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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "professional education" در نشریات گروه "پزشکی"

    Case-based learning (CBL) is widely used in medical education to bridge theory and practice, but traditional methods often struggle to sustain student engagement and promote critical thinking. To address these challenges, Case-Based Integrated Learning (CBIL) was developed as a novel approach combining immersive and interactive learning techniques. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of CBIL in enhancing engagement, critical thinking, and clinical reasoning among medical students, and explore faculty experiences regarding the pedagogy.
    An explanatory-sequential mixed-methods study was conducted in a private medical college in Pakistan. Quantitative data were collected through faculty (n=35) and student (n=122) evaluation surveys, and analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequencies, and percentages). Qualitative data from focused group discussions (FGD) with faculty were analyzed thematically. A committee of clinical faculty and medical educationists developedfour CBIL prototypes. Faculty from various clinical specialties were trained on CBIL concepts and lesson planning, and the prototypes were used to develop engaging cases for subsequent sessions. Participants included faculty from diverse disciplines and students intheir third and fourth years of medical school.
    The faculty considered the training very effective (overall satisfaction: 5.17±0.89 out of 6), with a vast majority being very satisfied with its relevance (86%, n=30) and structure (91%, n=32).Among students, 95% (n=116) were satisfied with the developed cases. Most of them were also satisfied with the clarity (92%, n=112) and applicability of the cases (96%, n=117). In FGD, facilitators expressed satisfaction with CBIL formats as it provided opportunities for engagement, in-depth analyses, and discussions.
    Interactive formats like CBIL can engage students by allowing opportunities for interaction, discussion, and peer-learning. This promotes improved understanding and critical thinking. Further exploration of the effectiveness and impacts on the learning of various interactive formats of case-based learning is essential.
    Keywords: Education, Undergraduate, Professional Education, Continuing Education, Clinical Clerkships
  • هانیه حافظی، کلثوم نامی*، محمد صاحب الزمانی، مهدی باقری
    با توجه به نقش مهم آموزش عالی و به طور اختصاصی آموزش علوم پزشکی در سلامت و توسعه جامعه، باید نظام آموزشی طوری برنامه ریزی شود تا هرچه بیشتر در جهت پاسخگویی به نیازهای جامعه حرکت کند. هدف این مقاله ارایه الگوی آموزش پاسخگو و عدالت محور در آموزش علوم پزشکی است.
    مواد و روش ها
    این تحقیق کاربردی با ماهیت توصیفی- تحلیلی و روش ترکیبی (کیفی و کمی) اجرا شد. در بخش کیفی ابزار جمع آوری داده ها، مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته با نمونه گیری هدفمند، و مصاحبه با 15 نفر بود که به اشباع نظری رسید. بازکاوی داده ها با کدگذاری باز و محوری انجام شد. در مرحله کمی، داده ها با نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای 335 نفر از اعضای هییت علمی بیمارستان پیامبر اعظم هرمزگان با پاسخ به پرسشنامه شامل شناسایی مولفه ها، در قالب لیکرت دریافت شد. روایی محتوایی و روایی سازه پرسشنامه با تحلیل عاملی تاییدی، انجام شد. آلفای کرونباخ بالاتر از 0/70 بیانگر تایید پایایی بود. داده ها با مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری و نرم افزار smartpls-3 آنالیز شد.
    یافته ها
    عدالت محوری، همگانی، نیازسنجی، محتوا و اصول مداری از ویژگی های آموزش عدالت محور هستند که با توجه به نتایج مدل سازی t-value، بارهای عاملی تمامی متغیرهای مدل از 1/96 بالاتر و در سطح 95% اطمینان از معناداری لازم برخوردار بودند و بیشترین بار عاملی مربوط به عوامل پیش برنده و بازدارنده با بار عاملی (0/54) و واریانس (0/23) و کمترین بار عاملی مربوط به ابعاد آموزش پاسخگو و عدالت محور (0/12) و واریانس (0/02) بود.
    نتیجه گیری
    همگانی بودن، نیازسنجی و محتوا در آموزش اصول مدار و عدالت محور باید مورد توجه برنامه ریزان آموزشی در آموزش دانشگاه های علوم پزشکی قرار گیرد.
    کلید واژگان: آموزش حرفه ای, آموزش پزشکی, دانشگاه علوم پزشکی, عدالت اجتماعی
    Haniyeh Hafezi, Kolsum Nami *, Mohammad Sahebalzamani, Mehdi Bagheri
    Considering the significant role of higher education, particularly medical sciences education, in the health and development of society, the educational system should be planned in a way that maximally caters to the community's needs. The goal of this article is to present a responsive and justice-centered education model in medical sciences education.
    In the quantitative phase, data from 335 faculty members of Payambar-e Azam Hospital in Hormozgan were collected using stratified random sampling and a questionnaire that identified components within a Likert scale. The content validity and structural validity of the questionnaire were confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient exceeded 0.70, indicating reliability. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling with SmartPLS-3 software.
    Equity-centered, universality, needs assessment, content, and principled are characteristics of equity-based education. According to the T-value modeling results, the factor loads of all model variables were above 0.96 and, at a 95% confidence level, were statistically significant. The highest factor load was related to enabling and inhibitory factors, with a factor load of 0.54 and variance of 0.23. In contrast, the lowest factor load was related to the dimensions of responsiveness and equity-based education with a factor load of 0.12 and a variance of 0.02.
    Universality, needs assessment, and content should be considered in equity-based and principled education in the planning of educational programs at medical universities.
    Keywords: Medical education, Professional education, Social justice, University of Medical Sciences
  • Syed Wasif Gillani, Anam Azhar, Arshiya Shadab, Shabaz Mohiuddin Gulam

    This study aimed to determine the perception, perspectives, and behaviors of health‑care providers, as well as cues to action toward interprofessional education (IPE).


    The interview sessions were conducted from August 2020 to November 2020 at the College of Pharmacy, Gulf Medical University (GMU), Ajman. The invited participants belonged to all the colleges which are a part of GMU, providing academic and practice support to the university. All were residents of UAE, and both genders were considered for qualitative assessment. The sample size based on data saturation plus two as standard guidelines in qualitative res earch. All the interviews were audiotaped for verbatim transcriptions. All the recorded interviews were transcribed to avoid bias. The prepared transcripts were then verified for accuracy by the relevant participant and after approval, data were analyzed. In case of an emergent theme, all the investigators were focused on refining the analysis.


    A total of 17 health‑care professionals (HCPs) were interviewed. The participants were chosen from five different colleges at GMU. All the participants had similar perceptions about IPE, as it is a collaboration between different HCPs to achieve better patient outcomes. A diversity in perspectives toward IPE was found among the participants. Several barriers were identified during the interview session and also highlighted the importance of choosing the right topic for IPE, as it affects planning of the activities greatly. The participants also stressed that the lack of communication also contributes to decreased involvement of HCPs.


    This study identified inefficient implementation of IPE. The barriers were lack of team effort, lack of communication within the institute, and administrative support, despite the availability of resources and infrastructure in the university

    Keywords: Cooperative Behavior, graduate education, interprofessional education, professional education, public health professional education
  • Swikruti Behera, Srinikhila Satya Santhoshi Lakshmi Paluri, Alpana Mishra

    Globally, depression is one of the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents, and suicide is the third leading cause of death among the young and adolescents. Since we have limited data on the prevalence of psychological distress among the youth of India, our aim was to estimate the prevalence of psychological distress, anxiety, and depression among students of professional colleges.


    This study was conducted in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh (India). A total of 502 apparently healthy students have participated in this study. Data were collected from 243 medical students, 119 engineering students, 103 dental students, and 36 nursing students. A pretested, prevalidated, and structured Kessler’s Psychological Distress Scale (K10) was used for the assessment of mental health among students. This is a self‑administered questionnaire‑based cross‑sectional study. Microsoft Office Excel was used for data storage and tabulation. Mean, standard deviation, Chi‑square test, Mann–Whitney U‑test, and Kruskal–Wallis test were used to find the association difference between various parameters using SPSS 22 software.


    Out of 502 students, 34.7% of students were found to have normal mental health, 135 students were having mild mental problems, and 116 and 77 had moderate and severe mental illness, respectively. Out of 197 males, 66 were normal, 61, 46, and 24 had mild, moderate, and severe mental problems, respectively. Out of 305 females, only 108 were found to be normal.


    Male students were found to have higher prevalence of mental abnormalities. A significant higher prevalence of depression is seen in day‑scholars compared to hostellers. Nursing students are having significantly higher prevalence of depression and nonpsychotic mental illness as compared to dental, engineering, and medical students. Medical students are having the lowest rate of depression than other nonmedical professional subjects.

    Keywords: Anxiety, Kessler’s scale, professional education, psychological distress, students, young adults
  • زهره سهرابی، آرزو سعید، لیلی صالحی *
    زمینه و هدف
    علی رغم پذیرش آموزش بین حرفه ای به عنوان رویکردی برای بهبود روند مشارکت بین اعضای گروه سلامت، مطالعات اندکی از ابزارهای روا و پایا جهت ارزیابی نگرش به آن استفاده نموده اند . این مطالعه با هدف تهیه ابزاری روا و پایا برای ارزیابی نگرش به آموزش بین حرفه ای انجام شد.
    مواد و روش ها
    این مطالعه به منظور روان سنجی مقیاس نگرش به آموزش بین حرفه ای برروی 90 عضو هیئت علمی بالینی دانشگاه های علوم پزشکی تهران و ایران در سال 1394 انجام شد. ابزار اولیه 15 سوالی با مقیاس لیکرت از مطالعات قبلی اقتباس شده بود که پس از کسب اجازه به زبان فارسی ترجمه شد. ضریب تاثیر، شاخص روایی و نسبت روایی محتوا به ترتیب با قضاوت 10 نفر از اعضای جمعیت مورد مطالعه و 10 متخصص بررسی و روایی سازه آن با استفاده از تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی ارزیابی شد. پایایی ابزار به وسیله محاسبه تجانس درونی و آزمون باز آزمون ارزیابی شد.
    یافته ها
    براساس شاخص ضریب تاثیر بالای 1/5 و شاخص روایی محتوای بالای 0/62 و نسبت روایی بالای0/7، تعداد 12 سوال نگه داشته شد. براساس تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی تمام این 12 سوال در ابزار باقی ماندند. دو عامل با در نظر گرفتن ارزش ویژه بالای 1 برای هر عامل، استخراج شدند. این مقیاس قادر به پیش بینی 52% از تغییرات کل مقیاس بود.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج این مطالعه شاهد مناسبی درباره استحکام ساختار عاملی و پایایی ابزار نگرش به آموزش بین حرفه ای در مراقبت های سلامتی است. این نتایج می تواند برای سنجش میزان نگرش به آموزش بین حرفه ای در مراقبت های سلامتی در دانشگاه ها و سایر موسسات آموزشی استفاده شود.
    کلید واژگان: روایی, پایایی, روان سنجی, نگرش, آموزش بین حرفه ای
    Zohera Sohrabi Dr, Arezoo Saeed, Leili Salehi *
    Background And Objective
    Despite the acceptance of Inter-professional education (IPE) as an approach to improve the participation process among members of the health department, few studies have used valid and reliable tools to evaluate the attitude. This study aimed to provide a valid and reliable tool for investigating the attitude towards interprofessional education in health care.
    This study was conducted to evaluate the attitude towards IPE of 90 faculty members of Iran and Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2015. Initial instrument- compromised 15 items, Likert type- was adopted from previous studies. Impact item score, content validity and content validity index were assessed by 10 participants and 10 experts respectively; construct validity was evaluated by using exploratory factor analysis. Reliability of the scale was evaluated by internal consistency calculation and with the test-retest.
    According to the impact item score of above 1.5, the index of content validity of 0.62 and the content validity index of 0.7, 12 questions were preserved. Based on exploratory factor analysis, 12 items were kept in scale. Considering an eigenvalue above 1, two factors were extracted. This instrument was able to predict 52% of the change that occurred in the total scale.
    onclusion: The results of this study indicated the strength of the factor structure and reliability of an instrument for measuring students’ attitudes towards IPE scale in health care. The results of study can assess attitude towards IPE in universities and other educational institutes.
    Keywords: Validity, Reliability, Psychometric, Attitude, Inter, Professional Education
  • آرزو وهابی، احمد وهابی *، بشری وهابی، مهناز صیادی، دائم روشنی
    سابقه و هدف
    اعتقاد به افزایش اثربخشی مراقبت از بیمار از طریق مشارکت و کار تیمی منجر به تاکید ویژه بر لزوم آماده کردن تمامی دانشجویان حرفه های گروه پزشکی از طریق یادگیری بین حرفه ای شده است. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین آمادگی دانشجویان دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کردستان برای آموزش بین حرفه ای و عوامل مرتبط با آن، اجرا گردید.
    مواد و روش ها
    این مطالعه از نوع مقطعی بود. جامعه مورد مطالعه دانشجویان دانشکده های پزشکی، بهداشت، پرستاری و پیراپزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کردستان بودند که از بین آنها 700 نفر به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شده و مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. ابزار مطالعه پرسشنامه ای دو بخشی مطالعه یمانی و همکاران شامل مشخصات جمعیت شناسی و 19 سئوال در مورد آموزش بین حرفه ای بود. داده های جمع آوری شده با نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 20 مورد آنالیز قرار گرفتند.
    یافته ها
    میانگین نمره کلی دیدگاه دانشجویان مورد بررسی برابر با 9/94±70/84 بود. بیشترین نمره میانگین در بین گویه های مورد بررسی، مربوط به گویه «یادگیری اشتراکی قبل از فراغت از تحصیل به من کمک می کند تا بهتر به کار تیمی بپردازم» بود و کمترین نمره میانگین کسب شده مربوط به گویه «مهارت من در حل مسائل بالینی فقط از طریق همراهی با فراگیران هم رشته خودم ارتقا می یابد» بود. بین دیدگاه دانشجویان کارشناسی و دانشجویان بالاتر از کارشناسی، تفاوت وجود داشت و این تفاوت از نظر آماری معنی دار بود (0/03=p).
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج مطالعه بیانگر آن است که آموزش بین حرفه ای از دیدگاه دانشجویان این دانشگاه دارای اهمیت زیادی است و ویژگی های جمعیت شناسی در این مورد دخالت چندانی ندارند.
    کلید واژگان: آموزش بین حرفه ای, دانشجو, دیدگاه, دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کردستان
    Arezoo Vahabi, Ahmad Vahabi *, Boshra Vahabi, Mahnaz Sayyadi, Daem Roshani
    Background And Objective
    Believing in increasing the effectiveness of patient care through collaboration and team work has led to special emphasis on the need to prepare all students of professional medical group through inter- professional learning. This study was carried out to determine readiness in the students of Kurdistan University of medical sciences for inter professional education and related factors.
    This study was cross-sectional. The studied population was students of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences that 700 persons of them were selected and studied. A two-part questionnaire including demographics characteristics and 19 questions about inter professional education was used. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 20.
    FINDINGS: The mean overall score of the student's viewpoint was 70.84±9.94. The highest mean score among the surveyed items, was related to the item of "Common learning before graduation helps me to better focus on the team work" and the lowest mean score was related to the item of "my skills in solving clinical problems enhance only through along with my classmates". There was a difference between the viewpoint of undergraduate and graduate students and this difference was statistically significant (p=0.03).
    The results of the present study revealed that inter- professional education is very important and demographic characteristics have little involvement.
    Keywords: Inter, professional education, Student, Viewpoint, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences
  • عباس علامی، نوید محمدی، ماندانا شیرازی
    رفتار های غیرحرفه ای در حال تبدیل به یک اتفاق معمول در میان دانشجویان پزشکی است. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی وضعیت آموزش تعهدات حرفه ای پزشکی از دیدگاه اعضای هیات علمی دانشکده پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی قزوین به منظور تعیین پیش شرط ها و موانع استقرار آن است.
    روش ها
    این مطالعه کیفی فنومنولوژیک در سال 1392 در دانشکده پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی قزوین با مشارکت 18 عضو هیات علمی که به صورت هدفمند از بین 130 عضو هیات علمی دانشکده پزشکی انتخاب شدند صورت گرفت. شرکت کنندگان در قالب 3 گروه متمرکز به تبیین باورها، ادراکات و انتظارات خود در مورد آموزش تعهدات حرفه ای در قالب سوالاتی همچون «فراگیران شما چگونه تعهدات حرفه ای را فرا می گیرند؟» و «شما با چه چالش هایی در آموزش تعهدات حرفه ای به فراگیرانتان روبرو هستید؟» پرداختند. برای استخراج کدها از روش تحلیل محتوا استفاده شد.
    یافته ها
    اعضای هیات علمی تجربه های آموزشی قبل از ورود به دانشگاه، آموزش های ساختارمند در دانشکده و یادگیری نقش حرفه ای از الگوها را عوامل اصلی موثر بر یادگیری تعهدات حرفه ای برشمردند. شرکت کنندگان مشاهده رفتار اساتید و بازخورد های دریافتی از آنان را تاثیرگذارترین عامل در یادگیری فراگیران معرفی نمودند. آنان معتقد بودند درحال حاضر نقش الگویی اساتید کمرنگ شده است. آنان تعهدات حرفه ای را چند بعدی عنوان نموده و عوامل اقتصادی، اجتماعی و سیاسی را بر آن موثر دانستند. همچنین روش ترکیبی برای آموزش پیشنهاد شد.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که برنامه ریزی منسجم در دانشکده پزشکی برای التزام بیشتر فراگیران و اساتید به آموزش تعهدات حرفه ای ضروری است. برنامه های رسمی فعلی آموزشی در زمینه تعهدات حرفه ای کافی نیست و پیشنهاد می شود تمرکز بیشتری بر بهبود این آموزش ها از جمله توجه به نقش الگو بودن اساتید در طول دوره آموزشی پزشکی صورت گیرد.
    کلید واژگان: آموزش پزشکی, آموزش تعهد حرفه ای, بحث گروهی متمرکز
    A. Allami, N. Mohammadi, M. Shirazi
    Evidence suggests that unprofessional behavior is a common problem among medical students. The purpose of this study was to evaluate pre-conditions and barriers of establishment of professional medical education from perspective of faculty members of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences.
    This phenomenological qualitative study was conducted in 1392 with participation of eighteen faculty members of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences (who were targeted among 130-faculty member). Participants in three focus groups explained their beliefs، perceptions and expectations about the training of professional in the form of questions such as «How do students learn professionalism?» and «What challenges do you face in training your professional obligations?» We used content analysis for data analysis process.
    The faculty members mention ed learning experience before entering the university، structured teaching in the school and learning professional role models as main factors affecting the learning of medical professional. Research participants believed that the teachers’ role modeling and feedback are most influential factor in professional learning، but trainees didn’t accept their teachers as role models. From the perspective of faculty، p professionalism is a multidimensional issue and has been a affected by economic، social and political factors. Also a hybrid approach was also proposed for training the professionalism with the major components of theoretical and clinical training.
    The results show that the current formal programms of medical schools in the field of professional training is not enough and a focus on specific activities is proposed to improve teaching professionalism including an approach to role modeling. The approach could be provided with an intentional demonstration of professional behavior during the educational courses.
    Keywords: medical education, professional education, focus groups
  • Amin Noori, Leila Kouti, Farnaz Akbari, Mehrdad Assarian, Amin Rakhshan, Kaveh Eslami
    Virtual learning is a type of electronic learning system based on the web. It models traditional in- person learning by providing virtual access to classes, tests, homework, feedbacks and etc. Students and teachers can interact through chat rooms or other virtual environments. Web 2.0 services are usually used for this method. Internet audio-visual tools, multimedia systems, a disco CD-ROMs, videotapes, animation, video conferencing, and interactive phones can all be used to deliver data to the students. E-learning can occur in or out of the classroom. It is time saving with lower costs compared to traditional methods. It can be self-paced, it is suitable for distance learning and it is flexible. It is a great learning style for continuing education and students can independently solve their problems but it has its disadvantages too. Thereby, blended learning (combination of conventional and virtual education) is being used worldwide and has improved knowledge, skills and confidence of pharmacy students.The aim of this study is to review, discuss and introduce different methods of virtual learning for pharmacy students.Google scholar, Pubmed and Scupus databases were searched for topics related to virtual, electronic and blended learning and different styles like computer simulators, virtual practice environment technology, virtual mentor, virtual patient, 3D simulators, etc. are discussed in this article.Our review on different studies on these areas shows that the students are highly satisfied with virtual and blended types of learning.
    Keywords: Learning, Pharmacy Education, Professional Education
  • Mehdi Rezaee, Mehdi Rassafiani*, Hamidreza Khankeh, Mohammad Ali Hosseini
    Fieldwork education is a core part of all occupational therapy curriculums around the world to enable the students meet minimum competencies required for their professional life. Student experience is a valuable source to explore the nature of fieldwork training and plan more efficient curriculums in the future. This study aimed to explore the students'' experiences in the first fieldwork education.
    Data were collected through a focus group and series of semi-structured interviews with 16 occupational therapy students who had passed the first semester of fieldwork education at three occupational therapy departments in Iran. The interviews were transcribed line by line and analyzed according to inductive content analysis.
    Following the analysis of the data, three main themes were identified including the importance of supervisors’ management, deficits in the current curriculum and challenges in the educational environment. Each theme included different categories to show students’ concerns and challenges in the first fieldwork education experience and their suggestions for more efficient trainings.
    The research argues that several combined key factors determine the nature and utility of occupational therapy (OT) fieldwork experiences of the students. However, further studies are needed to clarify the experiences of the supervisors, department managers and others involved in the fieldwork education.
    Keywords: Clinical education, Occupational tTherapy student, Professional education, Qualitative research
  • فاطمه کشمیری، امیرعلی سهراب پور، شروین فرهمند، کامران سلطانی عربشاهی، فرهاد شاهی، نرگس صالح، ماندانا شیرازی
    در مسیر درمان یکپارچه و مبتنی بر همکاری، یکی از دغدغه های اصلی در ارائه ی مراقبت سلامت، رعایت ارزش ها و اصول اخلاقی در همکاری های بین حرفه ای است. لذا در این مطالعه تلاش شده است چارچوب توانمندی های اخلاق بین حرفه ای تدوین و در ایران بومی سازی شود. پژوهش حاضر مطالعه ی کیفی است که با استفاده از تکنیک دلفی در دوفاز انجام شد. در فاز اول مطالعه با استفاده از بررسی متون چارچوب اولیه ی توانمندی های اساسی اصول اخلاقی و ارزش های بین حرفه ای تدوین شد و در فاز دوم به منظور روان سنجی و بومی سازی در بافت فرهنگی ایران دو راند دلفی با شرکت 15 تن اعضای هیات علمی و کارشناسان دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران در حرفه های مختلف علوم پزشکی انجام شد و سپس شاخص های روایی محتوایی (CVR،CVI) بررسی و در نهایت چارچوب توانمندی های اخلاق بین حرفه ای بومی سازی شده در ایران تدوین شد. در مطالعه ی حاضر چارچوب اخلاق بین حرفه ای با 12 توانمندی در سه بخش اساسی ارزش های بیمارمحور، توانمندی های اخلاقی بین حرفه ای و ارزش های تیم محور در ایران تدوین و بومی سازی شد. در راستای هدف کاربردی مطالعه و به کارگیری توانمندی ها در کوریکولوم های رشته های مختلف علوم پزشکی، میانگین میزان اهمیت چارچوب توانمندی اخلاق بین حرفه ای بررسی شد و با کسب میانگین بالای 5/4 از 5 در همه ی ابعاد شامل ارزش های بیمارمحور (9/4)، توانمندی های اخلاقی بین حرفه ای (6/4) و ارزش های تیم محور (5/4) بر کاربرد و اهمیت آنان در برنامه های آموزشی تاکید شد. در مجموع، روان سنجی و بومی سازی چارچوب اخلاق بین حرفه ای در ایران تایید شد. بنابراین، چارچوب مذکور ابزاری کاربردی جهت تدوین برنامه های آموزشی و ارزشیابی توانمندی های اخلاق بین حرفه ای در ایران محسوب می شود.
    کلید واژگان: اصول اخلاقی, همکاری بین حرفه ای, ارزش های اخلاقی, اخلاق بین حرفه ای
    Fatemeh Keshmiri, Amirali Sohrabpou, Shervin Farahmand, Farhad Soltani Arabshahi, Farhad Shah, Narges Saleh, Mandana Shiraz
    In order to achieve teamwork-based and integrated care، one of the issues in health care is the implementation of ethics and values in teamwork. The aim of this study is to develop the interprofessional collaborative ethics framework. This cross sectional study was conducted in two phases. In phase one، core competencies of the interprofessional collaborative ethics were determined by literature review. In phase two، Delphi rounds of experts were undertaken to validate the competencies and calculate content validity indexes through Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI). The interviews and Delphi rounds identified 12 competencies categorized in three core themes including patient-centered values، interprofessional collaborative ethics، and team-based values. In phase two، based on the mean scores of importance، utility، and clarity، patient center value (4. 9)، interprofessional ethics competencies (4. 6)، and team-based values (4. 5) were determined as essential themes. In conclusion، the validation of the inter-professional ethics framework was found to be acceptable in the Iranian context. Therefore، the framework for teaching and evaluating inter-professional ethical competencies is an applicable tool in the Iranian context.
    Keywords: inter, professional education, ethics, values, teamwork
  • Mohammadreza Abdolmaleki, Sedigheh Momeni
    In regard to enhancement of efficiency and productivity of an organization in terms of teamwork, it is necessary to shift to team-centered approach for increasing confidence in health care systems. Therefore it is needed to assess effect of the academic training on students'' viewpoint in team working.
    This was a cross-sectional study and was done in Kurdistan University of medical sciences in 2012. The subject was all of the students in first and last semesters of medical, nursing, Laboratory Sciences, Anesthesiology, Operating room, radiology and Midwifery courses. Sample size was 410 people. A questionnaire was used, which its validity and reliability has been confirmed.
    326 questionnaires were completed, in which the first term student were 177 cases and the last term were 149 cases. There was no significant difference among freshmen and senior students'' aspect about team working (Pvalue < 0.05).
    It should be considered that the team working is different from task, although both of them are necessary for team, In addition it must be said that knowledge and skills are not adequate for doing task and they must be along with team working approach. Therefor it is necessary to consider the training of team working in university.
    Keywords: team working, Education, Inter, professional Education
  • Continuing Professional Development In Health Sector
    Fereydon Azizi *

    Programs of continuing education (CE) for health personnel represent crucial challenges for the development of health systems, which are relevant and efficient. Continuing professional development (CPO) is a more complete definition, including medical, managerial, social and personal skills, leading to improvement of the health status and quality of life of the people. Review of the literature based on evidence gives clear guidance for CPO internationally. During the last two decades, the need for all health personnel to have highly developed learning skills in a society racing with change is evident. th'e health personnel are forced to continue their learning beyond graduation. Improvement in CE systems has resulted in the formation of CPO in many developed countries. A few of the developing countries implement these programs on a systematic basis, but a national program for continuing education is lacking in nearly all of them. In some of the countries scientific associations run CE programs; in many, CE programs are available for only a limited number of medical specialties and in other, on-the-job training is available for health personnel on an ad-hoc basis.The crucial knowledge gaps between current HR practice and the evidence based CE include:Based on the available evidence it is recommended to start a standardized information gathering system for CPO and CE activities in all the countries of the world and to publish the results annually (with the same format as used in vaccination coverage reports). Holding regional workshops and seminars on the significance of CPO for health policy makers and administrators of different countries can result in widespread application of CPO activities all over the world. Research studies, which have been performed on the efficacy of CE, should be extended on a wider scope and the results should be used in devising principles of an effective CPO programs. Application of novel methods of teaching and active learning techniques is recommended. Globalization of CPO can be facilitated through adoption of CE models from countries, which have been successful in the implementation of any of the ten principles of an active CE system.

    Keywords: Iran, Asia, Continuing education, Continuing professional development, Professional education
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