقوه جدید در سرطان پستان مطرح شود.

    کلید واژگان: کارسینومای تهاجمی مجاری, RNA غیرکد کننده طویل, HULC, بیومارکرها}
    R. Ravanbakhsh Gavgani, E. Babaei *, M.A. Hosseinpourfeizi, A. Fakhrjou, V. Montazeri

     Despite recent advances in diagnosis and treatment, breast cancer still remains the second leading cause of cancer- related death in women. Recent reports have detected a new class of non-coding molecules named long non-coding RNAs that play an important role in various biological processes involved in cancer. This study aimed to evaluate the expression level of long non-coding RNA HULC in breast cancer.

    Materials & Methods

     In this experimental study, after collecting 40 breast tumors with invasive ductal carcinoma and 40 normal marginal tissues, RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis were done. The expression level of HULC was obtained by using the qRT-PCR method. REST 2009 software was employed to evaluate the association of its expression in tumor and normal tissues. Biomarker potential of HULC was evaluated by drawing ROC curve. Relationship between HULC expression and clinicopathological features was analyzed.


     Results from REST indicated significant upregulation of HULC in tumor tissues compared to normal marginal specimens (95% CI; p=0.0001). ROC curve analysis also demonstrated the biomarker potential of HULC in breast cancer (ROCAUC=0.79; p<0.0001). Evaluation of the relationship between HULC expression and clinicopathological features revealed that there is a statistically significant positive correlation of HULC expression with advanced stages (95% CI; P=0.019).


     Considering the upregulation of HULC expression in invasive ductal carcinoma, this lncRNA could be considered as a new potential diagnostic biomarker in breast cancer.

    Keywords: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Long Non-Coding RNA, HULC, Biomarkers}
  • Zeinab Falakian, Tina Shahani, Razieh Rezaie, Saeideh Mazloomzadeh, Feridoon Sirati, Ahmad Jalilvand, Farzaneh Jahangiri, Parisa Bahmani, Farzaneh Jadali, Shahrokh Atarian, Reza Eghdam, Zamir, Alireza Biglari *
    Reduction in the level of tissue decorin is a hallmark of many types of cancer including breast carcinoma. However, reduced decorin expression has also been reported in several types of benign tumors to the extent that it has been proposed as a tissue marker to differentiate malignant from benign tumors. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential role of plasma decorin to distinguish breast cancer from fibroadenoma, the second most common type of benign tumor, after fibrocystic disease.
    From 35 patients recruited in this study, 24 were affected with invasive ductal carcinoma, either grade II (n = 14) or grade III (n = 10). The other 11 patients had fibroadenoma lesions in their breasts. Tissue decorin mRNA and protein levels were assessed with real-time qPCR and Immunohistochemical analysis. ELISA was employed to measure plasma levels of decorin.
    The mean plasma decorin in cancer patients was measured to be 5.42 ± 1.83 ng/mL while fibroadenoma patients had an average of 4.22 ± 1.17 ng/mL decorin in their plasma. The difference was not significant. However, the mean expression level of decorin mRNA calculated by the 2-ΔΔCt method was 5.6-fold lower in the biopsied tissue specimens of IDC patients versus fibroadenoma, as expected. Consistent reduction in protein abundance was observed in the studied tissue sections.
    We have shown that tissue decorin is a reliable marker, unaffected by patient disease stage, to differentiate IDC from fibroadenoma. However, plasma decorin does not seem to have diagnostic value in this regard.
    Keywords: Breast cancer, ELISA, Fibroadenoma, Invasive ductal carcinoma, Plasma decorin}
  • Anahita Nosrati, Zhila Torabizadeh, Mahboobeh Majlesi
    Breast cancer is the most frequent malignancy among women worldwide including Iranian women. The different markers have already been investigated for predicting invasion and metastases which one of the most tempting ones is Chemokines. In fact, one of the well-known mediators in the breast cancer metastases is stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) CXCR4 chemokine. The CXCR4 chemokine receptor is a G-protein-coupled receptor that selectively binds to SFD-1 (also known as CXCL12). It is obvious that this chemokine receptor plays a critical role in some biologic processes. Nevertheless, there is not enough study to confirm the CXCR4 clinical importance and also its exact prognostic worth in the breast cancer. We carried out this diagnostic study. Immunohistochemically on 70 paraffin blocks of invasive ductal breast carcinoma and adjacent normal tissue simultaneously to assess the expression of CXCR4. The correlation between the presence and intensity of expression of this marker with various clinicopathological factors including age, tumor size, lymph node involvement, stage, and grade are evaluated in all patients. Among the 70 cases, 64 cancer specimens (91.4%) showed CXCR4 expression. It is found out that there is a significant difference between the expression of CXCR4 and the histological grade and lymph node metastasis (P
    Keywords: Breast, Invasive ductal carcinoma, CXCR4, Clinicopathologic characteristics, Immunohistochemistry}
  • Bentolhoda Shooshtarian, Javad Mohammadi-Asl *, Lila Kohan
    Breast cancer (BC) is an illness affecting millions of women across the world. The transition from ductal carcinoma in situ to invasive ductal breast cancer is a crucial event in the progress that is still not well understood. microRNAs (miRNAs) have recently been documented to play an important role in cancer development. miRNAs have been discovered to control this critical transition. The miR-155 plays an essential role in the pathogenesis of breast cancer. miR-155 has been implicated in developing breast cancer.
    This study aimed to investigate the expression of miR-155 in the serum of patients with breast cancer, according to clinical characteristics (DCIS and IDC) of breast cancer.
    60 patients referring to hospitals in Ahvaz during 2012 and 2015 were divided into 2 groups according to clinical characteristics (DCIS and IDC). miRNA was extracted, and complementary DNA (cDNA) was synthesized in line with the guidelines of the Kit manufacturer . A real-time PCR method was performed as the expression assay.
    The mean expression level of miR-155 in DCIS group was 6.45 ± 0.545. In addition, the mean expression level of miR-155 in serum of DCI group was 40.42 ± 0.742; the difference was statistically significant (P
    Based on the results of this study, the serum level of miR-155 evidenced a statistically significant difference in invasive breast cancer (IDC) patients. The study results showed that checking the serum level of miR-155 expression in patients with invasive breast cancer (IDC) might be helpful.
    Keywords: miR, 155, Breast Cancer, MicroRNA, Ductal Carcinoma in situ, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma}
  • Soo Young Chae, Ok Hee Woo *, Hye Seon Shin, Chung Yeul Kim
    Primary breast sarcoma is a rare disease of the breast that comprises a heterogeneous group of malignant mesenchymal neoplasms, including angiosarcoma, liposarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, sarcomas with bone and cartilage, and malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Yet the exact incidence of primary breast sarcoma has not been reported, but it approximately accounts for less than 1% of all breast cancers. Herein, we report the MRI findings of fibrosarcoma mimicking invasive ductal carcinoma in a 79-year-old female patient with a previous history of interstitial injection mammoplasty..
    Keywords: Breast, Fibrosarcoma, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma}
  • مژگان مختاری، فائقه سادات ناجی، محمد امین نجفی، منا بحرینی
    کارسینوم پستان، یکی از شایع ترین سرطان ها در میان زنان به شمار می رود که در میان انواع آن، کارسینوم داکتال مهاجم پستان، شایع ترین نوع کارسینوم پستان می باشد. ویروس Epstein–Barr، مظنون اصلی در ارتباط با اتیولوژی ویروسی این سرطان است. هدف از انجام این مطالعه، بررسی بیان آنتی ژن هسته ای ویروس Epstein–Barr (EBNA-1 یا Epstein–Barr nuclear antigen-1) در کارسینوم داکتال مهاجم پستان بود.
    روش ها
    در این مطالعه، 40 زن ایرانی مبتلا به کارسینوم داکتال مهاجم پستان وارد مطالعه شدند. بیان آنتی ژن هسته ای ویروس Epstein–Barr در تومور به روش Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ارزیابی شد. خصوصیات بیماران و ویژگی های تومور از جمله اندازه، درجه و درگیری غدد لنفاوی آگزیلاری، جمع آوری و بین بیماران با و بدون بیان آنتی ژن هسته ای ویروس مقایسه شدند.
    یافته ها
    متوسط سن بیماران 7/48 سال بود. آنتی ژن Epstein–Barr در 11 بیمار (5/27 درصد) مثبت و در 29 بیمار منفی بود. متوسط اندازه ی تومور 43/4 سانتی متر بود. در 22 بیمار، درگیری غدد لنفاوی آگزیلاری وجود داشت. 5 بیمار تومور درجه ی 1، 19 بیمار تومور در درجه ی 2 و 16 بیمار، تومور درجه ی 3 داشتند. تومور در بیماران EBNA مثبت در مقایسه با بیماران EBNA منفی اندازه ی بزرگ تری داشت و اختلاف مشاهده شده معنی دار بود (049/0 = P). EBNA-1 به جز اندازه، با هیچ یک از دیگر متغیرهای مورد مطالعه ارتباط معنی داری نداشت.
    نتیجه گیری
    با توجه به مشاهده ی مواردی از مثبت شدن EBNA-1 در این مطالعه، ویروس Epstein–Barr ممکن است نقشی در کارسینوم پستان داشته باشد
    کلید واژگان: کارسینوم داکتال پستان, Epstein- Barr virus, Epstein- Barr nuclear antigen, Polymerase chain reaction}
    Mojgan Mokhtari, Faegheh Sadat Naji, Mohammad Amin Najafi, Mona Bahreini
    Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) is the most frequent type of breast carcinoma. Epstein-Barr virus is the most suspicious virus for the viral etiology of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of EBV nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1) in IDC.
    40 Iranian women with invasive ductal carcinoma of breast were enrolled in this study. Tumors were assessed for the expression of EBNA1 antigen by PCR technique. Demographics of patients as well as characteristics of tumors including size, grade, and axillary lymph node status were collected and compared between EBNA1 positive and EBNA1 negative tumors.
    Findings: The mean age of patients was 48.7 year. EBNA-1 PCR assay was positive in 11 patients (27.5%). The mean diameter of tumors was 4.43 cm. Axillary lymph nodes were involved in 22 patients. Tumors were grade I, II, and III in 5, 19, and 16 patients, respectively. EBNA-1 positive tumors were significantly larger than EBNA-1 negative tumors (5.5 ± 2.6 vs. 4.0 ± 2.4; P = 0.049).
    According to the results of this study, EBV might have a role in the pathogenesis of breast cancer.
    Keywords: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Breast, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), Epstein–Barr nuclear antigen (EBNA, 1), Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)}
  • رحیم گل محمدی *، محمد جواد نمازی
    سابقه و هدف
    مطالعات موجود درباره نقش سرطان زایی آلل هموزیگوتی و هترزیگوتی T/A کدون F31I ژن (STK15 (Serine/ Threonine Kinase در تومورهای مهاجم مجرایی سرطان پستان اطلاعات ضد و نقیضی ارایه می دهند. هدف این مطالعه مشخص کردن ژنوتیپ های F31I ژن STK15 در کارسینومای مهاجم مجرایی سرطان پستان در مقایسه با نمونه های کنترل در شهرستان سبزوار بوده است.
    مواد و روش ها
    این مطالعه توصیفی تحلیلی بر روی 200 زن شامل 100 نفرمبتلا به کارسینومای مهاجم مجرایی و100 نفر سالم انجام گرفت. DNA نمونه ها به وسیله کیت استاندارد استخراج شد و کدون F31I با استفاده ازPCR تکثیر شده و پلی مورفیسم ژنوتیپ های ژن STK15 با روش(Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP تعیین شد.
    فراوانی ژنوتیپ هتروزیگوتی فنیل آلانین/ایزولوسین (Phe/Ile) در نمونه های سرطانی و سالم به ترتیب 70 (35 درصد) و 82 (41 درصد) بود. فراوانی ژنوتیپ هموزیگوتی ایزولوسین/ایزولوسین (Ile/Ile) نیز در نمونه های آدنوکارسینومای مهاجم مجرایی 30 (15 درصد) و در نمونه های سالم 18 (9 درصد) بود. ژنوتیپ فنیل آلانین/ فنیل آلانین (Phe/Phe) در هیچ کدام از موارد سرطانی یا سالم مشاهده نشد. هم چنین، نتایج نشان داد که آلل هوموزیگوت (Ile/Ile) در مبتلایان به سرطان (مورد) در مقایسه با موارد شا هد (سالم) به طور معنی داری بیشتر است (P<0/034).
    نتیجه گیری
    این مطالعه اولین گزارش در مورد ژنوتیپ های F31I در سرطان پستان از سبزوار در ایران است که نشان می دهد فرم (Ile/Ile) در نمونه های کارسینومای مهاجم مجرایی به طور معنی داری از افراد سالم بیشتراست. بنابراین می توان پیشنهاد کرد که تعیین ژنوتیپ F31I ژن STK15 می تواند در تشخیص بهتر، تعیین پیش آگهی و چگونگی درمان کمک کننده باشد.
    کلید واژگان: سرطان پستان, کارسینومای مهاجم مجرایی, کدون F31I, ژن STK15}
    Rahman Golmohammadi *, Mohammad Javad Namazi
    The carcinogenesis role of allelic polymorphism of codon F31I [T/A] of the serine/threonine kinase-15 (STK15) gene in geographic-dependent invasive ductal carcinoma is still controversial and worth to be studied. This study aimed to identify allelic polymorphisms of F31I codon in women with breast cancer compared to healthy controls in Sabzevar city, north-east Iran.
    Materials And Methods
    This descriptive analytical study was conducted on 200 women including 100 patients and 100 healthy controls. DNA samples were extracted using a standard kit and codon F31I was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The polymorphisms of different genotypes were identified by restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis and electrophoresis.
    The frequency of heterozygote phenylalanine/isoleucine (Phe/Ile) was 70 (35%) in the cancerous cases and 82 (41%) in controls. The frequency of homozygote isoleucine/isoleucine (Ile/Ile) was 30 (15%) in the patients and 18 (9%) in controls. The results did not show homozygote phenylalanine/phenylalanine (Phe/Phe) in either patients or controls. Moreover, there was a significant higher homozygote Ile/Ile in the patients compared to controls (P<0.034).
    For the first time, the study reports that there is a significant higher rate for homozygote Ile/Ile in cancerous patients compared to controls in Sabzevar city. Therefore, determination of allelic polymorphism of F31I codon of STK15 can be a clinically valuable test for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment purposes in breast cancer.
    Keywords: Breast cancer, Invasive ductal carcinoma, F31I codon, STK15 gene}
  • ایران رشیدی، مهین طاهری مقدم
    زمینه و هدف
    در سال های اخیر شاخص های متعددی برای بررسی پیش آگهی سرطان پستان در دست بررسی می باشد. یکی از آنها گیرنده های فاکتور رشد فیبروبلاستی (fibroblast grow factor receptors) می باشد. مطالعه حاضر برای بررسی این ارتباط انجام شد.
    روش بررسی
    نوع مطالعه در نظر گرفته شده از نوع تحلیلی است. برای انجام تحقیق ابتدا به آرشیو گزارش های ثبت شده در مراکز آموزشی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی جندی-شاپور اهواز مراجعه شده و نمونه های سرطان مهاجم مجرایی از نوع طبقه بندی نشده Invasive ductal carcinoma) (انتخاب و وارد تحقیق شد. لام هایی که حاوی بیشترین حجم سلول های سرطانی بودند، از میان بقیه انتخاب شد و بلوک پارافینی مربوط به آن از قسمت نگهداری بلوک ها خارج شد و جهت مطالعهه ایمونوهیستوشیمی مورد آزمایش قرار گرفت. سپس نمره گذاری شده و با چهار شاخص سن، اندازه تومور، متاستاز به غدد لنفاوی زیر بغل و درجه میکروسکوپی (microscopic grading) مقایسه شد. برای تحلیل داده ها از روش آزمون های مان ویتنی، و همبستگی غیر پارامتریک به نام اسپیرمن استفاده شده است.
    یافته ها
    بین میزان رنگ پذیری هسته و سیتوپلاسم با چهار شاخص فوق الذکر رابطه معنادار آماری وجود ندارد.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج مطالعات تاکنون ناهمگون بوده است. برخی به وجود رابطه دلالت داشته و برخی نیز از جمله مطالعه ما رابطه ای نیافته است. لذا بهتر است که مطالعه در مقیاس وسیعتر و با افزودن سایر شاخص های پیش آگهی انجام شود.
    کلید واژگان: گیرنده فاکتور رشد فیبروبلاستی نوع 2, سرطان مهاجم مجرایی, ایمونوهیستوشیمی}
    Iran Rashidi, Mahin Taheri Moghadam
    Background And Objective
    Nowadays the therapeutic methods are being shifted toward “targeted therapy” which means specific therapy against one expressed factor in cancerous tissue. In recent years several indicators for evaluating the prognosis of breast cancer have been under investigation. One of these is fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR2). Fibroblast growth factors play multiple physiological roles and in some studies have been regarded as effective parameter in prognosis of breast cancer while it has not been the case in other studies. Subjects and
    The effects of them are exerted via their receptors.A retrospective study was applied. Immunohistochemical method was applied. Also, statistical analysis was done.
    No statistical correlation between FGFR2 and tumor size, age, microscopic grade and auxiliary lymph node metastasis were found.
    We did not find any correlation. It is suggested that the study be performed in larger scale and other parameters be included in the survey. Furthermore, such survey should be performed concerning other common cancers. Also, some pilot medicines must be assessed in a clinical trial.
    Keywords: FGFR2, Invasive ductal carcinoma, Immunohistochemistry}
  • صنمبر صدیقی، حسین کامران زاده *، عیسی جهانزاد، ساقی وزیری
    زمینه و هدف
    گیرنده آندروژن متعلق به خانواده ای از گیرنده های هورمونی هسته ای است. این گیرنده ها در سیتوزول سلول های هدف و به عنوان عوامل نسخه برداری انجام وظیفه می نمایند. هدف از این پژوهش بررسی نقش آندروژن ها در پیش آگهی سرطان پستان زنان بوده است.
    روش بررسی
    در این پژوهش مقطعی و گذشته نگر، بیماران ارجاع شده به بخش مدیکال انکولوژی انستیتو کانسر بیمارستان امام خمینی (ره)، با تشخیص سرطان پستان مهاجم از فروردین 1386 تا اسفند 1389 مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند. گیرنده آندروژن با روش ایمونوهیستوشیمی بررسی گردید.
    یافته ها
    در 189 بیمار مورد مطالعه در طی دوره پیگیری با میانگین 47 ماه، 34 نفر (9/ 17%) به عود بیماری دچارشدند که 9 نفر عود لوکال و 25 نفر متاستاز دور دست داشتند. 34 بیمار در طی مدت پیگیری فوت شدند. از 189 بیمار دارای پرونده در بخش پاتولوژی، برای 116 نفر امکان بررسی گیرنده آندروژن وجود داشت. 59 نفر (9/ 50%) فاقد گیرنده آندروژن و 57 نفر (1/ 49%) دارای گیرنده آندروژن بودند. میانه سن بیماران در هر دو گروه 48 سال بود. در این پژوهش 5/ 49% بیماران پره منوپوز و 6/ 48% بیماران منوپوز دارای گیرنده آندروژن بودند. در مطالعه حاضر مثبت شدن گیرنده آندروژن با بروز در مرحله پایین تر بیماری همراه بوده است (P=0.05). همچنین مرحله، درجه بدخیمی و میزان مثبت شدن گیرنده استروژن ارتباط معنادار با گیرنده آندروژن نشان دادند. ولی ارتباط غیروابسته و مستقیم تظاهر گیرنده آندروژن با طول عمر بیماران مشاهده نگردید.
    نتیجه گیری
    در این پژوهش بقای کلی و بقای بدون بیماری با اندازه کوچک تر تومور و کمتر بودن درگیری غدد لنفاوی، مرحله پایین تر بیماری و درجه بدخیمی پایینی تر، مثبت بودن گیرنده استروژن و پروژسترون و درصد Ki-67 ارتباط معنادار داشت ولی ارتباط مستقیم و غیروابسته تظاهر گیرنده آندروژن با طول عمر بیماران مشاهده نشد.
    کلید واژگان: سرطان گیرنده منفی پستان, ایمینوهیستوشیمی, مطالعه مقطعی, سرطان مهاجم پستان, گیرنده آندروژن, پیش آگهی, طول عمر}
    Sanambar Sadighi, Hosein Kamranzadeh*, Easa Jahanzad, Saghi Vaziri
    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women around the world. It has been known for over a century that androgens and androgen receptor (AR) play a role in normal and neoplastic breast cells. The aim of this study was to determined the AR expression on tumor cells and its correlation with other prognostic and predictive factors as well as contribution of AR in patients overall survival (OS) and disease- free survival (DFS).
    This retrospective cross-sectional study performed on 189 patients who referred to Medical Oncology Ward of Cancer Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, from April 2007 to February 2010. We performed an immunohistochemistry study for AR (AR441 clone, Dako, Germany) (10% cut-off point) and Ki-67 MIB-1 clone, Dako, Germany) on paraffin embedded blocks. Other data were extracted from patients’ documents.
    Overall, AR expression was 49.1%. Mean age of the patients with and without AR was 47.86 and 48.49 years, respectively. AR positive tumors presented more in stage I/II than III/IV (P=0.02) and AR were more positive for estrogen receptor positive, lower grade of tumor (grade I/II versus III) and lower Ki-67 (P=0.01). AR positivity had neither correlation with progesterone receptor, HER2/neu, P53 expression or menopausal status. OS and DFS were higher in AR positive patients but did not reach statistical significance. In triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) group, 25% of tumors showed AR expression. AR had non-significant positive correlation with OS in TNBC cancer patients. OS and DFS had significant statistic positive correlation with ER, PR and stage regardless of AR status.
    Based on this study, although androgen receptor expression showed correlation with other prognostic factors for survival in patients, we didn’t find statistically significant independent relationship between AR and overall survival in patients. As far as there isn’t any targeted therapy for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), prospective basic and clinical studies regarding AR inhibitors in the treatment of TNBC seems to be logical and valuable.
    Keywords: androgen receptor, cross sectional studies, immunohistochemistry, invasive ductal carcinoma, prognosis, survival, triplenegative, breast neoplasms}
  • Sepideh Siadati, Majid Sharbatdaran, Novin Nikbakhsh, Naser Ghaemian
    Background And Objectives
    Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women in the world. The aim of this study was to assess estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER-2/neu of infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC) with tumor size, histologic grade, lymph node metastasis and age.
    This study was carried out on 300 tissue blocks ofpatients with IDC who underwent mastectomy from 2007 to 2011 in Shahid Beheshti Hospital, affiliated to Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran. Data including age, tumor size, and histologic grade and lymph node status retrieved from pathology department.
    Themean age of the patients was 40.2±2.3 (ranged 19-82 years). ER and PR were positively correlated with each other (P= 0.001) and they inversely correlated with HER-2/neu (P=0.001). We observed correlation between ER and PR expression and low histologic grade (P= 0.001) and HER-2/neu expression and high histologic grade (P= 0.003). There was correlation between HER-2/neu expression and lymph node involvement (P=0.03). None of these makers showed correlation with age and tumor size (P> 0.05).
    Our findings indicate the importance of ER, PR and HER-2/neu expression as prognostic factors for therapeutic decision.
    Keywords: Estrogen Receptors, Progesterone Receptor, c, erbB, 2 Proto, Oncogene, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Breast}
  • Nahid Monsefi, Hossein Nikpour, Moienadin Safavi, Mohammad Reza Lashkarizadeh, Shahriar Dabiri
    Fibroadenoma is a common benign tumor observed during the second and third decades of life. Malignancy transformation in the epithelial component of a fibroadenoma is rare and can occur 20 years after its diagnosis. Mammographic findings in this phenomenon include indistinct margins and microcalcifications. Here we present a 58-year-old woman with a mobile, lateral upper quadrant mass that was rather firm when palpated. The mammography showed a lobulated mass without calcification suggestive of a benign process, most probably fibroadenoma. However the excisional biopsy contained both an intracanalicular fibroadenoma and invasive ductal carcinoma with mucinous components.
    Keywords: Breast, fibroadenoma, invasive ductal carcinoma, mucinous subtype, pathology}
  • فرحناز نوروزی نیا، بهروز ایلخانی زاده، عارفه اسماعیلی، زهرا یکتا، عباس، صفاری فرد
    پیش زمینه و هدف
    سرطان پستان شایع ترین سرطان در زنان می باشد و طبق مطالعات انجام شده در ایران شروع سرطان پستان حداقل یک دهه زودتر از شروع آن در کشورهای پیشرفته است. در سال های اخیر توجه زیادی به استفاده از بیومارکرها در پیشگویی پاسخ به درمان و پروگنوز بیماران شده است.
    مواد و روش ها
    از فروردین ماه سال 1383 تا بهمن 1387 تعداد 38 بیمار که با تشخیص کارسینوم داکتال پستان در بیمارستان امام خمینی ارومیه تحت ماستکتومی قرار گرفتند وارد این مطالعه گردیدند و بلوک های پارافینی موجود در آرشیو پاتولوژی بیمارستان امام خمینی جمع آوری و تحت رنگ آمیزی H&E و ایمنوهیستوشیمیایی Cyclin-D1، P27 و ER/PR قرار گرفتند. جمع آوری داده های بالینی نیز از طریق پرونده بیماران و آرشیو بیمارستان امام خمینی ارومیه صورت گرفته شد.
    یافته ها
    18 بیمار (4/47%) p27 مثبت و 9 بیمار (7/23%) نیز از نظر Cyclin-D1 مثبت بودند. در خصوص بیان گیرنده های استروژنی 14 نفر(8/36%) ER مثبت و 24 نفر(2/63%) ER منفی داشتند. در خصوص بیان گیرنده های پروژسترونی نیز 14 نفر(8/36%) PR مثبت و 24 نفر (2/63%) PR منفی داشتند.
    بحث و نتیجه گیری
    طبق نتایج بدست آمده ارتباط معنی داری بین بیان P27 و Cyclin-D1 با متغیرهای بالینی و پاتولوژیکی سرطان پستان مانند سن بیمار، تعداد غدد لنفی درگیر زیر بغل، درجه (grade)هیستولوژیکی و سایز تومور و نیز بیان رسپتورهای استروییدی مشاهده نشد که در برخی از مطالعات قبلی نیز چنین نتیجه ای به دست آمده است.
    کلید واژگان: سرطان مهاجم پستان, Cyclin, D1, P27, گیرنده های استروییدی}
    Farahnaz Norouzinia, Behrouz Ilkhanizade, Arefe Esmaili, Zahra Yekta, Abbas Safari Fard
    Background and Aims
    Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women. In our country (Iran) based on the study of the “Institute of cancer”، breast cancer accounts for 10. 8% of all newly diagnosed cancers. Because of different clinical course of breast cancer in sufferers، identifying the factors that directly or indirectly predict the ultimate outcome of patients is useful for clinical management and determining the prognosis. In recent years much attention has been paid to the use of biomarkers in predicting treatment response and prognosis.
    Materials and Methods
    All the mastectomy specimens with the diagnosis of “breast invasive ductal carcinoma” in in Imam Khomeini Hospital were selected between 2004 to 2008. Five slides of each paraffin block were prepared، one of which stained for H&E، and the rests stained for Cyclin-D1، P27، and ER/PR according to Dakocytomation system. Slides stained by Haematoxylin and Eosin were assessed to determine tumor histologic grade based on the Nottingham modification of the Bloom-Richardson grading system.
    Regarding the expression of estrogen receptors، 14 cases (36. 8%) were ER positive and 24 patients (63. 2%) were ER negative، and for expression of progesterone receptors، 14 cases expressed PR (36. 8%) but 24 patients (63. 2%) were PR negative. 18 patients were positive for P27 and 9 patients expressed Cyclin-D1 positively (23. 7%).
    According to the obtained results، no significant correlation were not seen between P27 and/or Cyclin-D1 expression and clinicopathological parameters of breast carcinoma such as patient’s age، number of the involved axillary lymph nodes، histologic type or grade of the tumor، tumor size and steroid receptors expression. Finally، we suggest further investigation on relationship between these biomarkers and other prognostic factors in a larger group.
    Keywords: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Cyclin, D1, P27, Steroid receptors}
  • Mohammad Mehdi Soltan Dallal, Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, Marzieh Holakuyee, Zuhair Mohammad Hassan, Mohsen Abolhassani, Mehdi Mahdavi
    Lactic acid bacteria which are used as probiotics have ability to modulate immune responses and modify immune mechanisms. It has also been indicated that some strains of this family can affect the immune responses against solid tumors. In the present work, we proposed to study the effects of oral administration of L.cacesi ssp casei on the NK cells cytotoxicity and also production of cytokines in spleen cells culture of BALB/c mice bearing invasive ductal carcinoma. 30 female In-bred BALB/c mice, were used and divided in two groups of test and control each containing 15 mice. Every day from 2 weeks before tumor transplantation 0.5 ml of PBS containing 2.7×108 CFU/ml of L.casei spp casei was orally administered to the test mice and it was followed 3 weeks after transplantation as well with 3 days interval between each week. Control mice received an equal volume of PBS in a same manner. Results showed that oral administration of L. casei significantly increased the production of IL-12 and IFN-γ (P<0.05) and increased the natural killer cells (NK) cytotoxicity in spleen cells culture of test mice (P<0.05). It has also been demonstrated that the growth rate of tumor in the test mice was decreased and their survival was significantly prolonged in comparison to the controls. Our findings suggest that daily intake of L.casei can improve immune responses in mice bearing invasive ductal carcinoma, but further studies are needed to investigate the other involving mechanisms in this case.
    Keywords: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Lactobacillus casei, NK cytotoxicity, Th1 cytokines}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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