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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Working length » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • آرش ایزدی، عزت الله کاظمی نژاد*، فاطمه میرزایی، نازنین مرتضوی
    سابقه و هدف

    تعیین طول کارکرد دقیق، یکی از مهمترین مراحل در درمان ریشه دندان می باشد. روش ها و دستگاه های متنوعی از جمله اپکس لوکیتورهای الکترونیک، به جهت تعیین طول کارکرد معرفی شده اند. هدف از مطالعه ی حاضر، مقایسه دقت اپس لوکیتورهای الکترونیک از جمله DTE، Denjoy، Woodpecker و Coxo در تعیین طول کارکرد واقعی بود.

    مواد و روش ها

    در این مطالعه ی توصیفی، 40 دندان پرمولر مندیبل تک کانال، طبق معیارهای ورود انتخاب شده و بررسی شدند. ابتدا، طول کارکرد کانال هر دندان توسط 4 اپکس لوکیتور اندازه گیری شد. اندازه گیری الکترونیک، طبق دستور شرکت سازنده با فاصله بین 0/5 تا 1 میلیمتری تنگه اپیکال انجام شد. جهت اندازه گیری طول کارکرد واقعی، 4 میلی متر از انتهای کانال در جهت باکولینگوالی از سمت باکال برش داده شد و فاصله میان نقطه مرجع و تنگه اپیکال زیر میکروسکوپ اندازه گیری شد. سپس، داده های توسط آزمون Paired T test، آنالیز شد.

    یافته ها

    در فاصله 5/0 میلیمتری تنگه اپیکال و تنگه اپیکال، دقت اپکس لوکیتورهای DTE، Woodpecker، Coxo و Denjoy به ترتیب 87% و 45%، 85% و 37% در مقابل  85% و 45% و 82% و 42% بود. تمام نمونه ها با 4 دستگاه اپکس لوکیتور در محدوده ی 1- تا 1+ میلیمتری اپکس با دقت 97/5% اندازه گیری شدند.

    نتیجه گیری

      هیچ کدام از 4 اپکس لوکیتور، دقت 100%  را در تنگه اپیکال گزارش ندادند. هیچ تفاوت آماری معناداری میان طول کارکرد گزارش شده توسط 4 اپکس لوکیتور و طول کارکرد واقعی وجود نداشت.

    کلید واژگان: تنگه اپیکال, اپکس لوکیتور الکترونیک, طول کارکرد}
    Arash Izadi, Ezatolah Kazeminejad*, Fatemeh Mirzaei, Nazanin Mortazavi
    Background and Aim

    Determination of the exact working length is one of the most important steps in root canal treatment. Various devices and methods, such as electronic apex locators, have been developed for the determination of the working length. The present study aimed to compare the accuracy of four electronic apex locators, DTE, Denjoy, Woodpecker and Coxo, in determining the actual working length.

    Materials and Methods

    In this descriptive study, fourty mandibular premolar teeth that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected and examined. First, each tooth was measured with four apex locators. The electronic measurements were performed following the manufacturers’ instructions within ±0.5 mm, ±1 mm and exactly at apical constriction. To calculate the actual working length, 4 mm of the root end was buccolingually cut from buccal side of the canal, and the distance between the coronal reference point and apical constriction was measured under a microscope. Then, data were analysed with Paired T test.


    . Within ±0.5 mm from the apical constriction and at the apical constriction, the accuracy of apex locators DTE, Woodpecker, Coxo and Denjoy were 87% and 45%, 85% and 37%, 85% and 45% and 82% and 42%, respectively. All specimens measured with four types of apex locators were within the range of -1 to +1 mm to the apex with an accuracy of 97.5%.


     None of the four apex locators reported an accuracy of 100% at apical constriction. There was no statistically significant difference between the working length measured by four apex locators and the actual working length.

    Keywords: Apical constriction, Electronic apex locator, Working length}
  • Seyed Amir Mousavi, Amirali Zahedinejad *, Behzad Kowsari, Erfan Kolahdouzan, Seyed Iman Mousavi, Sadegh Saeidian
    Determining working length had always been one of the most crucial factors in evaluating prognosis. Radiography as a gold standard way nowadays has some flaws like making a 3D object, image distortion, not measuring the exact location of apical foramen, and putting the patient in a direct X-ray exposure. Here, we compare these three ways in measuring working length of single canal teeth that are narrow.
    Initially thirty single canal teeth with narrow canals were selected. After preparing the access cavity, the teeth were mounted in alginate for measuring working length with an apex locator. After that, they mounted in chalk in order to determine the working length using conventional and digital radiographs. Finally, the teeth were removed from the mount and the exact working length assessed using a hand file to compare with the three mentioned methods.
    This study showed that the mean measured working length of root canal therapy had a significant difference between the four methods (P=0.003). Bonferroni post hoc test showed that the mean exact working length of root canal therapy was significantly lower than measured working length of root canal therapy by conventional radiography (P=0.002), digital radiography (P=0.001) and Raypex6 apex locator (P=0.01). However, there was no significant difference between these three methods (P>0.05).
    The results of this study showed that the mean measured working length of root canal therapy had no significant difference between digital radiography, conventional radiography, and Raypex6 apex locator but these three methods had a significant difference with the exact teeth length
    Keywords: Digital Radiography, Root Canal Therapy, Working length, apex locator}
  • سمانه همتی، نادیا الیاسی گرجی، سید جابر موسوی، بنفشه سلیمانی*
    سابقه و هدف

    یکی از اهداف مهم در دندانپزشکی کودکان حفظ و نگهداری دندان های شیری تا زمان رویش دندان های دایمی جانشین است. در مواردی که پالپ دندان های شیری درگیر می شود، مجبور به انجام پالپکتومی خواهیم بود که انجام چنین درمانی مستلزم تعیین طول کارکرد صحیح کانال ها، پاکسازی و پر کردن فضای داخلی آن، با استفاده از ماده پرکننده مناسب می باشد. اصول درمان اندودونتیک موفق در دندان های دایمی کاملا مشخص است ولی به دلیل تحلیل و رسوب بافت سخت در کانال ریشه دندان های شیری، شکل، ابعاد و وضعیت آپکس ریشه، متغیر می باشد که در نتیجه آن، تعیین آناتومی کانال دندان های شیری امری دشوار به شمار می رود. لذا بر آن شدیم تا در مطالعه مروری نقلی حاضر به بررسی صحت اندازه گیری اپکس لوکیتور های Ipex-I ، Root ZX mini و رادیوگرافی کانونشنال در تعیین طول کارکرد دندان های شیری تحلیل رفته بپردازیم. بدین منظور جهت شناسایی مطالعات منتشرشده طی سال های2000 تا 2020 از پایگاه داده های Science Direct، Google scholar، PubMed، Scopus، Irandoc SID، Magiran و Iranmedex استفاده شد و نشان داده شد که روش های مورد مطالعه درتعیین طول کارکرد مولرهای شیری تحلیل رفته، غالبا از دقت مشابهی برخوردار هستند ولی از آن جایی که تهیه رادیوگرافی از کودک ممکن است دشوار باشد، لذا استفاده از اپکس لوکیتورها بر روش کانوشنال ارجحیت دارد.

    کلید واژگان: طول کارکرد, دقت, اپکس لوکیتور الکترونیکی, مولرهای شیری}
    Samaneh Hemmati, Nadia Elyassi Gorji, Seyed Jaber Mousavi, Banafsheh Soleimani*
    Background and purpose

    One of the main goals in pediatric dentistry is to maintain deciduous teeth until the permanent teeth grow. In cases where the pulp of deciduous teeth is involved, pulpectomy is needed which requires determining the correct working length of the canals and cleaning and filling their interior space using a proper filling material. The principles of successful endodontic treatment in permanent teeth are well known, but, determining the anatomy of the canal of deciduous teeth is difficult due to the resorption and deposition of hard tissue in the root canal, the shape, dimensions, and variable conditions of root apex. Therefore, in this narrative review, we investigated the accuracy of Ipex-I and Root ZX mini electronic apex locators and conventional radiography in root canal length determination in resorbed primary molars. A thorough search was conducted in Science Direct, Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Irandoc, SID, Magiran, and Iranmedex covering the articles published in 2000–2020. According to findings, all techniques mentioned were found to have almost similar accuracy in determining the working length in resorbed deciduous molars. However, obtaining radiography images may be difficult in children, therefore, apex locators are more preferable to the conventional method.

    Keywords: working length, accuracy, electronic apex locator, deciduous tooth}
  • Pelin Tufenkci*, Aylin Kalaycı

    This study aimed to assess the accuracy of three electronic apex locators (EALs) (DentaportZX [J Morita, Tokyo, Japan], Propex Pixi [Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland], and iPex II [NSK,Tokyo, Japan]) during root canal retreatment.


     The root canal lengths of 90 extracted single-rooted human teeth were determined under adental operating microscope at ×10 magnification. The actual working length (AWL) was 0.5 mm lessthan the root length. Electronic measurements were performed with the three EALs. The root canalswere instrumented and filled to the actual working length using the lateral compaction technique. Afterseven days, the teeth were retreated until the retreatment file was applied to the root canal at the workinglength determined by EALs, and then, the three EALs were used for determining the retreatmentworking length. Data were analyzed using chi-squared and Kruskal–Wallis tests.


     In the retreatment, the accuracy of EALs was reported at %83.3 for Dentaport ZX, %83.4 forPropex Pixi, and %80 for iPex II within a tolerance of 0.5± mm of the AWL.


    Under the limitations of this study, Dentaport ZX, Propex Pixi, and iPex II can be a usefuladjunct during retreatment. Clinicians should be aware that residual materials in the root canal duringretreatment can affect the accuracy of EALs.

    Keywords: Electronic apex locator, Retreatment, Working length}
  • زهرا ناهیدی، آرش ایزدی *، شبنم نعیمی، رضا رضایی
    تعیین دقیق طول کارکرد، یکی از مهم ترین مراحل انجام درمان های ریشه می باشد که به صورت مستقیم در موفقیت درمان موثر است. وسایل و روش های گوناگونی برای تعیین طول کارکرد کانال ریشه معرفی شده اند که از این میان می توان به دستگاه های آپکس یاب الکترونیکی اشاره نمود. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی مقایسه ای دقت سه آپکس لوکیتور الکترونیکی Woodpecker، Root zx و Coxo با طول واقعی انجام گرفت.
    مواد و روش ها
    در این مطالعه ی تجربی از نوع آزمایشگاهی، تعداد 30 دندان تک کانال سانترال ماگزیلا که دارای شرایط ورود به مطالعه بودند، انتخاب شد و طول کارکرد هر دندان با سه آپکس لوکیتور الکترونیکی Root zx، Woodpecker و Coxo اندازه گیری شد. اندازه گیری های الکترونیکی، طبق دستور شرکت سازنده، با استفاده از k فایل 15 و بعد از شستشو با هیپوکلریت 6 درصد و نرمال سالین 0/9 درصد، در محدوده ی 0/5 ± و 1 ± میلی متری و منطبق بر تنگه ی اپیکالی، انجام پذیرفت. طول کارکرد حقیقی با سایش 4 میلی متر انتهای ریشه و اندازه گیری فاصله ی بین نقطه ی مرجع کرونالی تا تنگه ی اپیکالی در زیر میکروسکوپ محاسبه گردید و سپس داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های آماری کای اسکوئر و فیشر با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS نسخه ی 16، بررسی گردید و سطح معنی داری (p value < 0/05) در نظر گرفته شد.
    یافته ها
    در محدوده ی 0/5 ± میلی متر و 1 ± میلی متر، دقت آپکس لوکیتورهای Root zx برابر با 76/7 درصد و 100 درصد، Woodpecker برابر با 90 درصد و 100 درصد و Coxo برابر با 93/3 درصد و 100 درصد می باشد. تفاوت معنی داری بین اندازه گیری های Root zx، Woodpecker و Coxo با طول کارکرد حقیقی مشاهده نشد (p value = 0/738، 0/687، 0/090).
    نتیجه گیری
    با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده از مطالعه ی حاضر، هیچ کدام از سه آپکس لوکیتور مورد آزمایش، دقت 100 درصد را در موارد منطبق بر تنگه ی اپیکالی گزارش نکردند. اختلاف اندازه ی طول کارکرد به دست آمده توسط سه آپکس لوکیتور با طول واقعی، تفاوت آماری معنی داری نداشت.
    کلید واژگان: آپکس لوکیتور الکترونیکی, طول کارکرد, تنگه ی اپیکالی}
    Zahra Nahidi, Arash Izadi *, Shabnam Naeimi, Reza Rezai
    One of the most important steps in root canal treatment is to determine the exact working length as an effective factor in the success of treatment. Various tools and methods have been introduced to determine the working length, including electronic apex locators. This study was undertaken to compare the accuracy of three electronic apex locators, Root ZX, Woodpecker and Coxo in determining the actual working length.
    Materials and Methods
    In this in vitro study, 30 maxillary central incisors meeting the inclusion criteria were selected and the working length of each tooth was determined by three electronic apex locators: Root ZX, Woodpecker and Coxo. After irrigating the root canals with 6% hypochlorite and 0.9% normal saline solutions, electronic measurements were performed using a #15 K-file in the range of 1±0.5 mm at the apical constriction according to the manufacturer's instructions. After abrading 4 mm of the root end, the actual working length was calculated under a microscope from the distance between the coronal reference point and the apical constriction. Data were analyzed with chi-squared test and Fisher’s exact test, using SPSS 16 (α = 0.05).
    The accuracy rates of Root ZX, Woodpecker and Coxo apex locators were 76.7% and 100%, 90% and 100%, and 93.3% and 100% in the range of 1 ± 0.5 mm, respectively. No significant differences were found between the working lengths measured by three apex locators and the actual working lengths.
    According to the results of this study, none of the three apex locators exhibited accuracy of 100% exactly at the apical constriction. There were no statistically significant differences between the working lengths obtained by three apex locators and the actual working lengths.
    Keywords: Apical constriction, Electronic apex locator, Working length}
  • Manucher Raees Sameye, Amin Mohammad Bahalkeh, Arash Izadi, Ania Jafaryan
    Accurate measurement of working length of the root canal is an important factor in endodontic treatment, because it determines the level of cleaning and shaping of the canal. This can be performed using numerous methods including conventional, digital and self-developing methods, which are studied in this work.
    Methods and Materials: In this study, 50 maxillary molars with appropriate conditions for the analysis were collected and their mesiobuccal canal lengths were estimated by three different types of radiographs with and without file. Next, two endodontists and a radiologist reviewed all the images under the same conditions. The precise lengths of the canals were measured by removing teeth from their casts and direct observation. Finally, data regarding differences in radiographic length and actual length were examined by SPSS 16.0 software and Repeated Measures ANOVA test.
    There was no significant difference in any of the radiographic states. The differences of root canal lengths were not significant for the first (endodontist) and third (endodontist) observers; whereas, there were significant differences for the second observer (radiologist). The differences were not significant for samples without files (P=0.89). However, the differences were significant for samples with files (P=0.03).
    Since analysis showed that there were no significant differences between the results of digital radiography, conventional film and self-developing film methods in working length determination, the clinician can choose any of these methods according to the working conditions without being concerned about losing the accuracy.
    Keywords: Conventional Radiography, Digital Radiography, Self-developing Film, Working Length}
  • Masoud Saatchi, Shiva Iravani, Mehrdad Akhavan Khaleghi, Amin Mortaheb
    The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the correlation between accuracy of Root ZX electronic foramen locator and root canal curvature.
    Methods and Materials: One hundred and ten extracted mandibular molars were selected. Access cavity was prepared and coronal enlargement of mesiobuccal canal was performed. A #10 Flexofile was inserted into the mesiobuccal canal, and a radiography was taken to measure the degree of curvature by Schneider's method. The actual working length (AWL) was defined by inserting the file until its tip could be observed at a place tangential to the major apical foramen and then 0.5 mm was subtracted from this measurement. For the electronic working length (EWL) measurement, the apical 3 or 4 mm of the root was embedded in alginate as the electrolyte material. The file was inserted into the root canal to the major foramen, until the APEX reading was shown on the electronic device and then pulled back until the visual display showed the 0.5-mm mark. The AWL was subtracted from the EWL to define the distance between the file tip and the point 0.5 mm coronal to the major apical foramen. Data were analyzed using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
    The accuracy of Root ZX within ±0.1 mm and ±0.5 mm was 38.2% and 94.6%, respectively. There was no correlation between the distance from the EWL to the AWL and the degree of root canal curvature (r=0.097, P=0.317).
    Root canal curvature did not influence the accuracy of Root ZX foramen locator.
    Keywords: Accuracy, Curved Root Canals, Electronic Apex Locator, Working Length}
  • Hamid Jafarzadeh, Masoud Beyrami, Maryam Forghani
    The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the accuracy of working length determination using the apex locator versus conventional radiography in C-shaped canals.
    Methods and Materials: After confirming the actual C-shaped anatomy using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), 22 extracted C-shaped mandibular second molars were selected and decoronated at the cemento-enamel junction. The actual working length of these canals were determined by inserting a #15 K-file until the tip could be seen through the apical foramen and the working length was established by subtracting 0.5 mm from this length. The working length was also determined using conventional analog radiography and electronic apex locator (EAL) that were both compared with the actual working length. The data was statistically analyzed using paired t-test and marginal homogeneity test.
    There was no significant differences between the working length obtained with apex locator and that achieved through conventional radiography in terms of measuring the mesiolingual and distal canals (P>0.05); while, significant differences were observed in measurements of the mesiobuccal canals (P=0.036). Within ±0.5 mm of tolerance margin there was no significant difference between EAL and conventional radiography.
    The apex locator was more accurate in determination of the working length of C-shaped canals compared with the conventional radiography.
    Keywords: C, shaped Canals, Electronic Apex Locator, Radiography, Working Length}
  • زهرا تفاخری *، محمد افتخاری نیا، حجت جهانبخش
    زمینه و هدف
    با توجه به اینکه تعیین طول کارکرد صحیح، یکی از عوامل مهم در موفقیت درمان کانال ریشه دندان می باشد، ازاین رو، مطالعه حاضر با هدف مقایسه رادیوگرافی های معمولی و دیجیتال در تعیین طول کارکرد کانال های ریشه دندان مولر فک پایین انجام شد.
    مواد و روش ها
    در این مطالعه برون تنی، 25 دندان بالغ مولر اول دائمی فک پایین دو ریشه انتخاب و سپس حفره دسترسی تهیه گردید. جهت تعیین طول کارکرد واقعی دندان ها، K-fileهای شماره 15 داخل کانال دندان ها قرار داده شدند. پس از جایگذاری دندان ها در داخل ساکت دندانی، از آنها رادیوگرافی معمولی و دیجیتال تهیه گردید و بر روی رادیوگرافی های معمولی و تصاویر CMOS، از فاصله نوک کاسپ های هم سطح شده تا نوک فایل به ترتیب به وسیله کولیس با دقت 01/0 میلی متر و نرم افزار اندازه گیری شد. داده ها با آزمون های آماری Greenhouse-Geisser، t زوجی و رگرسیون خطی ساده تجزیه و تحلیل شدند.
    یافته ها
    یافته ها نشان دادند که اختلاف معنی داری بین دقت رادیوگرافی های معمولی و دیجیتال در تعیین طول کارکرد کانال ریشه دندان های مولر اول فک پایین با انحنای کمتر از 25 درجه وجود ندارد (05/0
    نتیجه گیری
    بر اساس یافته های این مطالعه، می توان از رادیوگرافی دیجیتال CMOS جهت تعیین طول کارکرد ریشه هایی که انحنای زیادی ندارند، استفاده کرد؛ ولی در دندان های دارای ریشه با انحنای زیاد، بهتر است از رادیوگرافی معمولی برای تعیین طول کارکرد استفاده شود.
    کلید واژگان: طول کارکرد, رادیوگرافی معمولی, رادیوگرافی دیجیتال CMOS, مولر اول فک پایین}
    Z. Tafakhori *, M. Eftekharinia, H. Jahanbakhsh
    Background And Objectives
    Working length determination is one of the most important factors in successful root canal treatment; therefore, this study was carried out to compare conventional (E-speed) and digital (CMOS) radiographies in determining the working length of the root canals of mandibular molar teeth.
    Materials And Methods
    In this ex-vivo study, 25 permanent mandibular double-root first molar teeth were selected and then access cavities were prepared. In order to determine the real working length of the roots, the number 15K-files were transferred into the canals. After placing each sample in the socket of the teeth, conventional and digital radiographies were performed and the distance between the leveled cusp tip and the file tip were measured in conventional radiography and CMOS images by a caliper with an accuracy of 0.01mm and software, respectively. The data was analyzed using Greenhouse-Geisser, paired t-test and simple linear regression.
    According to the findings of this study, there was no significant difference between the accuracy of conventional radiography and digital radiography (CMOS) in determining the working length of the root canals of mandibular first molar teeth with less than 25˚ curve (p>0.05). However, in roots with more than 25˚ curve, the working length of root canal was higher in the digital radiography (CMOS) compared to the conventional radiography (E-speed) (p=0.001and p=0.004, respectively).
    Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that digital CMOS radiography can be used to measure working length of root canals with mild curvature. However, in teeth with high curvature, it would be better to use conventional radiography to estimate the working length.
    Keywords: Working length, Conventional radiography, Digital CMOS radiography, Mandibular first molar}
  • Ali Bagherpour, Maryam Mojtahedi, Mahrokh Imanimoghaddam, Hamid Jafarzadeh
    The aim of this study was to compare digital and conventional radiography in determining the working length of dilacerated canals.
    Thirty nine human extracted single-rooted teeth with root curvature more than 35 degrees were included in this study. After access preparation, a file was inserted into the canal and advanced until the file tip was visualized at the foramen. With measurement of the file length using a millimeter ruler, true canal length was determined for each canal. Then, teeth were mounted in acrylic blocks and canal length was estimated by using on-screen digital radiography with both 3- and 6-clicks measurement and from conventional radiography by conforming a preserved file on the image of the root canal.
    There were no significant differences in measurement accuracy between the true canal length and conventional radiographic length, but there were significant difference between both digital radiographic techniques with true canal length. There was no significant correlation between root curvature and canal length estimation error of studied methods.
    In dilacerated canals, the accuracy of determination of working length by using conventional radiography is higher than digital radiography.
    Keywords: Digital radiography, conventional radiography, working length, root curvature, dilaceration}
  • Alper KuŞ, Tarci, Dilara Arslan, Demet AltunbaŞ
    The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of the apex-locating functions of DentaPort ZX, Raypex 5 and Endo Master electronic apex locators (EALs) in vitro.
    Materials And Methods
    Thirty extracted human single-rooted teeth with mature apices were used for the study. The real working length (RWL) was established by subtracting 0.5 mm from the actual root canal length. All teeth were mounted in an alginate model that was especially developed to test the EALs and the teeth were then measured with each EAL. The results were compared with the corresponding RWL, which was subtracted from the electronically determined distance. Data were analyzed using a paired-samples t-test, a Chi-square test and a repeated measure analysis of variance evaluation at the 0.05 level of signifi cance.
    Statistical analysis showed that no signifi cant difference was found among all EALs (P > 0.05).
    The accuracy of the EALs was evaluated and all of the devices showed an acceptable determination of electronic working length between the ranges of ±0.5 mm.
    Keywords: DentaPort ZX, electronic apex locator, Endo Master, Raypex 5, working length}
  • Maryam Raoof, Maryam Heidaripour, Arash Shahravan, Jahangir Haghani, Arash Afkham, Mahsa Razifar, Sakineh Mohammadalizadeh
    Despite being the gold standard as well as a routine technique in endodontics, radiographic working length (WL) determination owns many drawbacks. Electronic apex-locators (EALs) are recommended to complement radiographies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the perceptions of Iranian general dental practitioners (GDPs) towards using radiography and EAL. Methods and Materials: Three hundred and ninety one GDPs attending the 53th Iranian Dental Association Congress completed a questionnaire focusing on the use of radiography and EALs during the various stages of root canal treatment. The data was analyzed with the chi-square test with the level of significance set at 0.05. The results were then calculated as frequencies and percentages.
    More than half of the GDPs reported using radiographs as the sole method for WL determination. A total of 30.4% of the practitioners were using the combined approach during root canal therapy of a single-rooted tooth, while 38.9% used this method in multi-rooted teeth. Approximately half of the respondents would not order follow-up radiographies after root canal treatment.
    Radiography continues to be the most common method for WL determination in Iran.
    Keywords: Apex Locator, Dental Radiography, Dentist, Root Canal Therapy, Working Length}
  • محمد یزدی زاده، علی حبیبی کیا، سیدآرمان محققی، عباس بصیری، ثمره عباسی، نغمه نیرومند، صادق آغاجری
    زمینه و هدف
    امروزه روش های بسیاری جهت تعیین طول کانال ریشه مطرح گردیده است. هدف از این مطالعه، مقایسه بالینی دقت آپکس یاب اکترونیکی Root ZX، حس لامسه و رادیوگرافی معمولی در تعیین طول کانال ریشه دندان های دایمی می باشد.
    روش بررسی
    تعداد 20 دندان مولر (64 کانال) انتخاب شدند طول کانال به وسیله ی آپکس یابRoot ZX، رادیوگرافی معمولی و حس لامسه تعیین شد.سپس با اندازه واقعی که بعد از کشیدن دندان به دست آمد مقایسه شدند. داده-ها به وسیله ی آزمون آماری تی تست زوجی آنالیز شدند.
    یافته ها
    در 61 (%75/93) کانال، طول اندازه گیری شده به وسیله Root ZX، در 49(57/76%) کانال طول اندازه گیری شده با روش رادیوگرافی و در 32(%50) کانال، طول اندازه گیری شده به وسیله حس لامسه با اندازه ی واقعی به دست آمده برابر بود. آنالیزتی تست نشان داد که تفاوت معناداری بین روش اندازه گیری به وسیله Root ZX با اندازه ی واقعی وجود ندارد(193/0= P) ولی بین اندازه های به دست آمده از روش های رادیوگرافی و حس لامسه با اندازه ی واقعی تفاوت معنی داری وجود دارد (001/ 0 ˂P).
    نتیجه گیری
    با توجه به دقت پایین و غیر قابل اعتماد حس لامسه، می توان دستگاه Root ZX را برای تعیین طول کانال دندان های دایمی به همراه روش رادیوگرافی استفاده نمود.
    کلید واژگان: طول کارکرد, رادیوگرافی دندانی, حس لامسه, آپکس یاب الکترونیک}
    Mohammad Yazdizadeh, Ali Habibikia, Seyed Arman Mohagheghi, Abbas Basiri, Samareh Abbasi, Naghmeh Niroomand, Sadegh Aghajeri
    Background And Objectives
    Today، several methods have been proposed to determine the root canal length. The purpose of this clinical study was to compare the accuracy of root canal length determination in permanent teeth with ROOT ZX electronic apex locator، tactile perception and conventional radiography. Subjects and
    Sixty four canals from twenty molar teeth from healthy volunteers selected. Access cavities were prepared and working length were determined by means of tactile perception، Root ZX electronic apex locator and conventional radiography and compared with real working length. Data were analyzed via Paired samples T-test.
    The accuracy of determination of root canal length by Root ZX، radiography and tactile perception were 93. 7، 76. 57 and 50% respectively. T test analysis revealed no significant difference between working length determination by Root ZX and real working length (p=0. 193). However، there were significant differences between working length determination by radiographic length and tactile perception with real working length (P<0. 001).
    The Root ZX apex locator is useful in detecting the root canal length of permanent teeth with radiographic method. However،tactile perception is not reliable in detecting root canal length.
    Keywords: Working Length, Dental Radiography, Tactile Perception, Electronic Apex Locator}
  • Irfana Khursheed, Ruchika Bansal, Tajinder Bansal, Harkanwal Preet Singh, Madhulika Yadav, K. Jetender Reddy
    Accurate working length determination is a pre-requisite for a successful endodontic treatment. Even with improved systems of working length measurement, different readings may be recorded in different electrolytes present in the canal. The purpose of this in vivo/ex vivo comparative study was to determine the accuracy in measuring the working length of root canal using Direct Digital Radiographic Method (Radiovisiography or RVG) and ProPex electronic apex locator in the presence of three different irrigating solutions: 0.9% normal saline, 2% chlorhexidine, 3% NaOCl solutions.
    Materials And Methods
    Forty single-rooted human teeth scheduled for extraction with mature apices were selected for this study. Measurements were performed by using RVG and ProPex in the presence of irrigating solutions. After extraction of the teeth, light microscope was used to confi rm visually the relationship of the tip of the endodontic fi le to the apical foramen, and actual lengths were determined by reducing 0.5 mm from this length. The statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA test and Tukey-HSD post hoc procedure. P < 0.05 was considered as signifi cant.
    No signifi cant difference was found between overall mean electronic working length and digital radiographic length; however, prediction error (P < 0.05) was signifi cant with respect to different irrigants. Among the irrigating solutions, chlorhexidine gluconate had the smallest distance to the actual lengths, whereas NaOCl had the greatest.
    Electronic apex locator ProPex yielded best result in the presence of chlorhexidine, whereas the largest error was demonstrated with NaOCl indicating that higher electroconductive irrigating solutions affect the precision of multi-frequency apex locators.
    Keywords: Apex locators, digital radiography, irrigation solutions, working length}
  • Maryam Raoof Raoof, Maryam Rad, Mohammad Rasoul Mansoori, Sara Askarifard, Mahdieh Nourzadeh, Noushin Shokouhinejad, Siamak Samani
    Background And Aim
    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different needle-insertion depths on the accuracy of the Root ZX II and Root ZX mini apex locators in the presence of various irrigants.
    Ninety extracted single-canal human teeth were used in nine experimental groups. The coronal one-third of the canals was preflared, and the length to the major foramen was determined visually under a microscope. The teeth were embedded in an alginate model. NaOCl concentrations of 5.25%, 2.60%, and 2.00% chlorhexidine with three endodontic needles (21, 25, and 30 gauges) were delivered into the root canals of teeth in each group. Electronic length was determined with both devices using K-files of size 10. The results obtained with electronic apex locators were compared with the corresponding actual length. A multivariate linear regression model was used to determine the variables influencing the accuracy of the Root ZX II and Root ZX mini apex locators.
    Irrigant solution concentrations had no effect on the accuracy of the measurements with these locators (P = 0.83). The statistical analysis of the results showed EAL accuracy to be 100% for both Root ZX and Root ZX mini, within a tolerance of ± 0.5 mm. Data were analyzed by ANOVA. Multivariate linear regression model demonstrated that needle-insertion depths influenced the electronic measurements (P = 0.05), while the concentrations of irrigants did not influence the results.
    Under the conditions of this ex vivo study, needle-insertion depths influenced the electronic measurements.
    Keywords: Irrigation, Needle Gauge, Sodium Hypochloride, Chlorhexidine, Working Length, Apex Locator}
  • صفا رکابی، الهام رجایی بهبهانی، میلاد سروری *، زهرا بحرالعلومی

    برای موفق بودن درمان پالپکتومی در دندان های شیری اندازه گیری دقیق طول کانال ریشه لازم است. تعیین طول با استفاده از پرتونگاری رایج ترین روش مورد استفاده بوده است، اما به دلیل عوارض ء پرتو و همچنین لزوم همکاری کودک معمولا با مشکلاتی همراه است. هدف از مطالعه، مقایسه دقت دستگاه آپکس یاب الکترونیکی NSK با پرتو نگاری معمولی برای تعیین طول کانال ریشه مولرهای شیری نکروز بود.

    روش بررسی

    تعداد 20 عدد دندان مولر شیری 3 کاناله فک پایین (10 دندان D و10 دندان E) در کودکان با رده سنی 7-5 سال با شرط عدم وجود کلسیفیکاسیون در پالپ چمبر و کانال ها، عدم درمان ریشه قبلی و پرفوراسیون کف اتاقک پالپی توسط پوسیدگی انتخاب شدند. حفره دسترسی ایجاد شد و طول کانال به وسیله آپکس یاب الکترونیکی NSK و رادیوگرافی تعیین و مقایسه شدند. پالپکتومی کامل شد و داده ها با استفاده از آزمون Paired Samples T test تجزیه و تحلیل شدند.


    در 56 کانال (3/99% موارد) طول اندازه گیری شده با آپکس یاب الکترونیکی با طول اندازه گیری شده در رادیوگرافی برابر بود. در 3 کانال (5% موارد) طول اندازه گیری شده با آپکس یاب 1 میلی متر کمتر از طول رادیوگرافی بود و در 1 کانال (7/1% موارد) طول اندازه گیری شده با آپکس یاب 1 میلی متر بیشتر از طول رادیوگرافی بود. تفاوت معنی داری بین این دو شیوه اندازه گیری دیده نشد (85/0.=p).

    نتیجه گیری

    آپکس یاب NSK در تعیین طول کانال دندان های مولر شیری با دقت عمل می کند.

    کلید واژگان: آپکس یاب الکترونیکی, رادیوگرافی, کانال ریشه, پالپکتومی, دندان مولر شیری}
    S. Rekabi, E. Rajaie Behbahani, M. Soruri, Z. Bahrolooloomi

    Radiography is the most common method for measurement of working length، though it is not the ideal method because of technical problems، radiation hazard، superimposition of permanent teeth bud on primary teeth، and so on. Electronic Apex Locator (EAL) is a device for determination of working length. Therefore، this study aimed to compare the accuracy of an electronic apex locator and radiography for determining working length of primary necrotic molars.


    sixty canals of twenty necrotic mandibular primary molars were used in children with 5-7 years old. There were no calcified canal، previous root canal therapy and perforation of pulp chamber floor. Access cavity was prepared and working length was determined by means of NSK EAL and conventional radiography and then was compared. Moreover، Pulpectomy was completed. Data were analyzed by Paired Samples T test.


    In 56 (93. 3%) of the canals، the length measured by NSK EAL was determined to be equal to the length measured by radiography. In 3 canals (5%)، NSK measurements were found to be less than radiography measurements for 1mm and in 1 canal (1. 7%)، it was greater than radiography measurements for 1mm. T test analysis indicated no significant difference between the two measurement methods (p=0. 85).


    Electronic apex locator can accurately assess the length of canals in primary molars.

    Keywords: Electronic Apex Locator, Primary Molar Tooth, Pulpectomy, Radiography, Working Length}
  • Kalyan Vinayak Chakravarthy Pishipati
    The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the accuracy of radiography in assessing working length to Propex II apex locator.
    Materials And Methods
    Thirty single canal extracted human teeth with patent apical foramen were selected. Access cavities were prepared. Anatomic length (AL) was determined by inserting a K-file into the root canal until the file tip was just visible at the most coronal aspect of the apical foramen; subsequently 0.5 mm was deducted from this measured length. Working length by radiographic method (RL) was determined using Ingle’s method. Propex II apex locator was used to determine the electronic working length (EL). From these calculated lengths, AL was deducted to obtain D-value. D-value in the range of +/-0.5 mm was considered to be acceptable.
    The percentage accuracy of RL and Propex II apex locator was 76.6% and 86.6%, respectively. Paired t-test revealed significant difference between the RL and Propex II apex locator (P<0.05).
    Under these in vitro conditions, Propex II apex locator has determined working length more accurately than radiographic method.
    Keywords: Apex Locator, Endodontics, Periapical Radiographly, Working Length}
  • حبیب خلیل خانی، فائزه آزموده *، فهیمه سلامت

    موفقیت درمان ریشه دندان در وهله نخست وابسته به تخمین صحیح طول کانال است. روش متداول اندازه گیری طول کانال بهره گیری از تصاویر رادیوگرافی است که به علت محدودیت های آن یک روش ایده آل محسوب نمی شود و برای حل این مشکل از اپکس یاب های الکترونیکی استفاده می شود.


    مطالعه به منظور مقایسه آزمایشگاهی دقت اپکس یاب های Foramatron و Raypex5 در تعیین طول کانال دندان انجام شد.

    مواد و روش ها

    در این مطالعه تحلیلی که در سال 1384 در دانشکده دندان پزشکی قزوین انجام شد، 30 دندان تک کانال کشیده انسان انتخاب و حفره دسترسی استاندارد برای آن ها تهیه شد. طول کانال ابتدا توسط استریومیکروسکوپ تعیین و با اندازه گیری های انجام شده توسط دو اپکس یاب در کانال خشک و مرطوب مقایسه شد. داده ها با آزمون آماری تی جفت شده تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها

    میزان دقت Raypex5 درتعیین طول کانال در محدوده 5/0- تا صفر میلی متری اپکس در شرایط خشک و مرطوب به ترتیب %7/86 و %7/76 بود. این میزان برای Foramatron به ترتیب %4/73 و %4/63 گزارش شد که این اختلاف از نظر آماری معنی دار نبود.

    نتیجه گیری

    اگرچه Foramatron در مقایسه با Raypex5 دقت کم تری دارند، لیکن هر دو دستگاه می توانند در کنار رادیوگرافی به تخمین دقیق تر طول کانال دندان کمک کنند.

    کلید واژگان: اپکس یاب الکترونیکی, طول کارکرد, ریشه دندان}
    H. Khalilkhani, F. Azmoudeh, F. Salamat

    Assessment of the length of root canal is the first and the most important step of a successful root canal therapy (RCT). Although radiography is the most common technique in working length determination، it is not the technique of choice due to its limitations. Electronic apex locator has been used to solve the problem.


    The purpose of this study was to compare the in vitro accuracy of two electronic apex locators Raypex5 and Foramatron in determination of working length.


    This analytical study was performed in Qazvin dental school in 2005. 30 extracted single canal teeth were selected and the access cavity was prepared for them. The working length measured by two apex locators in dry and wet situation was compared to actual canal length that was determined under stereomicroscope. Data were analyzed by paired t-test.


    The accuracy of Raypex5 working length determination was 86. 7% and 76. 7%، respectively، in dry and wet situation for a tolerance limit of 0-0. 5 mm. The accuracy of Formatron working length determination was 73. 4% and 63. 4% and there was no statistically significant difference between the accuracy of the instruments.


    Although the accuracy of Raypex5 in working length determination was more than Foramatron، both of them are useful as an adjunct to radiography in working length measurement.

    Keywords: Electronic Apex Locator, Working Length, Root Canal}
  • الهام خوشبین، طاهره معصوم، سیدمحسن جلال زاده
    استفاده از رادیوگرافی جهت تعیین طول کارکرد در کودکان به دلیل مضرات اشعه، تداخل تصویر جوانه دندان دائمی و ریشه دندان شیری، محدودیت باز شدن دهان، عدم همکاری کودک و مشکلات تفسیر رادیوگرافیک در دندان های شیری مشکل است. هدف این مطالعه بررسی کلینیکی دقت دستگاه آپکس یاب الکترونیکی Raypex5 در برآورد طول کانال ریشه دندان های شیری است. 23 دندان مولر دوم شیری (80 کانال ریشه) که قرار بود بعدا کشیده شوند وارد این مطالعه تجربی شدند. بعد از تهیه حفره دسترسی، طول کارکرد با استفاده از دستگاه آپکس یاب الکترونیکی Raypex5 اندازه گیری و ثبت شد. سپس دندان ها کشیده شدند و طول واقعی کانال ریشه اندازه گیری شد، به این صورت که فایل آنقدر در داخل کانال فرو برده می شد تا نوک آن از فورامن اپیکال قابل رویت باشد. سپس mm 5/0 از این طول کم شده و اندازه به دست آمده به عنوان طول واقعی کانال ریشه ثبت شد. نتایج به دست آمده توسط آزمون t یک نمونه ای مورد بررسی آماری قرار گرفتند. میزان دقت دستگاه آپکس یاب Raypex5 در تعیین طول کانال ریشه دندان های شیری در فاصله صفر تا 5/0- میلی متر نسبت به طول واقعی کانال ریشه، 2/81 درصد و در فاصله صفر تا 1- میلی متر، این میزان 100 درصد بود. مطالعه حاضر نشان می دهد دستگاه آپکس یاب الکترونیک Raypex5 می تواند به عنوان وسیله ای سودمند جهت اندازه گیری طول کانال ریشه دندان های شیری مد نظر قرار گیرد.
    کلید واژگان: آپکس یاب الکترونیکی, درمان کانال ریشه, طول کارکرد, دندان شیری}
    Elham Khoshbin, Tahereh Masoum, Seyedmohsen Jalalzadeh
    Radiographic usage for determination of working length is difficult in children, because of hazardous irradiation, superimposition of the permanent tooth germ and primary tooth root, mouth opening limitation, lack of cooperation, and radiographic misinterpretation of primary teeth. The purpose of this clinical study was to evaluate the accuracy of the Raypex5 apex locator for root canal length determination in primary teeth.
    Materials and Methods
    This experimental study used 23 primary second molar teeth that were scheduled for extraction. Following access cavity preparation, the working length was determined with a Raypex5 electronic apex locator. The teeth were extracted and real lengths of root canals were measured with insertion of a K-type file into the each canal until it emerged at the apical foramen. This length, minus 0.5 mm, was recorded as the real root canal length. The data were statistically analyzed using a One Sample t-test.
    The accuracy of the Raypex5 electronic apex locator in determining working length within 0.5 mm of the real length was 81.2% and 100% within 1mm of the real length.
    This study concluded that the Raypex5 apex locator is a useful tool for measuring root canal lengths in primary teeth.
    Keywords: Electronic apex locator, root canal therapy, working length, primary tooth}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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