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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « vulnerability analysis » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Javad Bastani, Ali Mollahosseini *, Hani Rezaian

    The need to carry out the emergency evacuation of people from disaster-affected areas and their transfer to safe areas, in the shortest possible time and with the least number of injured, has made the issue of urban emergency evacuation a complex one in the real world. The complexity of the spatial layout of the courtyards and the presence of a large population within the Shrine, among which vulnerable groups also have a significant share, increase the probability of the population's vulnerability to natural and human disasters. Based on this, the current research was conducted to investigate the vulnerability of the pilgrims of Imam Reza's Shrine during the emergency evacuation caused by the crisis and what measures could reduce the vulnerability.


    The present applied study was conducted based on a descriptive-analytical method. The required data were collected through documentary-library and field studies methods. The gathered data were analyzed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process model, fuzzy logic, and the Inverse Distance Weighting interpolation method in Arc GIS and Expert Choice software.


    The findings of this study indicated that based on the presented integrated model, which included 7 variables of the length of the route, the number of nodes along the route, the number of nodes in the surrounding space of the settlement, fixed and passing population density, the ratio of the population to the width of the exit door, and distance from buildings, the highest level of a possible vulnerability in the Shrine was related to Rozeh Monavvareh, Goharshad Courtyard, Sheikh Bahaie Sanctuary, the western part of the Great Prophet Courtyard, and Bab-Al-Javad in descending order. The north and northeast parts of the Shrine had a low level of vulnerability for people's exit.


    The results of this research showed that the presented model could be used as a suitable model in other religious places. In addition, some measures can be adopted to reduce the vulnerability of pilgrims, including increasing the number and width of the doors, removing obstacles in the place of the doors, and paying attention to the type of activities assigned to different parts of the Shrine.

    Keywords: Emergency evacuation, Fuzzy logic, Shrine of Imam Reza, Interpolation method, Vulnerability analysis}
  • موسی جباری، احمد علی بابایی، امیر کاوسی، مهرنوش رضوان جاه*

    مخازن یکی از تاسیسات مخاطره آمیز مهم صنایع فرآیندی ازجمله پالایشگاه ها هستند که برای ذخیره سازی نفت خام و فرآورده های نفتی گوناگون مورداستفاده قرار می گیرند. وجود مخازن متعدد محتوی حجم بالایی از مواد قابل اشتعال در مجاورت یکدیگر، محوطه استقرار آن ها را نسبت به وقوع حوادث زنجیره ای ناشی از حریق آسیب پذیر می سازد؛ بنابراین مدیریت ریسک مخازن تنها با تجزیه و تحلیل حوادث مربوط به آن ها به صورت منفرد و با صرف نظر از احتمال وقوع سناریوهای زنجیره ای میان مخازن کافی نخواهد بود. به همین جهت، مطالعه حاضر به تحلیل آسیب پذیری مخازن یکی از پالایشگاه های کشور نسبت به حوادث زنجیره ای ناشی از حریق پرداخته است. هدف از تحلیل آسیب پذیری در این پژوهش تعیین مخازن دارای بیش ترین پتانسیل راه اندازی و گسترش حوادث زنجیره ای به منظور مدیریت ریسک این حوادث است.

    روش کار

    در این مطالعه از نظریه گراف و شاخص های مرکزیت برای مدل سازی سناریوهای زنجیره ای و تحلیل آسیب پذیری مخازن استفاده شد. مخازن موردمطالعه به صورت گره های گراف و احتمال گسترش حادثه میان آن ها به صورت کمان های گراف مدل سازی شدند. برای محاسبه کمی مولفه های آسیب پذیری مخازن نسبت به حوادث زنجیره ای (پتانسیل گسترش حوادث زنجیره ای میان مخازن، پتانسیل راه اندازی حوادث زنجیره ای، پتانسیل تاثیرپذیری از سایر مخازن هنگام وقوع حوادث زنجیره ای، پتانسیل تاثیرگذاری بر سایر مخازن و تاثیرپذیری از آن ها به صورت توام هنگام وقوع حوادث زنجیره ای) به ترتیب از شاخص های بینیت، مرکزیت نزدیکی خارجی، نزدیکی داخلی و نزدیکی کل گره های متناظر مخازن استفاده شد. برای مدل سازی پیامد سناریو حوادث و محاسبه میزان تشعشع حرارتی که در اثر وقوع حریق در هر مخزن به مخازن مجاور آن می رسد، از نرم افزار مدل سازی پیامد ALOHA استفاده شد. برای مدل سازی گراف و محاسبه شاخص های مرکزیت گره ها، نرم افزار آماری R و بسته igraph مورد استفاده قرار گرفت.

    یافته ها: 

    مخازن هدف مربوط به سناریو حریق در هر مخزن مشخص گردیدند و سناریوهای زنجیره ای محتمل در مخازن به صورت یک گراف جهت دار مدل سازی شدند. مخازن بر اساس مقدار شاخص های مرکزیت گره های متناظر آن ها رتبه بندی و با یکدیگر مقایسه شدند. مخزن دارای بالاترین مقدار شاخص بینیت (3036/0) به عنوان مخزن دارای بیش ترین پتانسیل گسترش حوادث زنجیره ای میان مخازن، مخزن دارای بالاترین شاخص نزدیکی خارجی (7660/1) به عنوان مخزن دارای بیش ترین پتانسیل راه اندازی حوادث زنجیره ای و مخزن دارای بالاترین شاخص نزدیکی داخلی (9185/1) به عنوان مخزن دارای بیش ترین پتانسیل تاثیرپذیری از مخازن دیگر هنگام حوادث زنجیره ای تعیین شدند. همچنین بر اساس شاخص نزدیکی کل، محتمل ترین توالی درگیر شدن مخازن در حریق های زنجیره ای مشخص گردید.

    نتیجه گیری: 

    رویکرد نظریه گراف امکان مدل سازی گرافیکی سناریوهای زنجیره ای میان مخازن و تعیین آسیب پذیرترین مخازن ازنظر پتانسیل راه اندازی و گسترش حوادث زنجیره ای را فراهم می کند. نتایج حاصل از تحلیل آسیب پذیری با استفاده از شاخص های گراف می توانند درزمینه مدیریت ریسک حوادث زنجیره ای مورداستفاده قرار گیرند و آسیب پذیرترین مخازن برای اختصاص اقدامات حفاظتی مانند موانع ایمنی فعال و غیرفعال در اولویت قرار گیرند. با استفاده از شاخص های مرکزیت گراف همچنین می توان میزان کاهش آسیب پذیری مجموعه مخازن به واسطه پیاده سازی موانع ایمنی را محاسبه کرده و از این طریق راهکارهای اختصاص بهینه اقدامات حفاظتی را مشخص نمود.

    کلید واژگان: حوادث زنجیره ای, تحلیل آسیب پذیری, نظریه گراف, حفاظت در برابر حریق}
    Mousa Jabbari, Ahmad Alibabaei, Amir Kavousi, Mehrnoosh Rezvanjah*

    Tank farms are vulnerable to fire-induced domino effects due to the high amount of flammable materials. The present study tries to analyze the vulnerability of the crude oil tanks in one of the refineries of Iran to domino fires. The purpose of vulnerability analysis is to determine the tanks with the greatest potential to initiate and propagate domino effects in order to manage the risk of domino fires.

    Methods and Materials: 

    Graph theory and centrality measures (betweenness and closeness) were used to model domino scenarios and analyze the vulnerability of tanks to domino effects. ALOHA consequence modeling software was used to model the consequences of the accident scenarios. R-statistical software and igraph package were used to model the graph and calculate centrality measures.


    The possible domino scenarios in the tanks were modeled as a directed graph and the tanks were ranked based on the value of betweenness, out-closeness and in-closeness of their respective nodes (which represent the potential for the propagation of domino effects, potential for initiating domino effects and potential to be affected by other tanks during domino effects respectively). Also, based on all-closeness measure, the most probable sequence of tank involvement in a domino fire was determined.


    Using graph theory allows the graphical modeling of domino scenarios and determining the most vulnerable tanks in domino scenarios. The results of vulnerability analysis using graph metrics can be used in the field of domino effects risk management and the most vulnerable tanks can be prioritized to assign protection measures

    Keywords: Domino effects, Vulnerability analysis, Graph theory, Fire protection}
  • Esmaeil Shoja, Mohammad Hassan Cheraghali *, Alireza Rezghi Rostami, Alireza Derakhshani

    Resilience as a counterpoint to vulnerability can reduce the vulnerability of various natural, man-made and technological threats in complex technical systems. The present study was designed and conducted with the aim of comparative assessment of the vulnerability of the gas supply network to natural and technological threats.


    This study was carried out in the form of a descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study in Tehran metropolis gas supply network including town board stations, gas supply and distribution networks in 2019-2020. This study is based on vulnerability analysis method including three factors of likelihood, severity of consequences and the degree of preparedness for threats. Comparative vulnerability assessment in these three sections of the gas supply network was performed using IBM SPSS software v. 23.0.


    The findings showed that out of eleven identified hazardous elements, the vulnerability index for three hazardous elements were estimated in the weak level threat, four hazardous elements in the medium level threat and the vulnerability index for four hazards were aevaluated in the severe threat. The results of comparative vulnerability assessment based on three parts of the gas supply network showed that the highest vulnerabilities belong to the gas distribution network (133.66±24.63), gas supply network (115.0±35.35) and town board stations (79.49±68.51), respectively. In addition, the results of Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the vulnerability difference in these three sections was not significant (p>0.05).


    The findings of the comparative assessment of vulnerability between   different parts of the gas supply network including town board stations (TBS), gas supply and distribution network indicated that the resilience of these parts were relatively low and require special attention to reduce vulnerability in the Tehran metropolis gas supply network.

    Keywords: Comparative assessment, Vulnerability analysis, Resilience, Gas supply, network, Tehran Metropolis}
  • Mohammad Hoseini Kasnaviye, Gholamreza Masoumi, Mohammadreza Yasinzadeh, Mehrangiz Haghgoo, Hasan Tahmasebi Khob, Milad Amini
    Background And Objectives
    Health human resources is the major asset of the health system. The status of human resources in upstream and regulatory health organizations can exert high impact on the effectiveness of health policies and the performance of health system. This study, hence, was designed to explore the possible area of human resource damage to the employees of the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME).
    A total of 316 MOHME staff was surveyed. A questionnaire containing 36 items related to three dimensions of human resources damage, including behavioral, structural, and contextual dimensions was designed and used as the study tool. The content validity of the questionnaire was ensured by applying the experts’ opinions. The reliability of the instrument was ensured by obtaining a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.93. T-test and Friedman test were sued for inferential analysis of the data.
    The behavioral dimension was perceived to represent the most vulnerable area of human resources damage, followed by structural and contextual dimensions. In regard to the behavioral dimension, ‘motivational factors’ was perceived to be the most important area of damage, followed by ‘job satisfaction’ and ‘job security’. Regarding structural dimension, ‘appointment and job promotion’ received the highest perceived significance, followed by ‘payment system’ and ‘recruitment’.
    This study ranks the area of damage to health human resources in MOHME. Our results support the previous studies highlighting the role of behavioral factors in bringing damage to human resources. Our findings, therefore, could be applied to development of human resources supporting plans aimed at improving the performance of upstream governmental health organizations. Specifically, providing motivating incentives and implementing strategies supporting job satisfaction and job security can bring significant protection to health human resources.
    Keywords: Health human resources, Human resources performance, Vulnerability analysis, Quality of work life}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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