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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Low-level laser » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Seyed Mohamadmehdi Moshtaghion, Mohammad Abolhosseini, Faraj Tabeie, Sahar Balagholi, Fatemeh Suri, Samira Karami, Houra Naraghi, Mozhgan Rezaei Kanavi, Somayeh Asadi

    To investigate the short-term effects of low-level lasers (LLLs; also known as lowpower laser therapy) on the structure, genetic, and phenotype of cultured human retinal pigment epithelial (hRPE) cells from both adult and neonatal sources.


    Cultivated adult and neonatal hRPE cells were irradiated with two types of LLL (630 nm and 780 nm), 1 min daily for five consecutive days.


    An increase in doubling time was observed in 630 nm-irradiated adult hRPE cells (P = 0.032). The gene expression profile revealed increased expression of retinoid isomerohydrolase RPE65 (RPE65) (P < 0.01 for 630 nm laser, P < 0.001 for 780 nm laser) and nestin (NES) (P < 0.01 for 630 nm laser) in neonatal hRPE cells, upregulation of RPE65 (P < 0.001 for 780 nm laser) and paired box 6 (PAX6) (P < 0.001 for 780 nm laser) genes in adult hRPE cells, and reduced expression of actin alpha 2 (ACTA2) in 780 nm-irradiated adult hRPE cells (P < 0.001). Except the significant increase of 𝛼-SMA in 780 nm-irradiated neonatal hRPE cells, no significant change was noted in the expressions of other investigated proteins.


    Short-term irradiation of neonatal and adult hRPE cells with LLLs may induce multipotency at the transcriptional level. Irradiation of neonatal hRPE cells with LLLs can be associated with increased risk of myofibroblastic transformation; however, adult hRPE cells irradiated with the 780 nm laser have minimal risk of myofibroblastic differentiation. It seems that the 780 nm laser may be a promising option for future photobiomodulation in retinal degenerations in adults.

    Keywords: Alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin, Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells, Low-Level Laser, PAX6, Photobiomodulation, RPE65}
  • سید مهدی طبایی*، مینا سادات نادری، پرنیا همتی، افشان شیرکوند، محمدحسن سهیلی فر

    با توجه به اهمیت روز افزون ترمیم و جوانسازی بافت‎های مختلف لازم است توجه زیادی به تدوین پروتکل های درمانی جهت بهبود نتایج درمانی انجام شود. در حال حاضر از لیزر‎های کم توان در ترمیم بافت‎ های پوستی استفاده می‎شود. روش کربوکسی‎ تراپی با توجه به درمان غیر‎تهاجمی و ویژگی های منحصر‎ به فرد خود اهمیت ویژه‎ای پیدا کرده است. در این روش بسته به ناحیه تحت درمان، مقداری دی اکسید‎کربن به موضع تزریق می‎شود. گرچه این ماده به صورت طبیعی توسط سلول های بدن تولید می‎شود، اما زمانی که مقدار آن بیش ‎از‎حد طبیعی شود؛ بدن را مجبور به پاسخ می‎کند. زمانی که این ماده وارد بدن می‎شود، سیستم گردش خون در ناحیه تحت درمان تحریک می‎شود. بدن این شرایط جدید را به منزله کمبود اکسیژن در نظر گرفته و سعی می‎کند با استفاده از رگ ‎های خونی، شرایط را کنترل کند. با توجه به اثرات بالینی لیزرهای کم توان و همچنین روش کربوکسی تراپی لازم است اثرات کربوکسی و همچنین اثرات تواما با لیزرهای کم توان در سطح سلولی نیز بررسی شود. در این مطالعه میزان تکثیر و زنده ‎مانایی سلول های بنیادی مشتق از بافت چربی‎ تحت این تیمارها جهت کمک به تدوین پروتکل ‎های درمانی موثرتر بررسی شده است.

    مواد و روش ها

    مطالعه حاضر به صورت آزمایشگاهی بر روی سلول های بنیادی مشتق از بافت چربی انسانی انجام گردید. سلول ADMSCs ‎از جهاد دانشگاهی مرکز ملی ذخایر ژنتیکی و زیستی ایران تهیه شد. کشت در محیط DMEM [+ 10% FBS حاوی آنتی‎ بیوتیک یک درصد انجام گرفت. سلول‎ های بنیادی مشتق از چربی تحت تاثیر لیزر کم‎ توان با دوز‎های مختلف 3،2، 5 و 7 ژول بر سانتی متر‎مربع و همچنین تحت تیمار‎ کربوکسی با غلظت های مختلف (با سرعت ‎ها و حجم‎ های مختلف) ‎با دستگاهCarboxy therapy  در معرض گاز CO2 قرار داده شدند و سپس زنده ‎مانایی سلولی توسط تست MTT انجام شد. 


    نتایج حاصل از تست MTT نشان دهنده افزایش زنده ‎مانایی و تکثیر سلول‎ها تحت تیمارهای لیزر و کربوکسی بود و در تیمار همزمان لیزر و کربوکسی افزایش بیشتری را نسبت به گروه کنترل نشان داد.

    نتیجه گیری

    براساس یافته‎ های مطالعه حاضر استفاده از کربوکسی تراپی و همچنین استفاده هم زمان لیزر با دوز بهینه می تواند به عنوان یک روش جایگزین در ترمیم پوست مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: کربوکسی‎تراپی, زنده‎مانایی, لیزر کم‎توان, سلول‎های بنیادی مزانشیمی}
    Seyed Mehdi Tabaie*, Mina Sadat Naderi, Parnia Hemati, Afshan Shirkavand, Mohammad Hasan Soheilifar

    Due to the increasing importance of repairing and rejuvenating different tissues, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of treatment methods to improve treatment results. Low-level lasers are currently used to repair skin tissues. The carboxytherapy method has become particularly important due to its non-invasive treatment. In this method, some carbon dioxide is injected into the tissue.
    It is produced naturally by the cells of the body, but when the amount of CO2 becomes too much, it forces the body to respond. When carbon dioxide enters the body, the circulatory system in the treated area is stimulated. And then tries to control the condition using blood vessels. Due to the clinical effects of low-level laser and also the carboxytherapy method, it is necessary to study carboxy effects and simultaneously the low-level laser at the cellular level.
    In this study, the proliferation and viability of Adipose Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSC) have been studied under Laser and carboxy therapy treatments to help develop more effective protocols.

    Materials and Methods

    Adipose Mesenchymal Stem cells were cultured in DMEM F12 + 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 mg/ml streptomycin. The cells were placed in an incubator with 5% CO2 humidified atmosphere at 37°C. MSC stem cells were irradiated by low-level laser with various doses of 2,3,5 and 7 J/cm2 and also cells were exposed to carboxy with different concentrations (with speeds and Different volumes) by Carboxy Therapy device. viability of cells were done by MTT test.


    The results of this study illustrated the viability and proliferation of cells under the laser and carboxy therapy increased and at the simultaneous laser and carboxy treatment showed further increase than the control group.


    Based on the findings of this study, the use of carboxytherapy as well as the simultaneous use of laser with an optimal dose can be used as an alternative method in skin repair.

    Keywords: Carboxy Therapy, Low Level Laser, Stem Cells, Viability}
  • علی مهدی سیاه پوش، مهدی رفیعی *، مسعود فیض بخش، علیرضا تسلیمی

    با توجه به نقش مدیاتورهای التهابی هم در حرکات ارتودنسی و هم در ایجاد بیماریهای پریودنتال و با توجه به نقش IL-17 بعنوان واسطه ی التهابی مهم در درمان های ارتودنسی و تاثیر درمان با لیزر کم توان بعنوان درمان جنبی جدید و مناسب،  هدف از این مطالعه  تاثیر درمان با لیزر کم توان بر روی سطح IL-17 در مایع شیار لثه ای طی درمان ارتودنسی بود.

    مواد و روش ها

    در این مطالعه کارآزمایی بالینی 12 بیمار نیاز به درمان ارتودنسی انتخاب شدند. در این بیماران به صورت تصادفی یک سمت برای تابش لیزر و یک سمت به عنوان کنترل درنظر گرفته شد. تابش لیزر کم توان دیود با طول موج 810 نانومتر در تمام طول شیار لثه ای در روزهای 0،2، 18 و 30 پس از درمان ارتودنسی انجام گرفت. نمونه گیری در روزهای 0، 2، 18 و 30 با قرار دادن کن های کاغذی در سالکوس دیستال، مزیال، پالاتال و باکال دندان #5 ماگزیلا دو طرف بمدت 30 ثانیه صورت پذیرفت. سپس تمام نمونه ها به آزمایشگاه منتقل شده و با استفاده از دستگاه ELISA reader سطح IL-17 تعیین گردید. داده های بدست آمده با آزمون های آماری t paried test  و one way Anova  تجزیه و تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها

     میانگین IL-17 روز صفر (62/0 P =) و روز دوم بعد از ارتودنسی (19/0 P =) بین دو سمت کنترل و درمان با لیزر اختلاف معناداری نداشت اما در روزهای هجدهم  و سی ام بعد از ارتودنسی در گروه درمان با لیزر به طور معناداری کمتر از گروه کنترل بود (001/0 P <). میانگین IL-17 در هر دو گروه در طی دوران درمان کاهش داشت ولی در روز هجدهم این کاهش چشمگیر بود

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج حاصل از مطالعه حاضر نشانگر نقش درمانی لیزر کم توان دیود در کاهش میزان التهاب می باشد و سطح  اینترلوکین 17 در هر دو سمت دهان با گذشت زمان به تدریج کاهش یافت که این کاهش در سمت درمان با لیزر کمتر از سمت کنترل بود.

    کلید واژگان: لیزر کم توان, اینترلوکین -17, مایع شیار لثه ای, ارتودنسی}
    Ali Mahdi Siahposh, Mahdi Rafiei *, Masood Feizbakhsh, Alireza Taslimi

    Considering the role of inflammatory mediators in both orthodontic movements and the development of periodontal diseases and taking into account the role of Interleukin 17 as an important inflammatory mediator in orthodontic treatments and the impact of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) as a new and appropriate adjuvant therapy, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of LLLT on IL-17 levels in gingival cervicular fluid (GCF) during orthodontic treatment. Materials &


    In this clinical trial study, 12 patients in need of orthodontic treatment were selected. In these patients, one side of the mouth was randomly selected for laser irradiation and the other side as a control. Diode LLL irradiation with a wavelength of 810 nm was performed throughout the gingival Cervicular on days 0, 2, 18, and 30 after orthodontic treatment. Sampling was performed on days 0, 2, 18, and 30 by placing paper points in distal, mesial, palatal, and buccal sulcus of the maxillary fifth molar on the both sides for 30 seconds. All samples were then transferred to the laboratory and IL-17 level was determined by ELISA reader. Data were analyzed using Paired t-test and One-way ANOVA.


    Mean IL-17 levels at day zero (p value = 0.62) and day 2 after orthodontic treatment (p value = 0.19) were not significantly different between the control and laser treated sides, however they were significantly lower in the laser-treated group than the control group on days 18 and 30 after orthodontic treatment (p value < 0.001). The mean IL-17 levels decreased in both groups during the treatment period, but this decrease was significant on day 18.


    The results of the present study indicate the therapeutic role of diode LLL in reducing inflammation, and Il-17 levels in both sides of the mouth gradually decreased over time, and this decrease was more pronounced in the laser-treated side than in the control side.

    Keywords: Low-level Laser, Interleukin-17, Gingival cervicular fluid, Orthodontics}
  • Luiz Felipe Palma, Luana Campos, Cristina Maria Arvate Álvares, Rafael Verardi Serrano, Luís Otávio Carvalho de Moraes

    Alopecia areata (AA) is an autoimmune, inflammatory, non-scarring hair loss in which T-cells target hair follicles. Given that the available therapeutic options generally do not induce and sustain remission of AA effectively and many adverse effects may occur, monochromatic light sources have been recently gaining attention from clinicians. Therefore, the present paper aimed to report the first case in which photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) with a continuous wave red laser (660 nm) was used as monotherapy for AA.

    Case Presentation

    An isolated round area of complete hair loss was subjected to daily PBMT sessions, resulting in significant regrowth (hair of normal coloration and thickness) within 7 days. On the 21st day, the patient’s aesthetic concern was completely resolved.


    PBMT with a continuous wave red laser seems to be a promising therapeutic option for the treatment of AA; however, additional studies are necessary to obtain more robust evidence.

    Keywords: Low-level laser, Alopecia areata, Hair}
  • Luiz Felipe Palma, Thales dos Santos Porfírio, Rafael Verardi Serrano, Luana Campos, Luís Otávio Carvalho de Moraes

    Surgical procedures involving the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are frequently associated with nerve injuries and subsequent dysfunctions.Considering that traumatic peripheral nerve injuries may resolve slowly and their prognosis is generally unpredictable, the current study aimed to report a clinical case in which both motor (affecting the temporal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve) and sensory dysfunctions (affecting the auriculotemporal nerve of the trigeminal nerve) following TMJ surgery were effectively treated by using photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT).

    Case Report: 

    PBMT sessions, involving a total of 30 facial points, were administered twice a week for 10 weeks. The following parameters were utilized: wavelength of 808 nm, energy density of 75 J/cm², power output of 100 mW, total energy of 3 J, and duration of 30 seconds per point. A considerable improvement in both facial asymmetry and muscle function was achieved within 5 weeks, along with a total restoration of cutaneous sensitivity. By the 10th week of PBMT, the facial movement dysfunction was completely resolved.


    According to the current case, PMBT seems to be an effective intervention to manage motor and sensory nerve dysfunctions following TMJ surgery.

    Keywords: Low-level laser, Cranial nerve injuries, Facial nerve, Trigeminal nerve}
  • Luana Campos, Daniel Campanhã, Ricardo Yudi Tateno, Luiz Felipe Palma

    Thrombocytopenia is usually seen after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and may favor the development of oral bleeding, infections, and ulcerations.

    Case Report

    A patient with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia had been submitted to allogeneic HSCT. Within a few days, she developed severe thrombocytopenia and an extensive ulcerative area comprising both lips, which bled spontaneously, as well as smaller ulcers on the tongue mucosa. The lesions were managed using a combination of phototherapies (photobiomodulation and antimicrobial photodynamic therapies), totalizing 4 laser sessions. After 4 days, there was an important reduction in the severity of the lesions, with spontaneous disappearance of the crusts and reepithelization.


    The proposed combination of phototherapies would be a suitable therapeutic modality for the management of oral lesions related to platelet disorders induced by oncologic treatments.

    Keywords: Photodynamic therapy, Low-level laser, Thrombocytopenia, Oral lesion, Lip diseases}
  • Sirous Momenzadeh*, Alireza Zali, Zahra Razzaghi, Fatemeh Momenzadeh, Alireza Mirkheshti, Shahram Sayadi, Houman Teymourian, Raziyeh Momenzadeh

    The most common type of neck pain is chronic nonspecific pain. There are conflicting opinions about the beneficial effects of a low-level laser in reducing chronic nonspecific neck pain. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for the treatment of non-specific chronic neck pain.


    This study was conducted as a prospective randomized clinical trial. Forty-four patients were randomly divided into two groups: (1) Intervention group (n = 22): LLLT in the red spectra range with a wavelength of 980 (nm) and a power of 16 (J/cm2) was irradiated in the affected areas of the neck, the muscles along the spine, and the upper trapezius; (2) sham group (n = 22): A low-level laser was irradiated with a passive probe (non-laser red light) in the affected areas of the neck, the muscles along the spine, and the upper trapezius. The treatment protocol consisted of 12 sessions (15 minutes, three times a week, for four weeks). These patients were evaluated for pain using the visual analog scale (VAS) (0-10). The patients were followed up for four weeks.


    This study showed a statistically significant reduction in chronic nonspecific neck pain in the LLLT group (P < 0.05).


    It is concluded that LLLT was effective in reducing chronic nonspecific neck pain. LLLT is a non-invasive, safe and effective method that can improve chronic nonspecific neck pain in patients in the short term.

    Keywords: Low-level laser, Red spectra, Treatment, Nonspecific neck pain, Chronic neck Pain}
  • Fatemeh Abbasnezhad, Sona Zare, Mohammadreza Razzaghi, Reza Karjou, _ Zahra Karjou, Ehsan Alavi Rad, Shahrzad Zadehmodarres*

    Many studies have recognized the importance of new methods in wound healing. This study aims to investigate the healing effects of allograft extra embryonic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with and without low-level diode laser irradiation when grafted into full-thickness skin defects in diabetic animal models.


    In this experimental study, in order to make the rats diabetic, we used an intra-peritoneal injection of streptozotocin. Human amniotic membrane derived mesenchymal stem cells (hAMSCs) were irradiated with a low-level diode laser. Two full-thickness excisions were made on the backs of the rats. Next, the rats were divided into the following groups: group 1: low-level laser (LLL) irradiated hAMSCs and group 2: hAMSCs alone transplanted into skin wound. Histopathologic, ultrasound and elasticity evaluations were performed 7, 14 and 21 days after grafting.


    In the evaluated rats, epithelial formation was on day 7 and increased until day 14. On days 7, 14 and 21, the percentage of epithelial formation in the irradiated cell group was significantly higher than that in the cell group, so that, on day 21, the epithelium in this group completely covered the wound surface while in the control group the wound surface was still not completely covered. In terms of angiogenesis, on day 7, the irradiated cells were significantly lower than the cells. Also, the formation of collagen in the cellular hydrogel group could confirm the effectiveness of amniotic MSCs in collagen production and thus accelerate the wound healing process. In comparison with hAMSCs alone, irradiated hAMSCs increased the thickness and elasticity of the skin.


    Low-power laser along with MSCs can be effective in improving chronic wound condition in the animal model.

    Keywords: Mesenchymal stem cells, Allograft, Diode lasers, Chronic wounds, Low-level laser}
  • پریا ناصری، علیرضا علی همتی، حمید طایفی، سید حسین راستا *

    فولیکولوژنزیس فرایندی است که هرگونه اختلال در آن منجر به بیماری های تخمدانی می شود. درمان های آن شامل جراحی, انواع داروها و لیزر به صورت مکمل می باشد. بنابراین این مطالعه به بررسی اثر تحریک زیستی لیزر کم توان (توان < 250 میلی وات) بر فرایند فولیکولوژنزیس در بافت تخمدان کوش صحرایی به صورت مستقل در دو طول موج 630 و 810 نانومتر پرداخته است. لیزر ، (D) دارو ، (CT)

    روش کار

    28 رت ماده از نژاد ویستار با وزن بین 150 تا 250 گرم در سن 9 هفته به چهار گروه کنترل RL 2±33 برای mw/cm تقسیم شدند. برای این کار از دو لیزر دایود با شدت 2 (NIRL) لیزر مادون قرمز نزدیک ، (RL) قرمز 5) قرار j/cm استفاده شد. در دو روز اول سیکل استروس گروه های لیزر تحت تابش (2 NIRL 2±212 برای mw/cm و شدت 2 D گرفتند. موشهای گروه کلومیفن (1 میکروگرم بر کیلوگرم) دریافت کردند. پس از انجام آزمایشها، موشها بیهوش و قربانی شدند و بافت تخمدان آنها برداشته شد.

    یافته ها

    تعداد انواع فولیکولها و سطح هورمونهای موثر مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. نتایج نشان دهنده تغییر در تعداد انواع فولیکول در مقایسه با سایر گروه ها معنی دار بود، در حالی NIRL بود. این تغییر در گروه CT و D ها و هورمون ها در مقایسه با گروه های CT کمتر از گروه لیزر بود و تنها در مقایسه با گروه D معنی دار نبود. این نتایج در گروه RL که در گروه معنی دار بود.

    نتیجه گیری

    لیزر کم توان درمانی در طول موج 810 نانومتر می تواند به طور مستقل فعالیت بافت تخمدان را در تولید انواع فولیکول ها افزایش دهد. بنابراین، این مطالعه توانست لیزر 810 نانومتر را به عنوان درمانی مستقل و جدید در تنبلی تخمدان معرفی کند که می تواند در مطالعات بعدی مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: لیزر کم توان, تخمدان, فرایندفولیکولوژنزیس, هورمون}
    Paria Naseri, Aliraza Alihemati, Hamid Taifi Nasrabadi, Seyed Hosein Rasta *

    Folliculogenesis is a cycle that any disruption in this cycle leads to disease. Treatment include Surgery, drugs and low-power lasers have been used as complementary. This study investigated photo-bio-stimulation effect of lasers (power<250 mW)) on folliculogenesis cycle in rats’ ovarian tissue in two wavelength 630 and 810 nm autonomously.


    Twenty-eight female Wistar rats in weights between 150-250g at the age of 9 weeks divided into four groups: control (CT), Drug(D), Red Laser (RL) and Near Infrared Laser (NIRL). For this, two diode lasers with an output 33±2 mw/cm2 for RL and 212±2 mw/cm2 for NIRL have been used. In the first 2 days of estrous cycle the laser groups were irradiated (5j/cm2 dose). The rats in D group received clomiphene (1μg/Kg). After the experiments, the rats were anesthetized and sacrificed and their ovarian tissues were removed.


    The number of different follicles and the levels of effective hormones were evaluated. The results showed a change in follicles and hormones compared with D and CT groups. This change was significant in the NIRL group compared with other groups, while it was not significant in the RL group. Theas results in D group was less than laser groups and was significant only compared with CT group.


    Low-power laser therapy at 810 nm can increase the activity of ovarian tissue in the production of follicles independently. Therefore, this study was able to introduce 810 nm laser as a new independent treatment for ovarian hypoglycemia that can be used in future studies.

    Keywords: Low Level Laser, Ovary, Folliculogenesis Cycle, Hormone}
  • Sepehr Zargaran, Soroush Mohitmafi*, Ali Anisian

    This research aimed to study the healing process of cryosurgical wounds after topical application of low-level laser and to evaluate its effects for the prevention of healing complications.

    Materials and Methods

    A total of 50 healthy male Wistar rats with an average weight of 200-250 g were selected and randomly divided into two main groups. In control group (N=25), cryosurgery was done without using of low-level laser. In experimental group (N=25), cryosurgery was done and the low-level laser was used for 10 days post-surgery. Each main group was divided into five subgroups (n=5) according to histopathological evaluation date (3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days post-surgical) and healing process was evaluated on the wound specimens harvested at above-mentioned days. The full- thickness wounds were harvested in 40 mm in length and 20 mm in width and the specimens were stained using hematoxylin-eosin and Masson’s Trichrome staining. The healing process was evaluated and compared in groups by observation of granulation tissue and collagen fibers amounts, epithelial gap size, the number of inflammatory cells, and the rate of angiogenesis. Data were collected and statistically analyzed and compared between the experimental and control groups on specific days using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dan post hoc statistical tests.


    The obtained data were compared between the experimental and control groups on different days using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dan post hoc statistical tests. The statistical results revealed significant differences between groups (P<0.05) in all mentioned variables. It revealed that the healing process in the experimental group took place at least one week earlier than the control group.


    The results of this animal study showed that the low-level laser therapy on an experimental cryosurgical wound not only accelerates the healing process but also can be effective in the prevention of healing complications. The authors suggest further research to extend the results to human applications.

    Keywords: Cryosurgery, Low-level Laser, Rat, Skin, Healing}
  • مینا سادات نادری، سید مهدی طبایی*، محمدحسن سهیلی فر، مجید پرنور
    زمینه و هدف

    امروزه از لیزرهای کم توان برای درمان ریزش مو به دلیل افزایش تکثیر سلولی استفاده می شود. سلول درمانی با استفاده از سلول های بنیادی می تواند رویکرد جدیدی در زمینه کاشت مو باشد. در این مطالعه اثر تابش لیزر کم توان بر بقا و همچنین میزان رادیکال های فعال اکسیژن سلول های بنیادی فولیکول موی انسانی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.

    روش بررسی

    مطالعه آزمایشگاهی، مداخله ای و در محیط In vitro آزمایشگاه کشت سلولی سازمان جهاد دانشگاهی علوم پزشکی تهران در سال 1398 (خرداد 1398 تا بهمن 1398) انجام شد. ابتدا فولیکول مو از ناحیه پس سری(SDA)  جدا شد. جداسازی ناحیه بالب هر فولیکول پس از جداسازی واحدهای فولیکولار انجام شد. پس از رشد سلول های بنیادی فولیکول مو در فلاسک کشت سلولی، بیان نشانگرهای سلول های بنیادی با استفاده از روش فلوسایتومتری مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. میزان بقا و همچنین میزانROS  تحت تابش دوز های مختلف لیزر کم توان با طول موج nm 685 سنجیده شد.

    یافته ها:

     نتایج تیمار سلول های بنیادی فولیکول مو با دوز های مختلف لیزر کم توان (صفر تا J/cm2 20) نشان داد که لیزر کم توان با دوز پنج J/cm2 بالاترین میزان بقا را نشان داد. نتایج سنجش میزان ROS تحت تاثیر لیزر کم توان نیز حاکی از افزایش میزان ROS در دوز انرژی پنج J/cm2 بود.

    نتیجه گیری:

     افزایش بقا و تکثیر بیشتر سلول های بنیادی فولیکول مو تحت تاثیر لیزر کم توان می تواند رویکرد جدیدی را در سلول درمانی با استفاده از سلول های بنیادی فولیکول مو و همچنین کاشت مو ایجاد کند.

    کلید واژگان: سلول های بنیادی, فولیکول مو, لیزر کم توان, بقا}
    Mina Sadat Naderi, Seyed Mehdi Tabaie*, MohammadHasan Soheilifar, Majid Pornour

    Low-level lasers are used for various medical applications including wound healing and hair loss treatment. Cell Therapy using skin stem cells could be a novel approach to hair transplantation. However, there is no study on the effect of low-level laser on the hair follicle stem cells. So, in this study, we investigated the effect of low level laser irradiation on viability and ROS production in the hair follicle stem cells.


    This study was performed in the cell culture laboratory of Medical Laser Research Center, Yara Institute in 2020 (June 2020 to February 2020). The hair follicle was isolated from the Safe Donor Area (SDA) using the 4mm punch method. In the laboratory, after separating the follicular units, the bulb region of each follicle was isolated via mechanical and enzymatic methods and cultured in FBS+F12-DMEM. Afterward, the stem cells were characterized via flow cytometry. The effect of low-level laser (685 nm) with different doses (1-20 J/cm2) was investigated on cell proliferation, viability and ROS production.


    The stem cells were confirmed via flow cytometry and also morphological tests. The results indicated that the viability of the stem cells under laser irradiation was different. comparison of the cell viability before and after laser irradiation showed that the highest viability was related to 5 J/cm2 dose energy of laser irradiation. However, the viability of the cells in most dose energy of laser irradiation increased compared with the control group. Moreover, ROS production had a significant increase on 5 J/cm2 energy density of laser irradiation. We can be achieved better treatment in hair transplantation and hair follicle growth by knowing the effect of low-level laser irradiation on the viability of the hair follicle stem cells.


    The result of this study could be useful in cell therapy and hair transplantation due to the improvement of cell viability and increase in ROS production under the influence of laser irradiation.

    Keywords: hair follicle, stem cells, low level laser, viability}
  • Ahmad Zeinalzade, Ghassem Mohammadkhani *, Mehdi Akbari, Shohreh Jalaie

    By considering the necessity prevention of hearing loss secondary to noise exposure, this research investigated the protective role of low-level laser (LLL) therapy in the prevention of cochlear outer hair cell (OHC) damage and death due to noise exposure in guinea-pigs.

    Materials and Methods

    In this study, a total of 30 male albino guinea-pigs (290±10 g) were used and randomly divided into three groups in order to evaluate hair cell counts and apoptosis of cochlear hair cells, including noise, control, and LLL therapy group each containing 10 pigs. The right outer ear canal of the LLL therapy group was exposed to165 mW/cm2 LLL for five successive days for just half an hour per day. Then, the LLL therapy and noise groups were exposed to 3-6 kHz octave band noise at 120 dBSPL. Twenty-one days after noise exposure, the animals of all groups were killed for the count of their OHCs and immunohistochemistry for caspase-3 experiments.


    The percentage of OHCs in the base and middle turns of the cochlea was significantly lower in the noise group compared to the control and low laser therapy groups (P<0.05). The expression of caspase-3 significantly differed in the noise group in comparison to control and low laser groups regarding the experiment of immunohistochemistry (P<0.05).


    The findings indicated that LLL was useful in the protection of the cochlear OHCs and could help in the prevention of hair-cell apoptosis.

    Keywords: Low-level laser, Caspase-3, Guinea-pigs, Apoptosis}
  • Afsaneh Seifolahi, Tahere Rezaeian, Zahra Mosallanezhad, Sedigheh Sadat Naimi*

    Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is one of the most frequent causes of chronic musculoskeletal pain which is characterized by myofascial trigger points (MTrPs). Hence, it is of crucial importance to identify practical approaches for the treatment of these points. Upper trapezius muscle (UT) is highly susceptible to the development of MTrPs that are commonly resulted from overuse and micro-trauma.


    The present study aimed to compare the effects of dry needling (DN) and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) regarding the reduction of pain and muscle thickness and improvement of the range of motion (ROM) and pressure pain threshold (PPT) in patients with latent MTrPs (LTrPs) in their UT muscles.


    In total, 60 patients with LTrPs in UT muscle participated in this randomized clinical trial. The subjects were randomly divided into two treatment groups of DN and LLLT. The PPT was evaluatedby visual analog scale (VAS) and algometer while ROM and muscle thickness were assessed using goniometer and ultrasonography, respectively. It should be noted that the variables were evaluated before the first and after the sixth sessions. Finally, the collected data were analyzed using independent and paired t-tests.


    Based on the results, the VAS and muscle thickness significantly reduced, while the PPT and cervical ROM increased in both groups after treatment (P<0.001). The independent t-test revealed a statistically significant improvement in the DN group in terms of PPT (9.9-14.17, P=0.009) and ROM (37.33-42.67, p=0.005), compared to the LLLTgroup. Nevertheless, no significant difference was found between the two groups regarding VAS and muscle thickness variables (P>0.05).


    The DN and LLLT effectively improved symptoms in the UT muscles of patients with LTrPs. However, the DN was more effective in the improvement of ROM and PPT variables

    Keywords: Dry needling, Low-level laser, Trigger point, Upper trapezius}
  • MohammadReza Razzaghi, MohammadHossein Ghazimoradi, Shervin Afzali, Ehsan Kamani, Ezeddin Mohajerani, Afshan Shirkavand, Shirin Farivar

    ntroduction: The cytotoxicity of chemotherapy drugs is a significant challenge in the way of surmounting cancer. Liposomal drug delivery has proven to be efficacious in increasing the function of the drugs. Its potential to accumulate drugs in the target site and enhance the efficiency of anti-cancer agents with lower doses hinders their cytotoxicity on normal healthy cells. Since the release of drugs from liposomes is not generally on a controlled basis, several studies have suggested that external stimuli including lasers could be used to induce controlled release and boost the efficiency of liposomal drug delivery systems (LDDSs).


    TheA375 cancer cell line was used and exposed to the liposomes containing doxorubicin in the presence of a low-level laser beam to investigate its effect on the liposomal stimuli-responsiveness release and its toxicity on cancer cells. So as to achieve that goal, Annexin V/PI was employed to analyze the number of cells that underwent apoptosis and necrosis.


    Here, we report the effect of laser irradiation on LDDSs. According to the results obtained from the annexin V/PI assay, the pattern of viability status has shifted, so that the number of pre-apoptotic cells treated with liposomal doxorubicin and a laser beam was more than that of cells treated with only liposomal doxorubicin.


    The use of stimuli-responsive LDDSs, in this case, laser-responsive, has led to favorable circumstances in the treatment of cancer, offering enhanced cancer cell cytotoxicity.

    Keywords: Low-level laser, Stimuli-sensitive liposomes, Cancer cytotoxicity, Liposomal drug delivery, Apoptosis}
  • Nesrine Ali Elsahn, Hatem M. El Damanhoury, Dina W. Elkassas

    Erbium laser ablation as a method of tooth preparation and conditioning has shown promising results. Although previous studies have adopted various combinations of different laser parameters and several dentin adhesive systems, very few have investigated combining high-level and low-level ER:YAG lasers with Universal adhesives. This study aimed to assess the impact of using low-energy irradiation on the surface micro-topography and shear bond strength (SBS) of universal adhesive (UA) to the erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) laser-ablated dentin substrate, bonded in etch-and-rinse or self-etch adhesive mode.


    Eighty-seven extracted molars were sectioned to expose flat occlusal dentin surface; 60 teeth were divided equally into three groups according to the surface treatment; bur-cutting (B), Er:YAG high-energy laser cutting (L1 - 200 mJ, 20 Hz, 50 μs pulse), or L1 followed by low-energy laser modification (L1/L2 - 80 mJ, 10 Hz, 50 μs pulse). Then each group was equally divided into two groups (n=10) according to the mode of application of the universal adhesive; either etch-and-rinse (ER) or self-etching (SE). The samples were subjected to thermocycling (5000 cycle between 5°C and 55°C), and SBS was tested. Two-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test were used to analyze the results. The remaining 27 samples were used to investigate the effect of the treatment on the topography of the treated dentin surfaces using a scanning electron microscope (SEM).


    B/SE recorded the highest SBS (25.48 ± 2.6 MPa) followed by B/ER (23.20 ± 6.8 MPa) and L1/L2/SE (22.94 ± 4.1 MPa) and with no statistically significant difference between these groups (P>0.05). The lowest SBS results (P<0.05) were recorded for L1/SE (12.22 ± 3 MPa). No statistical differences were found between the SBS of L1/L2/ER and L1/ER groups or between the SBS of L1/L2/ER and L1/L2/SE groups.


    A subsequent treatment of the Er:YAG laser-ablated dentin with low-energy laser modification mode (LMM) enhances the SBS of the tested UA when applied in SE mode.

    Keywords: Low-level laser, Er:YAG laser, Universal adhesives, Shear bond strength}
  • Mina Khayamzadeh, Paniz Ahmadi, Farnoosh Razmara, Keyhan Safavi

    Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are one of the most prevalent disorders in maxillofacial area. Due to lack of understanding of the etiology or pathogenesis of TMD and a definitive  diagnostic or therapeutic approach, patients have to tolerate symptoms such as pain. This study was  aimed to perform a review of non-surgical treatment methods for TMD.

    Materials and Methods

    In this review, Google, Google Scholar, PubMed, SID, ISI Web of Science, SID and IranMedex databases were searched using key terms: temporomandibular  disorders, temporomandibular joint, temporomandibular pain, non-surgical treatment. Articles  meeting the inclusion criteria were recruited in the study. Finally, a total of 63 prospective  linical trials were evaluated from 2015 to 2020.


    From the 61 studies evaluated, 27 studies were on low-level laser therapy (LLLT), 13 studies on transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), 5 studies on acupuncture and dry  needling, 1 study on laser acupuncture, 9 studies on platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and 6 studies on  Botox injection.


    Laser acupuncture had similar treatment effects in reducing pain to TENS, low-level laser, acupuncture and dry needling. It seems that the use of laser acupuncture is safer than other methods in decreasing pain of patients with TMD.

    Keywords: Temporomandibular disorders, Low-level laser, Acupuncture, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, Botox}
  • دادالله شاهی مریدی*، مجید ملاحسینی، حسین آذین، حسن احمدی نیا
    زمینه و هدف

    عضلات یکی از علل ایجاد کننده درد در بدن انسان می باشند. در بین انواع دردهای عضلانی، نقاط ماشه ای میوفاسیال بسیار شایع هستند. هدف از این مطالعه تعیین و مقایسه تاثیر شاک ویو و لیزر کم توان در درمان نقاط ماشه ای میوفاسیال عضلات ذوزنقه ای بود.

    مواد و روش ها

    این مطالعه کارآزمایی بالینی تصادفی شده، در کلینیک فیزیوتراپی فاطمیه(س) رفسنجان در سال 98-1397 انجام شد. تعداد 111 بیمار مبتلا به نقاط ماشه ای میوفاسیال عضلات ذوزنقه ای به طور تصادفی به سه گروه 37 نفری تقسیم گردیدند. بیماران، روش های درمانی شامل شاک ویو، لیزر کم توان و درمان رایج فیزیوتراپی را به مدت 10 جلسه دریافت کردند. ارزیابی شدت درد موضعی، باند سفت عضلانی، کاهش درد انتشاری و محدودیت حرکات در جلسه اول، دهم و 10 روز پس از پایان درمان انجام گرفت. داده ها با استفاده از آنالیز واریانس دوطرفه با اندازه گیری های مکرر و تست تعقیبی Tukey و آزمون مجذور کای تجزیه و تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها

    نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد شاک ویو در طی 10 جلسه در کاهش شدت درد موضعی نقاط ماشه ای میوفاسیال موثرتر از روش های لیزر و درمان رایج فیزیوتراپی بوده است (001/0>p). هم چنین، آزمون مجذور کای در جلسه دهم نشان داد که شاک ویو در مقایسه با دو روش فوق، برای برطرف کردن باند سفت عضلانی، بهبود حرکات و کاهش درد انتشاری موثرتر بوده است (001/0>p).

    نتیجه گیری

    از یافته های این مطالعه می توان نتیجه گرفت که شاک ویو در طی 10 جلسه می تواند در کاهش شدت درد موضعی، درد انتشاری، بهبودی حرکات و برطرف نمودن باند سفت عضلانی موثر باشد.

    کلید واژگان: شاک ویو درمانی, لیزر کم توان, نقاط ماشه ای میوفاسیال, عضلات ذوزنقه ای}
    D. Shahimoridi*, M. Mollahosseini, H. Azin, H. Ahmadinia
    Background and Objectives

    Muscles are known as organs which can generate pain in human body. Among different types of muscle pain, myofascial trigger points (MTPs) are very common. The aim of this study was comparing the effect of shockwave therapy (SWT) and low level laser therapy (LLLT) on the treatment of the MTPs of trapezius muscles.

    Materials and Methods

    This randomized clinical trial was performed in Fatemieh physiotherapy clinic of Rafsanjan, Iran, in 2019. One hundred and eleven patients conflicted to MTPs of trapezius muscles were randomly assigned into three equal groups of 37. Treatment methods were included SWT, LLLT and conventional physiotherapy (CP) during 10 sessions. Intensity of local pain, tense band of the muscle, radicular pain and limitation of movements were assessed in 1st, 10th and 10 days after treatment. Data was analyzed using two-way repeated measures ANOVA followed by Tukeychr('39')s post hoc test and chi-square test.


    The findings of this study showed that SWT during 10 sessions was more effective than LLLT and CT in relief of intensity of local pain of the MTPs (p<0.001). Also, in the 10th  session, chi-square test showed that SWT in comparison with LLLT and CT can be more effective in removing tense band of the muscle, improving movements and reducing radicular pain (p<0.001).


    According to this study, during 10 sessions, SWT can be effective in the relief of local pain of MTPs, radicular pain, improving movements and removing muscle tense band.

    Keywords: Shockwave therapy, Low level laser, Myofascial trigger points, Trapezius muscles}
  • حمیده سادات محمدی پور، پگاه مسنن مظفری، مریم امیرچقماقی، فاطمه اسدی، آلا قاضی*
    سابقه و هدف

    یکی از مشکلات شایع در اغلب مراجعین به دندانپزشکی، درد و حساسیت به تحریکات حرارتی پس از ترمیم با آمالگام می باشد که منجر به مراجعه مکرر بیماران می گردد. از آنجایی که لیزر کم توان دارای مزایای متعددی در کاهش التهاب، درد و حساسیت می باشد، هدف از این مطالعه ارزیابی اثر لیزر کم توان Ga-Al-As بر درمان حساسیت عاجی بعد از ترمیم آمالگام می باشد.

    مواد و روش ها

    در این مطالعه کارآزمایی بالینی دو سویه کور، 21 بیمار با حساسیت کوتاه مدت به تحریکات حرارتی بعد از ترمیم آمالگام (از زمان ترمیم تا دو ماه بعد) بررسی شدند. در گروه مطالعه، آپکس دندان های خلفی به مدت 3 دقیقه تحت تابش لیزر Ga-Al-As قرار گرفت و در 4 جلسه با فاصله سه روز تکرار شد. در گروه شاهد شرایط کاملا مشابه بود با این تفاوت که دستگاه خاموش بود. برای ارزیابی کمی میزان حساسیت از مقیاس دیداری درد (VAS) قبل از درمان، بلافاصله پس از درمان، 3 و 6 ماه پس از درمان استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    میزان درد قبل و بعد از درمان در گروه مطالعه به ترتیب 1/15±7/3، 3/02±4/5 و در گروه شاهد 1/75±6/4، 3/03±4/27 گزارش شد. میزان کاهش درد بلافاصله بعد از درمان فقط در گروه مطالعه معنی دار بوده است (p=0/004) در پیگیری 3 و 6 ماهه میانگین VAS در گروه مطالعه به طور معنی داری بیشتر از گروه شاهد بود (به ترتیب 0/026=p، 0/020=p).

    نتیجه گیری

    بر اساس نتایج این مطالعه، لیزر کم توان Ga-Al-As اثر کاهنده بر حساسیت بعد از ترمیم های آمالگام به صورت کوتاه مدت دارد.

    کلید واژگان: لیزر کم توان, آمالگام دندانی, ازدیاد حساسیت}
    HS. Mohammadipour, P. Mosannen Mozaffari, M. Amirchaghmaghi, F. Asadi, A. Ghazi*

    Pain and sensitivity to thermal irritation after amalgam restoration is one of the most common problems, causes frequent recurrence of these patients to dental clinics. Since low-level laser has several benefits in reducing inflammation, pain and sensitivity, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of low-level Ga-Al-As laser on the treatment of dentinal sensitivity after amalgam restoration.


    In this double-blind clinical trial study, 21 patients with short-term sensitivity to thermal irritation after amalgam restoration (from the time of repair to two months) were evaluated. The case group was treated with Ga-Al-As laser in 4 sessions with intervals of three days. For the control group, the similar condition was applied except that the device was off. The sensitivity was assessed based on VAS criteria prior to treatment, immediately after treatment, and 3 and 6 months after treatment.


    Pre and post-treatment pain in case group was 7.3±1.16, 4.5±3.03 and in control group was 6.45±1.75, 4.27±3.04 respectively. The reduction in pain immediately after treatment was significant only in the case group (p= 0.004). In the follow-up period of 3 and 6 months, the mean VAS in the case group was significantly higher than that in the control group (p= 0.026 and p= 0.020, respectively).


    Based on the results this study, the Ga-Al-As low-level laser has a decreasing effect on the sensitivity of post-amalgam restorations in a short term.

    Keywords: Low-Level laser, Dental Amalgam, Hypersensitivity}
  • عطارد سادات مصطفوی نیا*، محمد بیات، مهدی قطره سامانی، سید کامران قریشی

    در مبتلایان به دیابت نوع یک تشکیل استخوان مختل شده و ریز ساختار استخوان تغییر می کند. مهم ترین عارضه متابولیکی در دیابت، استیوپوروز بوده که با کاهش توده استخوانی و تخریب ساختار استخوان مشخص می شود. هدف از تحقیق حاضر تعیین تاثیر کاربرد لیزر کم توان در ترمیم نقص استخوانی در مدل تجربی دیابت و استیوپوروز می باشد.

    مواد و روش ها

    30 سر موش صحرایی ماده چهار ماهه، نژاد ویستار با وزن 220-190 گرم انتخاب و به طور تصادفی به شش گروه شامل 1: کنترل غیر دیابتی (Co.)، 2: لیزر غیر دیابتی (L.)، 3: کنترل دیابتی (Co.D.)، 4: لیزردیابتی (L.D.)، 5: آلندرونیت دیابتی (A.D.)، و 6: لیزر+آلندرونیت دیابتی (.L.A.D) تقسیم شدند. دیابت در گروه های 3، 4، 5 و 6 القا شد. همه گروه ها تحت عمل جراحی اوارکتومی و نقص استخوانی جزیی قرار گرفتند. در گروه لیزر، لیزر کم توان(80 Hz  , J/cm2 5/1 nm,  890) به 3 نقطه در محل نقص تابانده شد. بعد از یک ماه، استخوان های تیبیا برداشت و Real-time  PCR انجام شد. داده های گروه ها با روش ANOVA با سطح معنی داری (P<0.05) مورد تحلیل آماری قرار گرفت.

    یافته های پژوهش

     تحلیل آماری  tنشان داد که کاهش معنی داری در دانسیته استخوان تیبیای موش های دیابتیک استیوپوروتیک در مقایسه با گروه کنترل غیر دیابتی وجود دارد. تحلیل داده های بیان ژن (ANOVA, P<0.05) نشان داد که بین گروه لیزر+آلندرونیت دیابتی با سایر گروه ها از نظر بیان ژن Runx2 و Osteocalcin اختلاف معنی داری وجود دارد.

    بحث و نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به یافته ها می توان گفت که درمان ترکیبی لیزر و آلندرونیت باعث تسریع در ترمیم نقص استخوانی جزیی در مدل تجربی دیابتیک استیوپوروتیک می شود.

    کلید واژگان: دیابت نوع یک, استئوپوروزیس, نقص استخوانی جزئی, لیزر کم توان, Real- time PCR}
    Atarod Sadat Mostafavinia*, Mohammd Bayat, Mehdi Ghatresamani, Kamran Ghoreishi

    Bone formation is disturbed in type 1 diabetes followed by changes in the bone microstructure. The most important metabolic disorder in diabetes is osteoporosis, which is characterized by bone loss and bone structure degradation. This study aimed to determine the effect of low-power laser on bone defect repair in the experimental model of diabetes and osteoporosis.

     Materials & Methods

    A total of 30 four-month-old female Wistar rats weighing 190-220 g were selected and randomly divided into six groups, including 1: non-diabetic control (Co.), 2: non-diabetic laser (L.), 3: diabetic control (Co.D.), 4: diabetic laser (L.D.), 5: diabetic alendronate (A.D.), and 6: diabetic laser + alendronate (L.A.D.). Diabetes was induced in groups 3, 4, 5, and 6. All groups underwent ovariectomy and partial bone defect. In the laser group, a low-level laser (890nm, 80 Hz, 1/5J / cm 2) was radiated to 3 points at the defect location. Tibia bones were collected, and Real-time PCR was performed after a month. The data were analyzed using ANOVA. A p-value less than P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Ethics code: 13237-91-1-1393-10397


    The t-test showed a significant decrease in tibia bone density in diabetic and osteoporotic rats, compared to the non-diabetic control group. Moreover, analysis of gene expression data (ANOVA, P<0.05) revealed a significant difference between the group of diabetic laser + alendronate and other groups in terms of Runx2 gene expression and Osteocalcin.

    Discussions & Conclusions

    According to the findings, laser therapy combined with alendronate can accelerate the repair of partial bone defect in the experimental model of diabetes and osteoporosis.

    Keywords: Low-level laser, Osteoporosis, Partial bone defect, Real-time PCR, Type 1 diabetes}
  • معصومه اسمعیلی، منیژه محمدیان*

    طول مدت طولانی درمان و درد و ناراحتی حین درمان، یکی از مهم ترین نگرانی های بیماران نیازمند درمان ارتودنسی است. همچنین مدت زمان طولانی درمان، با افزایش خطر پوسیدگی، تحلیل ریشه و تحلیل لثه همراه می باشد. کاهش مدت زمان درمان، باعث کاهش عوارض درمان های ارتودنسی و در عین حال افزایش رضایتمندی بیمار می شود. تحقیقات فراوانی در زمینه روش های تسریع حرکت دندانی به منظور کاهش زمان درمان انجام شده است. روش های مختلفی جهت تسریع حرکت دندان وجود دارد که شامل مواد شیمیایی (پروستاگلاندین E2، ویتامین D3 و هورمون پاراتیرویید)، کاربرد اولتراسونیک و تحریک کننده های الکتریکی می باشد. امروزه روش های جدید تهاجمی و غیرتهاجمی برای تسریع حرکت دندان در ارتودنسی استفاده می شود که شامل جراحی کورتیکوتومی و لیزر می باشد. هدف از این مطالعه، مروری بر مکانیسم حرکت دندان حین درمان ارتودنسی و بررسی روش های مداخله ای تهاجمی و کم تهاجمی، جهت تسریع حرکت دندانی حین ارتودنسی است.

    کلید واژگان: حرکت دندانی سریع, کورتیکوتومی, بازسازی استخوان, لیزر کم توان}
    Masomeh Esmaily, Manijeh Mohammadian*

    One of the most important concerns of patients is the need for orthodontic treatment, is the long duration of treatment and pain and discomfort during treatment. Also, long duration of treatment, is associated with increased caries risk, root resorption and gingival recession. Reducing the duration of treatment reduces the complications of orthodontic treatments and at the same time increases patient satisfaction. There has been a great deal of research in the area of accelerated tooth movement to reduce treatment time. There are various methods to accelerate tooth movement, including chemicals (prostaglandin E2, vitamin D3 and parathyroid hormone), ultrasonic application and electrical stimulants. Today, a new invasive, non-invasive technique is used to accelerate tooth movement in orthodontics, including corticotomy surgery and laser therapy. The purpose of this study was to review the mechanism of tooth movement during orthodontic treatment and to investigate the invasive and non-invasive interventional methods to accelerate tooth movement during orthodontics.

    Keywords: Accelerated tooth movement, Corticotomy, Bone remodeling, Low level laser}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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