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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Mechanical properties » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • حمیده جاویدی، مهدی موحدی *
    زمینه و هدف

    تاکنون مطالعات مختلف در راستای طرح روش های گوناگون برای ساخت کانال عصبی با هدف ترمیم بافت عصبی انجام شده است. هدف از این مطالعه، جراحی ترمیمی عصب با ساخت کانال هدایت عصبی با هدف خاصیت خودتحریکی است. در این مطالعه، کانال پلی کاپرولاکتون [Polycaprolactone- (PCL)] و پلی وینیدیلین فلوراید [Polyvinylidene Fluoride- (PVDF)]، در ترکیب با نانوذرات پلی آنیلین/گرافن [Polyaniline Graphene- (PAG)] و ژلاتین با رویکرد الکتروریسی دوطرفه و هم زمان تهیه شد. در این روش کانال هدایت عصبی خود تحریک شونده با خاصیت پیزوالکتریک و هدایت الکتریکی به منظور رشد و تکثیر سلول های شبه عصبی PC12 طراحی شده است.

    مواد و روش ها

    در ابتدا محلول های حاوی 13 درصد وزنی حجمی پلی کاپرولاکتون و 19 درصد وزنی حجمی پلی وینیدیلین فلوراید در حلال مشترک دی متیل فرمامید [Dimethylformamide- (DMF)] و استون، هر کدام به صورت مجزا حل شد و سپس هر دو محلول با هم مخلوط شدند. در مرحله بعد، 28 درصد وزنی حجمی محلول ژلاتین در آب مقطر و اسید استیک، حل شد و نانوذرات پلی آنیلین/گرافن با درصدهای 0 و 1 و 2 و 3 وزنی حجمی در محلول ژلاتین به صورت همگن ترکیب شدند و سپس فرآیند الکتروریسی دوطرفه و هم زمان انجام گرفت. برای بررسی مورفولوژی الیاف از میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی [Scanning Electron Microscope- (SEM)] استفاده شد. برای تشخیص میزان بهینه از نانوذرات پلی آنیلین/گرافن به منظور هدایت عصبی، هدایت الکتریکی و خواص پیزوالکتریک داربست های ساخته شده بررسی شد و همچنین میزان درصد زنده مانی رده سلولی فئوکروسیتوما (PC12) بر داربست محاسبه شد. داده ها به صورت میانگین ± انحراف معیار (Mean ± SD) محاسبه شد. سطح معنادار اختلافات P < 0.05 مشخص شد.

    یافته ها

    با استفاده از نرم افزار Graph Pad 9 و آزمون One Way ANOVA، داده ها با سه بار تکرار هر آزمون به دست آمده اند. نتایج نشان داد که با افزایش درصد نانوذرات پلی آنیلین/گرافن تا 2 درصد وزنی، میزان هدایت الکتریکی و ولتاژ خروجی افزایش یافت، اما در غلظت 3 درصد وزنی میزان هدایت الکتریکی و هم چنین ولتاژ خروجی کاهش یافت. مشاهدات میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی نشان داد که میانگین قطر نانوالیاف تا غلظت 2 درصد وزنی کاهش یافت، اما در غلظت 3 درصد وزنی از نانوذرات پلی آنیلین/گرافن قطر نانوالیاف افزایش یافت. هم چنین تخریب زیستی داربست های الکتروریسی نشان داد که افزایش نانوذرات سبب کاهش میزان تخریب پذیری شد.

    نتیجه گیری

    در جراحی ترمیمی عصب وجود پلی کاپرولاکتون و ژلاتین به همراه نانوذره پلی آنیلین/گرافن باعث افزایش هدایت عصبی شد و همچنین استفاده از پلی وینیدیلین فلوراید در داربست الکتروریسی شده سبب بهبود خاصیت خودتحریکی در کانال هدایت عصبی خواهد شد که می تواند بستر مناسب برای رشد و تکثیر سلولی بافت عصب شود و از این رو احتمال موفقیت در جراحی را به بیشترین میزان خود می رساند.

    کلید واژگان: جراحی عصب, کانال هدایت عصبی, خاصیت خودتحریک, نانوذره, مشخصه های مکانیکی, پلی آنیلین, گرافن}
    H. Javidi, M.Movahedi *
    Introduction & Objective

    So far, various studies have been carried out in order to design different methods for the construction of the nerve channel with the aim of repairing the nerve tissue. The purpose of this study is nerve repair surgery by making a nerve conductive channel with the aim of self-stimulation. In this study, polycaprolactone (PCL) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) channel, in combination with polyaniline/graphene nanoparticles (Polyaniline Graphene-PAG) and gelatin, was prepared by a two-way and simultaneous electrospinning approach.

    Materials & Methods

    At first, solutions containing 13% by volume of polycaprolactone and 19% by volume of polyvinylidene fluoride in the common solvent of dimethylformamide (Dimethylformamide - DMF) and acetone were dissolved separately, and then both solutions were mixed together. became In the next step, 28 % by weight and volume of gelatin solution was dissolved in distilled water and acetic acid, and polyaniline/graphene nanoparticles with 0, 1, 2, and 3 percent by weight and volume were homogeneously mixed in the gelatin solution, and then two-way and simultaneous electrospinning process Was performed. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to examine the morphology of the fibers. In order to determine the optimal amount of polyaniline / graphene nanoparticles for nerve conduction, electrical conductivity and piezoelectric properties of the fabricated scaffolds were investigated and also the survival percentage of pheocrocytoma cell line (PC12) on the scaffold was calculated. Data were calculated as mean ± standard deviation (Mean ± SD). The significant level of differences was determined to be (P < 0.05).


    The results was showed that with increasing the percentage of polyaniline/graphene nanoparticles up to 2% by weight, the amount of electrical conductivity and output voltage increased, but at a concentration of 3% by weight, the amount of electrical conductivity and also the output voltage decreased. Scanning electron microscope observations showed that the average diameter of nanofibers decreased up to a concentration of 2% by weight, but at a concentration of 3% by weight of polyaniline/graphene nanoparticles, the diameter of nanofibers increased. Also, the biodegradation of electrospun scaffolds showed that the increase of nanoparticles caused a decrease in degradability.


    In nerve repair surgery, the presence of polycaprolactone and gelatin along with polyaniline/graphene nanoparticle increased the nerve conduction and also the use of polyvinylidene fluoride in the electrospun scaffold will improve the self-stimulation property in the nerve conduction channel, which can be a suitable substrate for The growth and cell proliferation of the nerve tissue, and hence the probability of success in the surgery increases to its maximum extent.

    Keywords: Neural Conduction Channel, Self-Excitation Property, Nanoparticles, Mechanical Properties}
  • Ehsan Ghasemi *, Khosro Khademi-Kalantari, Fateme Bokaee, Alireza Akbarzadeh Baghban, Majid Ghasemi
    Subsequent to spasticity, which is a positive impairment of stroke,neural and mechanical changes often occur in paretic muscles, affecting muscle function. The aim of this study was to find more accurate indices, which could affect decisions about spasticity treatment by investigating the relationships among neural, mechanical, functional outcomes, and clinical parameters in spastic chronic stroke patients.
    This cross-sectional study investigated 45 spastic chronic stroke patients. Clinical assessments were conducted using the Modified Modified Ashworth Scale (MMAS). Neural properties including H-reflex latency and Hmax/Mmax ratio were acquired. Mechanical properties including fascicle length,pennation angle, and thickness of spastic medial gastrocnemius muscle were evaluated. Functional outcomes were evaluated by the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test and Timed 10-Meter Walk Test (10-m WTT). Spearman’s rank correlation analysis in SPSS version 22.0 was used to find correlations between parameters.
    A low negative correlation was determined between MMAS and H-reflex latency (r=-0.320, P=0.032). MMAS score had a low significant relationship with pennation angle (r=0.296, P=0.049) and thickness of muscles (r=0.389,P=0.008). However, no significant correlation was found between MMAS and functional outcomes.
    Based on these findings, it is clear MMAS can partly identify changes in neural and mechanical properties of spastic muscles.
    Keywords: Neural, mechanical properties, Functional outcomes, Spastic Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle, Chronic Stroke}
  • محدثه استاجی، منیژه مختاری دیزجی*، منصوره موحدین
    زمینه و هدف

    روش های مرسوم برای پیری پوست به طور عمده بر اساس مشاهدات فیزیولوژیکی یا بیوشیمی استوار است. هدف از این مطالعه ارایه روش غیرتهاجمی مبتنی بر استخراج پارامتر های بیومکانیکی پوست حاصل از پردازش تصاویر متوالی فراصوتی فرکانس بالا به منظور بررسی روند ایجاد ضایعه پوستی است.

    مواد و روش ها

    به منظور بررسی روند آسیب پوستی تعداد 25 سر موش C57BL6 تحت تابش امواج فرابنفش B قرار گرفت. پارامترهای مکانیکی پوست حاصل از پردازش تصاویر متوالی فراصوتی با الگوریتم تخمین حرکت (گرادیان و تطبیق بلوک) در طول روند ایجاد آسیب به صورت هفتگی برآورد شد و نتایج به صورت میانگین و انحراف معیار گزارش شد. برای بررسی تمایز آماری پارامترها در هفته های ایجاد آسیب، از آزمون آماری تحلیل واریانس با اندازه گیری مکرر به صورت مقایسه پارامتر های الاستیک در طول روند تغییرات در طول 5 هفته استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    همبستگی معنی داری میان الاستیسیته به دست آمده از دو روش غیر تهاجمی پردازش تصاویر فراصوت و روش تهاجمی تنسیومتری، با ضریب همبستگی بیش از 0/79 حاصل شد. با آنالیز تصاویر متوالی فرا صوتی، نتایج نشان داد که مدول الاستیک محوری و مدول برشی لایه های پوست به طور معنی داری افزایش یافت که حاکی از افزایش سفتی پوست است (0/05<P).

    نتیجه گیری

    به کمک یافته های مطالعه حاضر، روشی غیرتهاجمی متکی بر استخراج پارامترهای بیومکانیکی پوست به صورت موضعی بر اساس پردازش تصاویر متوالی فراصوتی فرکانس بالا برای پیگیری آسیب پوستی ناشی از تابش امواج فرابنفش و ارزیابی ضایعات پوستی پیشنهاد می شود.

    کلید واژگان: تصاویر فراصوتی, خواص مکانیکی, روش غیرتهاجمی, پوست}
    Mohadese Estaji Mohadese Estaji, Manijhe Mokhtari Dizaji*, Mansoureh Movahedin
    Background and aim

    Conventional methods for the skin aging are based mainly on physiological or biochemical observations. The aim of this study is to provide a non-invasive method based on the extraction of biomechanical parameters of the skin resulting from the processing of sequential high-frequency ultrasound images in order to investigate the process of skin lesions.

    Material and Methods

    Consecutive ultrasound images of the epidermal and dermal layers were recorded and saved with a 40 MHz imaging system. In order to evaluate the process of skin damage, 25 C57BL6 mice were exposed to UVB radiation. The mechanical parameters of the skin derived from the processing of sequential ultrasound images were also estimated weekly with the motion estimation algorithm (gradient and block matching) during the injury generation process and results were reported as a mean and standard deviation. Validation of the method was performed by invasive tensiometric test. Correlation between the two methods was performed by Pearson correlation analysis. Statistical  repeated measures analysis of  variance was used to compare the statistical trend of changes over 5 weeks.


    Significant correlation was obtained between elasticity extracted from non-invasive ultrasonic image processing method and invasive tensiometric method with a correlation coefficient of more than 0.79. By processing the sequential ultrasound images, the axial elastic and the shear modulus of the skin layers were significantly increased, which indicate the increased skin firmness during  the ultraviolet radiation (p <0.05). Also, the ratio of changes in the elastic modulus on the thirty-fifth day was 11 times more than zero-day. The shear modulus on the 35th day of ultraviolet radiation was 2.2 times more than zero-day. The results of repeated measures analysis of  variance showed that during irradiation with ultraviolet waves, the axial elastic modulus and the shear modulus of the skin layers obtained by processing sequential ultrasound images also increased significantly, indicating an increase in skin firmness (p <0.05).


    Based on the findings of the present study a non-invasive method according to the extraction of local biomechanical parameters of skin based on the processing of sequential high-frequency ultrasound images for detecting the skin damage caused by ultraviolet radiation is proposed.

    Keywords: Ultrasound images, mechanical properties, non invasive method, skin}
  • Alok Ranjan, Anil Kumar Biradar, Ankita Patel, Vanessa Varghese, Ankita Pawar, Rohit Kulshrestha *

     This studied aimed to measure the yield strength and stress relaxation properties of three commercially available thermoplastic aligner materials.


     The three different thermoplastics aligner materials Duran (Scheu, Iserlohn, Germany), Erkodur (Pfalzgrafenweiler, Erkodent, Germany) and Track (Forestadent, Germany) were selected. A three-point bending test was carried out via the universal testing machine to measure their yield strength and stress relaxation properties. An independent t-test was performed for intergroup comparison. P-value < 0.05 was set as the level of significance.


     All the selected three polymers liberate a notable amount of stress during 24 hours. The highest stress release was observed in Duran i.e. 18.96 N/cm2 as compared to Erkodur, which was 13.96 N/cm2 and Track, which was 13.18 N/cm2. The yield strength of Duran was the highest (75.85 Mpa) compared to Track and Erkodur with the yield strength of 52.75 Mpa and 55.86 Mpa, respectively.


     Tooth movement is influenced by the composition of aligner material and its thickness. Duran had the highest stress release and yield strength. Stress released by different aligners exceeds around half of the initial stress value, which directly affects the orthodontic force application and subsequent tooth movement.

    Keywords: Mechanical Properties, Aligners, Stress Relaxation, Yield Strength}
  • Mohammad Kashfi, Parisa Fakhri, Ataollah Ghavamian, Payam Pourrabia, Fatemeh Salehi Ghalesefid, Parviz Kahhal

    Glass ceramic materials have multiple applications in various prosthetic fields. Despite the many advantages of these materials, they still have limitations such as fragility and surface machining and ease of repairing. Crack propagation has been a typical concern in fullceramic crowns, for which many successful numerical simulations have been carried out using the extended finite element method (XFEM). However, XFEM cannot correctly predict a primary crack growth direction under dynamic loading on the implant crown.


    In this work, the dental implant crown and abutment were modeled in CATIA V5R19 software using a CT-scan technique based on the human first molar. The crown was approximated with 39514 spherical particles to reach a reasonable convergence in the results. In the present work, glass ceramic was considered the crown material on a titanium abutment. The simulation was performed for an impactor with an initial velocity of 25 m/s in the implant-abutment axis direction. We took advantage of smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) such that the burden of defining a primary crack growth direction was suppressed.


    The simulation results demonstrated that the micro-crack onset due to the impact wave in the ceramic crown first began from the crown incisal edge and then extended to the margin due to increased stress concentration near the contact region. At 23.36 µs, the crack growth was observed in two different directions based on the crown geometry, and at the end of the simulation, some micro-cracks were also initiated from the crown margin. Moreover, the results showed that the SPH algorithm could be considered an alternative robust tool to predict crack propagation in brittle materials, particularly for the implant crown under dynamic loading.


    The main achievement of the present study was that the SPH algorithm is a helpful tool to predict the crack growth pattern in brittle materials, especially for ceramic crowns under dynamic loading. The predicted crack direction showed that the initial crack was divided into two branches after its impact, leading to the crown fracture. The micro-crack initiated from the crown incisal edge and then extended to the crown margin due to the stress concentration near the contact area.

    Keywords: Crack propagation, Mechanical properties, Monolithic crowns, Numerical simulation, Smooth particle, Hydrodynamics}
  • Anna Abdolshahi, Leila Monjazeb Marvdashti *, Bahare Salehi, Filippo Maggi, Javad Sharifi Rad

    The active films composed of polyvinyl alcohol/Alyssum homolocarpum seeds gum (PVA-AHSG) in corporatinglysozyme (LY) are developed and characterized. The LY affects the thickness, solubility, and water vapor permeability, mechanical, microstructural, and optical properties of PVA-AHSG films and also the antimicrobial activities of obtained films are evaluated. The LY content increased the thickness of composite films. The LY addition led to an increase in water solubility, moisture contents, and contact angle, and decreased density. The control films without LY had the lower opacity and acted as a weak barrier against the water vapor. The LY reduced elongation at break and slightly increased tensile strength and elastic modulus. The electron micrographs showed that the control films had a smoother structure, and the addition of LY formed films with a rough surface. Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectra indicated some interactions between PVA and AHSG chains and LY. Functional activities were found against Gram-positive Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus.

    Keywords: Active packaging, lysozyme, Antimicrobial Activity, PVA-AHSG composite films, Mechanical Properties}
  • Sajad Kordi, Feizollah Shahbazi*
    Background and Objectives

    Drying affects quality parameters of the grains. The objective of this study was to investigate effects of drying methods, moisture contents at harvesting time and corn hybrids on mechanical properties (deformation, rupture force, firmness, necessary energy and power and toughness at rupture points) and electrical conductivity of corn kernels.

    Materials and Methods

    The study assessed four corn hybrids (Ns640, Jeta600, Konsur580 and SC704) harvested at various moisture contents (20, 30 and 40%) and dried using two drying methods (sun dried and artificially dried using oven at 85–90 oC).


    Results revealed that corn variety significantly affected mechanical properties since Ns640 included the maximum and Konsur580 the minimum properties, compared to that other hybrids did. Furthermore, variety affected electrical conductivity. Konsur580 variety exhibited a higher electrical conductivity in both drying methods. Moisture contents at harvesting time significantly affected all mechanical properties, except deformation and firmness, in the two drying methods. Higher values of mechanical properties were achieved at 20% moisture. Moreover, effects of the moisture contents on electrical conductivity were significant and kernels with 40% moisture at harvesting time included higher electrical conductivities.


    Drying methods of corn significantly affected quality parameters and electrical conductivity. Corn kernels dried in sun included higher levels of properties such as rupture force, necessary energy and power, toughness and lower levels of electrical conductivity.and kernels with 40% moisture at the time of harvest had higher electrical conductivity. The drying method of corn significantly influenced the mechanical properties and electrical conductivity. Corn kernels dried in sun had higher levels of properties including rupture force, the energy required, the power required, toughness and lower level of electrical, conductivity.

    Keywords: Maize, Drying method, Harvesting time, Mechanical properties, Electrical conductivity}
  • Ashkan Bigham, Saeed Kermani*, Ahmad Saudi, Amir Hamed Aghajanian, Mohammad Rafienia

    For a new biomaterial which is going to be applied in bone tissue regeneration, bioactivity (bone bonding ability) and desirable mechanical properties are very essential parameters to take into consideration. In the present study, the gehlenite's mechanical properties and bioactivity are assessed and compared with hydroxyapatite (HA) for bone tissue regeneration.


    Gehlenite and HA nanoparticles are synthesized through sol–gel method and coprecipitation technique, respectively, and their physical and chemical properties are characterized through X‑ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy.


    The results prove that the gehlenite and HA phases without any undesirable phase are obtained, and the particles of both compounds are in the nanometer range with spherical morphology. The compressive strength of both compounds are assessed, and the values for gehlenite and HA disks are 144 ± 5 and 150 ± 4.8 MPa, respectively. Next, their bioactivity potential is assessed into simulated body fluid (SBF) up to 21 days, and the results show that after 14 days, gehlenite disk’s surface is completely covered with newly formed Ca‑P particles. However, some sporadic precipitations after 21 days soaking into SBF are formed onto the HA disk’s surface.


    This comparative study shows that nanostructured gehlenite disk with desirable mechanical properties and faster bioactivity kinetic than HA can be considered as a promising bioceramic for bone tissue regeneration.

    Keywords: Bioactivity, gehlenite, hydroxyapatite, mechanical properties}
  • Fatemeh Kalateh Seifari, Hamed Ahari *
    Environmental concerns related to using plastics for food packaging and consumers' demand for the extended shelf life of foods conducted the researches to develop new strategies for food packaging. The shelf life of food systems is related to the existence and growth of food pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms during food storage. Also, the environmentally friendly aspects of edible films and coatings make them appropriate substitutes for plastics in food packaging systems. Therefore, edible films and coatings which contain a food preservative introduced as hopeful novel systems for extending shelf life and preserving the quality of foods. The antimicrobial agents could be used in edible films and coating for restriction or stopping the microbial growth for prolonging the shelf life of foods. Due to the weak barrier and mechanical characteristics of most edible films and coatings, natural nanocrystals could be employed to improve the properties of them. In this review, the nanoemulsion encapsulation introduced as a technique for improving antimicrobial properties, while minimizing the antimicrobial agent impacts on the foods' organoleptic properties. Also, using natural nanocrystals proposed as a reinforcing agent for edible packaging material. The shelf life of food systems is related to the existence and growth of food pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms during food storage.
    Keywords: Edible films, coatings, Antimicrobial properties, mechanical properties, Nanoemulsion, Nanocrystals}
  • Mona Malek *, Fatemeh Farzaneh, Yasaman Samani, Fatemeh Pachenari, Hamid Pachenari
    Nanotechnology has various applications in restorative dentistry in order to achieve reliable treatment outcomes. The present study aimed to comprehensively review the studies focused on the applications of nano-based materials, technologies, and methods used in restorative dentistry. Related articles were retrieved via searching in databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus. Afterwards, the appropriate references regarding the research subject were assessed, and findings were collected to achieve a comprehensive review study. According to the obtained results, the utilization of nanotechnology in restorative dentistry could yield beneficial outcomes. The dispersion of nano-sized structures in restorative materials could enhance mechanical properties such as diametral and flexural strength and fracture toughness. However, the improvement of the mentioned mechanical properties depends on the type of the nano-sized materials, their content, and type of the additional materials used along with nano-based restorative materials.
    Keywords: Composite, Mechanical properties, Nanotechnology, Restorative dentistry}
  • نفیسه جیرفتی، داود محبی کلهری*، افرا حاجی زاده، غلامحسین کاظم زاده، رضا طاهری
    زمینه و هدف

    ماتریکس خارج سلولی(ECM)  به عنوان ساختار تشکیل دهنده ی بافت های بدن، جایگاهی جهت نگهداری سلول ها و ساختاری سه بعدی از نانوالیاف پروتئینی و پلی ساکاریدی با قطر 500-50 نانومتر دارد. الکتروریسی روشی است که اجازه تولید نانوالیاف در این محدوده را می دهد.

    مواد و روش ها

     پلی کاپرولاکتان، پلی یورتان و حلال های کلروفرم، اتانول، تتراهیدرو فوران و دی متیل فرمامید و 1،1،1،3،3،3 هگزا فلورو 2 پروپانول مورداستفاده قرار گرفتند. ساختارهای منفرد PCL و  PU و ساختار کامپوزیتی (50:50)PCL/PU با استفاده از روش الکتروریسی هم زمان و آمیخته طراحی شدند. ساختار و مرفولوژی در ساختارهای منفرد و کامپوزیت توسط آنالیزهای SEM، FTIR و خواص مکانیکی توسط انجام تست کشش (حداکثر تحمل نیرو، تنش، کرنش و مدول یانگ) موردبررسی قرار گرفت.


    ساختارهای منفرد و کامپوزیتی بر اساس روش ساخت، مورفولوژی و خواص مکانیکی مطلوبی جهت کاربردهای مهندسی بافت دارند. محدوده تغییرات میانگین قطر الیاف و مدول یانگ در ساختارهای طراحی شده به ترتیب 89 ± 228 تا 95 ± 470 نانومتر و 39/0 ± 20/1 تا 54/0 ± 03/8 مگاپاسکال است. ساختارهای کامپوزیتی ساخته شده به روش الکتروریسی هم زمان و آمیخته به ترتیب کمترین میانگین قطر الیاف nm 89 ± 228 و بیشترین استحکام MPa 54/0 ± 03/8 را دارا می باشند.

    نتیجه گیری

    ساختارهای کامپوزیتی های طراحی شده ازنظر ساختار، مورفولوژی و خواص مکانیکی مناسب می توانند به عنوان جایگزین مصنوعی مورداستفاده قرار گیرند. ساختار های کامپوزیتی طراحی شده به روش الکتروریسی آمیخته به دلیل عدم حرکت آزادانه نانوالیاف پلی یورتان و ایجاد انقباض ذاتی در ساختار کامپوزیت میزان استحکام بیشتری را نسبت به ساختارهای دیگر نشان می دهند.

    کلید واژگان: الکتروریسی, ساختار کامپوزیت, پلی کاپرولاکتان, خواص مکانیکی, پلی یورتان}
    Nafiseh Jirofti, Davod Mohebbi Kalhori*, Afra Hadjizadeh, Gholam Hosein Kazemzadeh, Reza Taheri
    Background & Objective

    Extracellular matrix (ECM) as a three-dimensional structure consisting of protein nanofibers and polysaccharides with a diameter of 50-500 nm is a place to store cells. Electrospinning is a method that allows nanofibers to be produced in this range and even beyond.

    Materials & Methods

    Polycaprolactone, polyurethane, and required solvents chloroform, ethanol, Tetrahydrofuran, dimethylformamid and 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanol were used without any purification. Single and composite scaffolds were fabricated of these polymers using Co-electrospinning and Blend-electrospinning methods. The morphological and mechanical properties of the neat and composite structures were evaluated through SEM, FTIR, and Tensile tese.


    Results showed that the average fiber diameter and Young’s modulus changes’ range in composite and single structures obtained 228 ± 89 to 470 ± 95 nm and 1.2 ± 0.39 to 8.03 ± 0.54 MPa.
    Composite structures fabricated using Co-electrospinning method have smaller mean fiber diameter 228 ± 89 nm and composite structures fabricated using blend electrospinning have highest Young’s modulus 8.03 ± 0.54 MPa comparison single structures.


    The results showed that the produced composite structure meets the required mechanical properties to be used in tissue engineering and, because of its structural and morphological features, can be also applied as alternative scaffolds in the body. Composite structures produced by blend electrospinning method show a higher degree of strength compared to similar composite structures that produced by co-electrospinning method due to the free movement of the polyurethane nanofiber and the intrinsic contraction in the composite structure.

    Keywords: Electrospinning, Composite Structures, Polycaprolactone, Mechanical properties, Polyurethane}
  • کامران امینی، محمد خدایی *، پریناز مهدویان
    آمالگام، یکی از رایج ترین مواد پر کننده ی عیوب دندانی می باشد که همچنان، به واسطه ی محتوی جیوه و خطرات ناشی از رهایش آن و مقاومت به خوردگی محدود در محیط بدن، استفاده ی کلینیکی آن مورد بحث محققین می باشد. در این مطالعه سعی شده است با مقایسه ی چهار نوع آمالگام تجاری موجود (در ایران)، خواص مکانیکی، ریزساختاری و مقاومت به خوردگی آنها مقایسه شود.
    مواد و روش ها
    در این مطالعه ی آزمایشگاهی، تعداد 20 نمونه آمالگام از چهار نوع شرکت تجاری (Cinalux: Owzan Company, Iran Honghai Tech. China, ARDENT Amalgam, Sweden, و SDI (GS-80), Australia) موجود تهیه شد و سپس در آمالگاماتور با جیوه مخلوط شدند. سپس از هر برند، یک نمونه ی سخت شده به قطر و ارتفاع 6 میلی متر، توسط میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی (SEM)، مورد ارزیابی ریزساختاری قرار گرفتند. همچنین توسط دستگاه آزمون فشار تک محوره، خواص مکانیکی 3 نمونه از هر برند آمالگام ها، مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. مقاومت به خوردگی یک نمونه از هر برند، به روش پولاریزاسیون در محلول نمکی نیز مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. برای مقایسه ی دقیق داده های کمی، از تحلیل آماری آنالیز واریانس یک طرفه (ANOVA) با استفاده از نرم افزار Graph Pad prism 6 استفاده شد. اختلافات در مقادیر p value < 0/05، به صورت معنی دار اعلام شدند.
    یافته ها
    هر چند هر چهار نوع آمالگام مورد بررسی، عاری از فاز مضر گاما 2 بوده اند، اما به خاطر اختلاف در مورفولوژی فازها، مقاومت به خوردگی متفاوتی در محلول نمکی از خود نشان دادند. همچنین خواص مکانیکی آمالگام ها نیز به واسطه ی اختلاف در مورفولوژی فازها، متفاوت بوده است و هر چهار مورد، رفتار ترد و استحکام بالای 300 مگاپاسکال از خود نشان داده اند. به طور کلی، آمالگام نوع 2 (Honghai Tech. China) دارای برترین خواص نسبت به سایرین بوده است.
    نتیجه گیری
    طبق نتایج به دست آمده، ریزساختار آمالگام پس از سخت شدن، تاثیر قابل توجهی بر استحکام و مقاومت به خوردگی آن داشت. همچنین همه ی آمالگام های مورد استفاده در این مطالعه، از فازهای یکسانی تشکیل شده بودند.
    کلید واژگان: آمالگام, خواص مکانیکی, ریزساختار, فاز}
    Kamran Amini, Mohammad Khodaei *, Parinaz Mahdavian
    Amalgam is one of the most commonly used dental restorative material; however, because of its mercury content, risks of mercury release and its low resistance to corrosion, its clinical use is still a matter of debate among researchers. In this research four different commercially available amalgam products in Iran were studied and their mechanical, microstructural and corrosion resistance were studied and compared.
    Materials and Methods
    In this study, four different samples of commercially available amalgam (Cinalux, Owzan Company, Iran; Honghai Tech., China; ARDENT Amalgam, Sweden; and SDI [GS-80], Australia) were prepared and mixed with mercury in an amalgamator. Then a hardened sample, measuring 6 mm in diameter and height, from each brand was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for ultrastructural characteristics. In addition, 3 samples from each brand undewent a compressive test in a one-axis compression test device. Resistance to corrosion of 3 samples from each brand was tested by polarization method in saline solution. To exactly compare the quantitative data, one-way ANOVA was performed using Graph Pad Prism 6 software program (α = 0.05).
    The results showed that although none of the samples had Gama-2 harmful phase, because of differences in the morphology of phases, they exhibited differences in corrosion resistance in the saline solution. Furthermore, their mechanical properties were different due to differences in the morphology of phases and all of them had brittle behavior and their compression strength was >300 MPa.
    According to the results, the microstructure of amalgam significantly affects its mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. In addition, all the samples evaluated in the present study formed identical phases.
    Keywords: Amalgam, Mechanical properties, Microstructure, Phase}
  • محمد خدایی *، کامران امینی، پریناز مهدویان
    آمالگام، از رایج ترین مواد پر کننده ی دندان به شمار می رود که همچنان استفاده ی کلینیکی از آن مورد بحث محققین می باشد. این آلیاژ به واسطه ی محتوی جیوه و خطرات ناشی از آن و مقاومت به خوردگی محدود در محیط بدن، مورد انتقاد پژوهشگران قرار دارد. لذا در مطالعه ی حاضر، کامپوزیت های آمالگام/نانوهیدروکسی آپاتیت و آمالگام/نانوبایوگلاس برای کاهش محدودیت های فعلی آمالگام، طراحی و ساخته شد و تاثیر نوع تقویت کننده بر خواص مکانیکی و خوردگی آمالگام دندانی بررسی گردید.
    مواد و روش ها
    در این مطالعه ی آزمایشگاهی و تحلیلی، کامپوزیت های آمالگام/نانو هیدروکسی آپاتیت و آمالگام/نانوبایوگلاس تهیه شد؛ به این روش که 2 درصد وزنی نانوبیوسرامیک، قبل از اضافه کردن جیوه، به مخلوط پودر فلزات تشکیل دهنده ی آمالگام افزوده شد و سپس در آمالگاماتور با جیوه مخلوط شدند و سپس در قالب فولادی توسط سنبه فشرده شدند. سپس نمونه های سخت شده، توسط میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی (SEM) مورد ارزیابی ریزساختاری قرار گرفتند. همچنین توسط دستگاه آزمون فشار یونیورسال، خواص مکانیکی کامپوزیت ها مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. مقاومت به خوردگی کامپوزیت ها به روش پولاریزاسیون پتانسیودینامیک، مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. برای مقایسه ی دقیق داده های کمی، از آنالیز واریانس یک طرفه با استفاده از نرم افزار GraphPad Prism 6 استفاده شد. اختلاف آماری، معنی دار اعلام گردید (p value < 0/05).
    یافته ها
    در حالی که با افزودن هر دو نانوبیوسرامیک هیدروکسی آپاتیت و بایوگلاس، مقاومت به خوردگی کامپوزیت افزایش می یابد، تاثیر هیدروکسی آپاتیت در افزایش مقاومت به خوردگی آمالگام در محلول نمکی، بیشتر بوده است. همچنین افزایش دو درصدی ذرات تقویت کننده ی هیدروکسی آپاتیت و بایوگلاس، سبب بهبود خواص مکانیکی کامپوزیت به ترتیب به مقدار 15 و 12 درصد شده است.
    نتیجه گیری
    به نظر می رسد، کامپوزیت های پایه ی آمالگام توسعه داده شده، گزینه ی مناسبی برای اهداف پر کردن دندان های خلفی با اثرات سوء کمتر (خوردگی کمتر و استحکام بالاتر) باشد و نانو ذرات هیدروکسی آپاتیت، موثرتر از بایوگلاس عمل کرده اند.
    کلید واژگان: هیدروکسی آپاتیت, بایوگلاس, آمالگام, خواص مکانیکی}
    Mohammad Khodaei *, Kamran Amini, Parinaz Mahdavian
    Amalgam is one of the most commonly used dental restorative materials, whose clinical use is still a matter of controversy among researchers. The alloy is criticized due to its mercury content and its dangers and limited resistance to corrosion in the body. In the present study amalgam/nano-hydroxyapatite and amalgam/nano-bioglass composites were produced to eliminate the currently existing limitations and evaluate the effect of the type of reinforcing agent on the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of amalgam.
    Materials & Methods
    In this analytical in vitro study, amalgam/nano-hydroxyapatite and amalgam/nano-bioglass composites with 2 wt% of nano-bioceramic were produced. Nano-bioceramic was added to the amalgam powder before adding mercury, followed by mixing with mercury in an amalgamator and compression in a steel mold. The microstructure of hardened samples was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In addition, the mechanical properties of the composites were evaluated using a universal compression test device. Resistance to corrosion of composites was studied by potentiodynamic polarization method. To compare the quantitative data, one-way ANOVA was performed using Graph Pad Prism 6 software (α = 0.05).
    The results showed that by increasing both bioceramics of hydroxyapatite and bioglass, corrosion resistance of composites increased, with hydroxyapatite exerting a greater impact on corrosion resistance of amalgam in the saline solution. In addition, incorporation of 2 wt% of bioglass and hydroxyapatite resulted in 12 and 15 percentages of improvement in the mechanical properties of the composites.
    The developed amalgam basic composites seemed to be good choices for restoration of posterior teeth, with less harmful effects (lower corrosion and higher strength), and hydroxyapatite nanoparticles were more effective than bioglass.
    Keywords: Amalgam, Bioglass, Hydroxyapatite, Mechanical properties}
  • Ali Alirezaie Alavijeh, Masoomeh Dadpey *, Mohammad Barati, Afsaneh Molamirzaie
    The objective of the current study was to prevent surgical site infection (SSI) by creating a new antibacterial silk suture.
    Cefixime trihydrate (CFX) was prepared as nanoparticles via mixing with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel by covalent cross-linkage. The mixture was stirred vigorously to obtain a homogenous gel. Under this condition the polymer chains separate CFX as nanoparticles and trap them (CFX@PVA). The enrichment of silk suture was performed by immersing it in the CFX@PVA solution. The trapped CFX nanoparticles in PVA hydrogel on the surface of sutures were confirmed by SEM. The effect of CFX@PVA silk sutures on tensile strength was analyzed, using a Santammachine controller. The antibacterial activity of the reinforced silk suture was tested on E. coli (ATCC25922) and S. aureus (ATCC25924).
     All antibacterial studies clearly showed that the use of novel CFX@PVA silk sutures could represent clinical advantages, in terms of prevention of resistant bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), the same as the sensitive bacteria, for 15 days. The maximum elongation of composite before rupture, modulus and extension, showed statistically significant difference between reinforced silk sutures and untreated silk suture. No statistically significant difference was found between the Failure load, Stress, Bending and Energy.
     Our data indicate that CFX@ Silk sutures are capable of reducing the risk of SSIs, and has a good mechanical strength to keep the wound sides closed, during early healing recovery.
    Keywords: Silk suture, Cefixime trihydrate, Polyvinyl alcohol, Nanoparticle, Antibacterial activity, Mechanical properties}
  • Mohadeseh Famil Zirak, Mahsa Tabari *
     Application of eco-friendly materials like poly lactic acid (PLA) is increasing, to reduce environmental pollutions. In this research, the effect of silicon dioxide 1%, 3% and 5% nanoparticles on morphological, mechanical and chemicals interaction (FTIR) of PLA film was studied.
    Materials and Methods
     Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used, to consider morphological structure of nanocomposites. Mechanical characteristics of films, measurement of tensile strength, elongation at break point and Yong modulus also were considered by using tensile device and ASTM D 882. The FT-IR spectrum of films with PERKIN ELMER 1650, FT-IR spectrophotometer was recorded.
     Morphological evaluation of PLA composite strings shows desirable and steady distribution of nanoparticles for the sample with 1 percent weight of Silica volume and by increasing Silica contents from 1 to 5 percent, nanoparticles start to form mass. Comparison of average of tensile resistance, elongation at break point and Young modulus in pure PLA film with PLA film including 1% SiO2 shows insignificance of average of these groups (P>0.05). In the consideration, FTIR shows proper distribution of nano-SiO2 dioxide in film composites and connection is created and doesn’t have difference with pure PLA.
     Performed considerations show that PLA films containing SiO2 have proper potential for application in packaging mechanically.
    Keywords: Morphological, Mechanical Properties, Poly Lactic Acid Nanocomposite Films, Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticle}
  • Ayoob Karimizade, Sakine Takallu, Esmaeil Mirzaei *
    One of the main constraints of collagen hydrogel scaffolds for using in tissue engineering is mechanical weakness. Plastic compression (PC) is a physical method to overcome the mechanical limitation of collagen hydrogel.
    Materials And Methods
    In this study, the effects of pH on mechanical and biological properties of PC hydrogels were investigated. Collagen hydrogels were fabricated at neutral (pH=7.4) and alkaline pH (pH=8.5), and then underwent plastic compression to prepare final hydrogels. The stability, mechanical properties, morphology and cell compatibility of hydrogels were investigated.
    The results illustrated that increasing in polymerization pH was associated with improvement in both tensile strength and elastic modulus of hydrogels. Furthermore, cell viability assay confirmed cell survival in both hydrogels prepared at alkaline and neutral pH.
    The results suggest that a slightly basic pH during hydrogel production is an appropriate approach to construct PC collagen hydrogels with an enhanced stability and mechanical properties as well as better handling before PC process.
    Keywords: Collagen, Hydrogel, pH, Plastic compression, Mechanical properties}
  • Fatemeh Hedayati Rad, Anousheh Sharifan*, Faramarz Khodaiyan, Iman Shahabi Ghahfarrokhi
    Adding antimicrobial agents to biodegradable packaging can make a coating that can protect foods and drugs against microbial contamination.
    To evaluate the physical and mechanical properties and antimicrobial activity of soy protein concentrate (SPC) and pullulan films incorporated with Zataria multiflora (ZM) and Artemisia biennis (AB) essential oils (Eos).
    In this study, the pullulan and SPC solutions were mixed in a 50:50 ratio and EOs from ZM or AB were incorporated into the film solution at various concentrations. The casting/solvent evaporation method was used for film formation. Physical and mechanical characterization was determined, and the antimicrobial activities of the films were evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Escherichia coli by agar diffusion method. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was also identified.
    The prepared films were flexible without pores and homogeneous. The addition of EOs significantly increased the thickness and elongation at break but reduced the tensile strength, water vapor permeability, and solubility in water of the films (P
    These findings may lead to the utilization of this new antibacterial film that has the potential to be used as packaging material.
    Keywords: Soy Protein Concentrate, Pullulan, Essential Oil, Physical, Mechanical Properties, Antibacterial Activity, Zataria multiflora, Artemisia biennis}
  • Mahsa Tabari *
     Biodegradable film is widely used because it is free from synthetic substances and does not lead to environment pollution. This study aimed to prepare and characterize biodegradable sago starch films loaded with Carboxymethyl Cellulose nanoparticles.
     Sago starch films were prepared and plasticized with sorbitol/ glycerol by the casting method. Nano Carboxymethyl Cellulose with 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% (w/w) was added to the films before casting them. The effects of the addition of nanoparticles were measured on mechanical properties, water absorption capacity, density and heat sealability.
     In mechanical test of the combined films, by increasing of CMC nanoparticles concentration significantly (P<0.05) increased tensile strength and Young Modulus and elongation prameter showed significant (P<0.05) reduction from 17.69 to 15.39. The seal strength for the sago film was increased by incorporating a low percentage of nano Carboxymethyl Cellulose and enhanced the physicochemical properties and heat sealability of sago films.
     Considering biodegradability of the edible films and improvement of their mechanical properties by CMC nanoparticles, they can be utilized in different industries, particularly in food industry, as an edible coating for packaging food and pharmaceutical products. With regard to its properties such as cost saving, biodegradability and mechanical properties when percentage of CMC nanoparticles increased can found a position among packaging materials.
    Keywords: Biodegradable, Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) nanoparticles, Edible films, Mechanical properties, Sago starch}
  • زهره هنرور، مهدی فرهودی، عبدالرضا محمدی، روح الله فردوسی، سعیده شجاعی علی آبادی
    سابقه و هدف
    فیلم های کامپوزیتی که از دو جز خوراکی و سنتزی تشکیل شده اند، به عنوان ایده ای جدید در بسته بندی مواد غذایی مطرح شده اند. به دلیل ماهیت متفاوت فیلم های خوراکی و سنتزی، کنار هم قرار دادن آنها بدون انجام اصلاحاتی بر سطح پلیمر دشوار بوده و با چالش هایی مواجه است. در این مطالعه از فرآیند پلاسما به منظور اصلاح سطحی فیلم پلی پروپیلن (PP) استفاده شده و سپس این فیلم با کربوکسی متیل سلولز (CMC) پوشش داده شد.
    مواد و روش ها
    در این مطالعه ویژگی های فیزیکی، مکانیکی و نفوذپذیری فیلم های دولایه نسبت به بخار آب با هر کدام از فیلم های CMC و PP مقایسه شد. همچنین به منظور بررسی اثر تیمار پلاسما در بهبود ویژگی های فیلم های دولایه، مقایسه ای نیز بین فیلم های دولایه PP/CMC تیمار شده با پلاسما و تیمار نشده صورت پذیرفت.
    یافته ها
    نتایج حاکی از آن بود که فیلم های PP/CMC تیمار شده با پلاسما نسبت به فیلم های دولایه تیمار نشده و فیلم های تک لایه PP و CMC نفوذپذیری کمتری نسبت به بخار آب (WVP) داشته و ویژگی های مکانیکی بهتری دارند.
    نتیجه گیری
    به کار گیری فیلم PP/CMC تیمار شده با پلاسما، می تواند در بهبود ویژگی های بازدارندگی و مکانیکی بسته بندی نقش به سزایی داشته باشد.
    کلید واژگان: کربوکسی متیل سلولز, پلی پروپیلن, پلاسما, نفوذپذیری, خواص مکانیکی}
    Z. Honarvar, M. Farhoodi, A. Mohammadi, R. Ferdosi, S. Shojaee Aliabadi
    composite films which are consisted of edible and synthetic components are introduced as a novel idea in food packaging industry. Because of different nature of these components, it is problematic to use them in a composite film without any modification on polymer surface. In this study, plasma treatment was used to modify polypropylene (PP) surface and then it was coated by carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC).
    Material and
    In this study, physical, mechanical and water vapour permeability of bilayer films (PP/CMC) were compared with individual PP and CMC films. In order to perceive the effect of plasma treatment on the properties of bilayer films, a comparison was also done between treated and untreated bilayer films.
    Plasma treated PP/CMC films had lower water vapour permeability and better mechanical properties compared to untreated bilayers, individual PP and CMC films.
    Application of plasma treated PP/CMC films could have an important role in improvement of barrier and mechanical properties of food packaging.
    Keywords: Carboxymethyl cellulose, Polypropylene, Plasma, Permeability, Mechanical properties}
  • Marzieh Monfared, Mohammad Ebrahim Bahrololoom
    Statement of Problem: Dental resin composites are becoming prevalent in restorative dentistry and have almost replaced amalgam nowadays. Consequently, their mechanical properties and durability are critical.
    The aim of this study was to produce Pyrex glass nano-particles by wet milling process and use them as reinforcement in dental resins for anterior restorations and then examination of fractographic properties of these composites.
    Materials And Methods
    The glass nano-particles were achieved via wet milling. The surface of the particles was modified with 3-(Trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate (γ-MPTMS) silane in order to improve their surface. Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) analysis showed that the silane groups provided double bonds to the surface of the particles and prevented agglomeration. Then, the composite resins were made with different weight percentages of Pyrex glass. The mechanical properties of samples flexural test were evaluated. The required energy for fracture of the specimens was achieved via this test. The fracture surfaces of the samples were analyzed using a scanning electron micro- scope (SEM) in order to explain the mechanisms of fracture.
    The results and analysis showed that increasing the glass nano-particles mass fraction had a great effect on mechanical properties of the composites due to the mechanisms of crack propagation and crack deflection as well as preventing void formation. The effective energy dissipation mechanisms such as crack pinning and deflection, was observed in SEM micrographs.
    Void formation in the low filler content composite is one of the mechanisms to decrease the energy required for fracture of these composites and eventually weaken them.
    Keywords: Dental Composite, Glass Nanoparticles, Mechanical Properties, Fractography, Biomaterials}
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