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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « aortic aneurysm » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • محمدرضا مقصودی*، فاطمه سادات مهدوی


     دیسفاژی یا مشکل در بلع به معنای تلاش بیشتر برای انتقال جامدات یا مایعات از اوروفارنکس به معده است. دیسفاژی به دو نوع دیسفاژی اوروفارنکس و مری طبقه بندی می شود. آنها می توانند ناشی از انسدادهای مکانیکی یا اختلالات حرکتی عصبی عضلانی باشند 1. دیسفاژی مواد جامد که به تدریج در حال بدتر شدن به مایعات است، نشان دهنده یک اختلال مکانیکی است که می تواند ناشی از ضایعات درونی یا فشارهای بیرونی مانند تومورهای مدیاستن و ساختارهای عروقی باشد 2. شیوع بالاتر دیسفاژی در سالمندان در مطالعات اپیدمیولوژیک مشاهده شده و به یک مشکل بزرگ مراقبت های بهداشتی تبدیل شده است. به نظر می رسد که دیسفاژی در سالمندان بیشتر ناشی از یک بیماری زمینه ای دیگر است تا تغییرات مربوط به سن در عملکرد بلع 3. Dysphagia Lusoria اصطلاحی است که به مشکل در بلع ناشی از ناهنجاری های عروقی اشاره می کند و شایع ترین علت آن ناهنجاری شریان زیر ترقوه راست است 4. با این حال، دیسفاژی تدریجی پیشرونده ناشی از آنوریسم آئورت به ندرت گزارش می شود 5، 6.در اینجا مورد یک بیمار مرد 66 ساله که با دیسفاژی پیشرونده به عنوان علامت اصلی به پزشکان مختلف مراجعه کرده بود گزارش می کنیم. او تحت بررسی های متعدد قرار گرفت و اتفاقا به آنوریسم آئورت مبتلا بود.

    کلید واژگان: آنوریسم آئورت, دیسفاژی}
    Mohammadreza Maghsoudi*, Fatemeh sadat Mahdavi

    A 66-year-old male suffering from dysphagia with progressive severity of about three months’ duration was admitted to the Emergency department. During the last week, he had drooling and hoarseness. In the past week, he described two times of syncope. And he indicated chronic cough and mild sputum recently. An incidental chest radiography showed evidence of marked dilation of the aortic arch and deviation of trachea. Echocardiography revealed LVEF of 55% and a grade 1 left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. Also, aneurysmal dilation of thoracic aortic curve containing crescentric form thrombosis with calcification mostly suggestive of thrombosis within aneurysm was seen. With 100% stenosis of LAD, Major Diagonal and RCA, he was recommended for CABG. Aneurysm of the thoracic aorta is a very rare cause of dysphagia and it must be differentiated from other causes, since proper managements can significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality of this disease. Discussion Etiologies of esophageal dysphagia include neuromuscular disorders (such as achalasia and scleroderma), intrinsic structural lesions (like esophageal carcinoma, esophageal rings and webs and eosinophilic esophagitis) and extrinsic structural lesions (like mediastinal lesions and vascular compression).Aneurysm of the thoracic aorta is a very rare cause of dysphagia and it must be differentiated from other causes, since proper managements (like urgent surgical interventions if needed) can significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality of this disease. Treatment of dysphagia caused by aortic aneurysm can be conservative, surgical or palliative depending on the severity of the symptom. By accurate management, prognoses of the patients are almost always good. In coping with dysphagia, gastrointestinal disorders should not be the only complications that is payed attention and dysphasia must be considered as a rare sign of aneurysms. The case report on this rare cause should contribute to better diagnosis of dysphagia aortica and swallowing difficulties in general.

    Keywords: Aortic aneurysm, dysphagia}
  • Mehrdad Jafari Fesharaki, Shideh Anvari *, Hadi Allahverdi Nazhand

    Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder owing to insufficient fibrillin-1 that involves connective tissue, with an incidence rate of approximately 2–3/10000 in most populations. Almost 25% of cases are caused by new mutations and are sporadic. Marfan syndrome leads to not only skeletal and ocular complications (eg, ectopia lentis and retinal detachment) but also cardiac complications, which are the most significant. Critical cardiovascular complications that can occur include mitral valve prolapse, mitral regurgitation, aortic regurgitation, aortic aneurysms, dilation of the sinus of Valsalva, aortic dissection, and rupture. The diagnosis of Marfan syndrome is based on the Ghent nosology. Since cardiac manifestations are life-threatening, they need to be diagnosed and treated promptly. The treatment of cardiac complications comprises surgical and pharmacological therapy. Here, we introduce an asymptomatic case of Marfan syndrome with blurred vision and severe cardiac manifestations discovered during cardiac assessments before eye surgery. (Iranian Heart Journal 2024; 25(1): 112-117)

    Keywords: Marfan syndrome, Aortic dissection, AORTIC ANEURYSM, Aortic valve regurgitation}
  • Shokouh Taghipour Zahir, Fatemeh Arabi, Danial Chaleshi, Mozhgan Modarresi, Mozhgan Karimi *
    An aneurysm or aortic dissection occurs when the walls of the blood vessels lose their initial strength, resulting in a middle layer gap between elastic and smooth muscle fibers. Approximately95% of individuals with an aneurysm indicate no symptoms until a rupture occurs, which is life-threatening. 
    The current research is a cross-sectional study carried out on 100 patients who were hospitalized in Shahid Sadoughi and Afshar hospitals in Yazd, Iran, with confirmed diagnoses of arterial aneurysm or dissection between 2011 and 2017. Individuals with aneurysms caused by dialysis-related shunts were not included. The study evaluated demographic and clinical factors along with their respective outcomes. Data analysis was performed utilizing SPSS software version 17 through chi-square and Fisher exact tests. 
    Seventy-one patients (71%) were male, and patients aged over 60 accounted for approximately 53%. Abdominal aortic aneurysm was the most prevalent at 27%. The aneurysm was located in the Femoral artery in 23% of patients and in the ascending aorta artery in 12%. Dissection was diagnosed in 27% of patients, all of which occurred in the aortic artery. Coronary artery disease was reported by 41 patients (60.3%). The distribution of patient outcomes based on the location of the aneurysm and dissection was statistically significant (p value: 0.002). 
    The characteristics of the arterial aneurism population in our findings were similar to previous studies. Coronary artery disease was the most prevalent comorbidities, and men's gender was dominant. Also, the abdominal aortic and femoral artery was the most prevalent location of aneurysm.
    Keywords: dissection, Outcome, death, aortic disease, aortic aneurysm, peripheral artery disease}
  • Yousef Fallah, Seyyed Hossein Shafiei, Pejman Pourfakhr, Parham Talebian, Mohammad Soleimani, Ehsan Pendar *

    Hemicorporectomy is a life-saving operation to maintain the survival of patients with severe and irreversible pelvis and lower extremities injuries. In the typical procedure, removing lower extremities and pelvic viscera in the two stages might result in hemodynamic instability, intraoperative and postoperative morbidities, and more deficient patients' survival. In this study, we aim to describe our experience with a new technique for one-stage hemicorporectomy, which minimizes surgical time and intraoperative bleeding.

    Case Report: 

    A 77-year-old male patient with lower limb gangrene after previous vascular surgery for an abdominal aortic aneurysm in an unstable situation underwent hemicorporectomy in one step.


    We believe that achieving a one-step procedure, especially in non-malignant cases or in the absence of severe trauma lesions, may be a viable option in emergency surgery cases or hemodynamic instability. However, there is still a need to modify the single-stage surgical technique in later experiments.

    Keywords: Aorta, Aortic Aneurysm, Gangrene, Surgical Procedures, Operative Procedures}
  • صمد ولی زاده، آزیتا چگینی*، فرانک بهناز، روناک کربلائی فر، علی اکبر بورفتح الله
    سابقه و هدف

    جراحی ترمیم آنوریسم آیورت همراه با خونریزی فراوانی است که سبب اختلالات انعقادی در حین و بعد از عمل جراحی می شود. نظر به این که مصرف خون در این بیماران در مقالات کمی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته، برآن شدیم تا دراین خصوص تحقیق نماییم.

    مواد و روش ها

    در یک مطالعه مقطعی، بیماران آنوریسم آیورت شکمی نیازمند ترمیم جراحی از دی ماه سال 97 تا مرداد ماه سال 99 در بیمارستان شهدای تجریش بررسی شدند. میزان مصرف خون و فرآورده در حین و بعد از عمل جراحی تا زمان ترخیص بیماران بررسی گردید. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل آماری از نرم افزار Graph Pad prism استفاده شد. 05/0 p< معنادار در نظر گرفته شد.

    یافته ها

    از 20 نفر بیمار ترمیم آنوریسم آیورت، 16 نفر (80%) مرد و 4 نفر (20%) زن بودند. 7 مورد (35%) از آن ها علاوه بر گلبول های قرمز متراکم، دریافت پلاسما نیز داشتند. تعداد واحد FFP مصرفی به طور میانگین 5/1 ± 7/3 واحد بود و به 13 نفر از بیماران (65%) فقط گلبول های قرمز متراکم تزریق شد. در هیچ یک از بیماران، پلاکت تزریق نشد. ارتباط بین تعداد واحدهای گلبول قرمز تزریقی با میزان هموگلوبین قبل از عمل جراحی و سن بیمار بررسی شد. هم چنین ارتباط بین INR قبل از عمل جراحی و میزان دریافت FFP بررسی گردید که هیچ یک از نظر آماری معنادار نبود.

    نتیجه گیری

    علی رغم جراحی وسیع سرخرگ آیورت وخونریزی وسیع، 65 درصد از بیماران فقط تزریق گلبول های قرمز متراکم داشتند. در 35 درصد آن ها علاوه بر گلبول قرمز پلاسما هم تزریق گردید ولی پلاکتی تزریق نشد.

    کلید واژگان: تزریق خون, آنوریسم آئورت, گلبول های قرمز, پلاسمای تازه متراکم, پلاکت ها, جراحی}
    S. Valizadeh, A. Chegini*, F. Behnaz, R. Karbalaeifar, A.A. Pourfatholah
    Background and Objectives

    Aortic aneurysm repair surgery (AAAs) is associated with massive bleeding that causes coagulation disorders during and after surgery. Considering that blood consumption in these patients has been studied in a few articles, we decided to investigate more.

    Materials and Methods

    In a cross-sectional study, patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms requiring surgical repair from January 2018 to August 2020 were evaluated at Shohada-e-Tajrish Hospital. The blood component utilization was evaluated. Graph Pad prism 9.0.0 (121) software was used for statistical analysis (p < 0.05 was considered significant).


    Of 20 patients with aortic aneurysm repair, 16 (80%) were male and 4 (20%) were female. Seven cases (35%) of them received Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) in addition to packed red blood cells (PRBCs). The mean of FFP utilization was 3.7 ± 1.5 units and in 13 patients (65%) only PRBcs were transfused. Platelets was not transfused in any of the patients. The relationship between red blood cells transfusion with the hemoglobin level before surgery and patient age was evaluated. Also, the relationship between INR before surgery and FFP transfusion was assessed, none of which was statistically significant.


    Despite extensive aortic artery surgery and massive bleeding, in 65% of patients only packed red blood cells were transfused. In 35% of patients, in addition to PRBC, FFP was transfused, but no platelets was administered.

    Keywords: Blood Transfusion, Aortic Aneurysm, Red Blood Cells, Fresh Frozen Plasma, Platelets, Surgery}
  • Nikolaos Schizas*, Vasilios Patris, Ilias Samiotis, Eleni Nikoli, Niki Lama, Michail Argiriou

    Ligation of the left innominate vein (LIV) expands the surgeon’s surgical field for ascending aorta and aortic arch procedures. Although it is considered a safe technique by most surgeons in that it is associated with only minor drawbacks, conflicting views exist regarding this method. We herein describe a 70-year-old woman who underwent ascending aorta replacement due to an aneurysm with subsequent cerebral dysfunction caused by extended brain edema, possibly related to LIV ligation, leading to her death.

    Keywords: Brachiocephalic veins, Brain edema, Aortic aneurysm, Ascending aorta, Aorta, thoracic}
  • Antonio Rizza, Francesco Negro *, Cataldo Palmieri, Alberto Ranieri DeCaterina, Giuseppe Raffaele Trianni, Marcello Ravani, Sergio Berti

    Aortic Stenosis (AS) and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) typically affect elderly patients, both being associated with adverse outcomes if not adequately managed. Notably, these conditions can be present simultaneously in a significant percentage of cases. Choosing the optimal treatment for these patients is challenging and no clear recommendations are available. Yet, simultaneous treatment by the percutaneous intervention, especially in high surgical risk patients, appears attractive.

    Case Presentation

    Herein, three cases of AAA and severe AS treated via Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) and Endovascular Aortic Repair (EVAR) within the same procedure have been reported in details for the first time.


    The results indicated that one-stage intervention was an effective, safe, and feasible treatment for these two pathologies, especially in frail patients.

    Keywords: Aortic Valve Stenosis, Aortic Aneurysm, Patient}
  • Shirin Saberianpour, Jamal Jalili Shahri *, Gholamhossein Kazemzadeh, Mojtaba Mohammadi

    A mycotic aortic aneurysm (MAA), synonymously known as infected aortic aneurysm, is an aortic aneurysm due to infection. Mycotic aortic aneurysm most commonly develops through microbial inoculation of the diseased aortic endothelium during bacteremia. In this study we presented 2 Mycotic aortic aneurysm cases. In the first case the patient is a 50-year-old farmer who presented with a complaint of abdominal pain. The patient was consulted with the vascular surgery service for the diagnosis of ruptured abdominal aneurysm. The patient was prepared for surgery of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. After surgery, the patient's blood culture was reported negative after 72 hours, but the patient's aneurysm sac tissue culture reported Citrobacter freundii. The patient's antibiotic treatment regimen was changed according to the performed antibiogram. In another case A 65 year’s old male who was admitted in neurology ward was consulted with us, because of a pulsatile abdominal mass. The patient had Alzheimer disease and Brucellosis and didn’t receive a complete duration treatment for his Brucellosis. On surgery, we bypassed the defect and covered the graft with peritoneum. In first case the patient's blood culture was reported negative after 72 hours, but the patient's aneurysm sac tissue culture reported Citrobacter freundii. The patient's antibiotic treatment regimen was changed according to the performed antibiogram. In second case he was discharged without any surgical complication and on follow –up visit (7 months later) he didn’t have any complaint.

    Keywords: aorta, Mycotic, Aneurysm, Mycotic aneurysm, Aortic Aneurysm}
  • Tungki Pratama Umar *

    Aortic aneurysm is a cardiovascular disease that has a great deal of notoriety all over the world. If the diagnosis is postponed, there is a strong risk for rupture, leading to 90% mortality even before the patient arrives to the hospital. Treatment of aortic aneurysm is usually surgery in the form of open surgery or endovascular grafting. However, this type of surgery still has some disadvantages, including the safety profile and the risk of failure. Nanorobot surgery is a potential approach as a standard treatment for aortic aneurysm. The existence as a precision surgery will provide a better method of delivery. A combination with canonical Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and bionanocomposite could improve its effectiveness, operation and stability, creating a better nanorobot for aortic aneurysm therapy.

    Keywords: AORTIC ANEURYSM, Nanorobot, Nanosurgery, Bionanocomposite}
  • Hamid Hoseinikhah, Mohammad Abbassi Teshnisi, Omid Javdanfar, Aliasghar Moeinipour *
    Although classic and standard procedure for patients with ascending Aorta aneurysm with Sever aortic Regurgitation is Bentall surgery but in some selected cases this complex surgery was not performed with different reason like advanced age and coexisting comorbidity involving renal and hepatic and lung Function. In our cases 75 years old man with chronic renal failure ( Cr= 3.2 ) who was known case of sever aortic Regurgitation and Ascending Aortic Aneurysm with 5.5 diameter.replacement of Aortic Valve with Biologic Prosthesis Aortic Valve and Reduction Aortoplasty with Mesh prosthesis was done successfully with good result with early follow up.
    Keywords: Aortic Aneurysm, Aortic Surgery, Aortic Valve}
  • MohammadMehdi Forouzanfar, Fatemeh Barazesh, Behrooz Hashemi, Saeed Safari*

    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA, triple A) is one of the less common but important causes of abdominal pain. This study aimed to evaluate the characteristics and outcome of patients presenting to emer- gency department with triple A.


    In this retrospective cross-sectional study, all cases with confirmed triple A, who were presented to the emergency department of Shohadaye Tajrish Hospital, Tehran, Iran from 2006 to 2017 (10 years) were enrolled using census sampling method.


    500 cases with the mean age of 68.11 ± 11.98 (25 - 94) years were studied (84% male). The mean duration of symptoms was 2.32 ± 9.58 months and mean aneurysmal size was 63.91 ± 20.08 mm. In 4 (0.8%) cases, atrial fibrillation (AF) was found during cardiac monitoring. Patients stayed in the hospital for an average of 7.06 ± 6.32 days. Aneurysmal leak was seen in 130 (26%) cases based on abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan findings. 369 (73.8%) cases underwent aneurysmorrhaphy, 126 (25.2%) were treated with non-surgical approaches, and 5 (1%) underwent grafting. 104 (20.8%) died and 396 (79.2%) were treated successfully. Older age (p = 0.017), shock state at the time of presenta- tion (p < 0.0001), leakage of aneurysm (p < 0.001), larger size of aneurysm (p = 0.024), and aneurysmorrhaphy (p < 0.001) were among the factors significantly associated with mortality.


    Based on the findings, the most frequent presenting symptom of patients was abdominal pain. The mortality rate of this series was 21% and older age, shock state, leakage of aneurysm, larger size of aneurysm, and performing aneurysmorrhaphy were among the factors significantly associated with mortality.

    Keywords: Aortic aneurysm, abdominal, abdominal pain, iliac aneurysm, outcome assessment}
  • Gokalp Altun *, Yavuz Cakiroglu, Zerrin Pulathan, Esin Yulug, Ahmet Mentese
    The aim of this study is to investigate the renoprotective effect of erythropoietin (EPO) on hypovolemic shock and ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury on kidneys as end-organs in an experimentally-created ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (rAAA) model.
    Materials and Methods
    Thirty anesthetized Sprague-Dawley male rats were randomized to sham ((Sh n:6) (Sh+EPO n:6)) or shock and I/R groups ((S/IR n:9) (S/IR+EPO n:9)). Additional surgical procedure except aortic exploration was not performed on Sh and Sh+EPO groups. 60 min of shock, 60 min of ischemia, and 120 min of reperfusion were applied on S/IR and S/IR+EPO groups. In the S/IR and S/IR+EPO groups, hemorrhagic shock, lower torso ischemia, and reperfusion were created. At the end of the shock period, saline solutions were separately and equally administered to Sh and S/IR groups, whereas 2000 U/kg EPO was intraperitoneally administered to Sh+EPO and S/IR+EPO groups. At the end of the experimental study, some biochemical and histological parameters were studied in serum and kidney tissues.
    Biochemical parameters were all significantly increased in the S/IR group compared with the Sh group. These parameters were not statistically significantly different between S/IR+EPO and Sh+EPO groups. In histopathologic examination, EPO prevented high-grade injury.
    Our data indicate that EPO may have a renoprotective effect and reduce the systemic inflammatory response that resulted from shock and I/R in an experimental model of rAAA.
    Keywords: Abdominal, Aneurysm, Aortic Aneurysm, Erythropoietin, Hypovolemic, Ischemia-reperfusion injury, Renoprotective effect, Ruptured, Shock}
  • سپرهم، حاجی زاده، رنجبر*، ذابح، جهان افروز

    دایسکشن آئورت، از یک پارگی در لایه ی اینتیما منشا می یرد و خون از داخل رگ وارد لایه ی مدیا می شود. با توجه به مرگ و میر بالای بیماری، شناسایی عوامل خطر ناشناخته، می تواند به افزایش طول عمر بیماران کمک نماید. هدف از انجام این مطالعه، بررسی ارتباط گروه های خونی با میزان مرگ و میر بیماران مبتلا به دایسکشن آئورت توراسیک بود.

    روش ها

     در این مطالعه ی مقطعی، 147 بیمار مبتلا به دایسکشن آئورت توراسیک که در یک بازه ی زمانی ده ساله بستری شده بودند، وارد مطالعه شدند. بیماران به دو گروه دارا و فاقد گروه خونی O تقسیم شدند. فقدان گروه خونی O (Non-O) شامل گروه های خونی A، B و AB بود. همچنین، از نظر محل دایسکشن، بیماران به دایسکشن پروگزیمال شامل آئورت صعودی و دیستال شامل آئورت نزولی تقسیم شدند. برای واکاوی متغیرهای کیفی، از آزمون آماری 2</sup>χ و آزمون Fisher's exact و برای واکاوی متغیرهای کمی از آزمون Independent t استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

     از مجموع 147 بیمار، 93 بیمار گروه خونی Non-O و 54 بیمار گروه خونی O داشتند. متوسط سنی افراد گروه Non-O، 04/16 ± 77/58 سال و میانگین سنی گروه O، 32/15 ± 30/59 سال بود. گروه خونی A و O بیشترین فراوانی را در بین جمعیت مورد مطالعه (7/36 درصد) داشت. 54 بیمار (7/36 درصد) در طی بستری در بیمارستان فوت نمودند. بیشترین خطر مرگ در بیماران با گروه خونی AB مشاهده گردید (52/3 = Odds ratio یا OR) و پس از آن، بیماران با گروه خونی A قرار داشتند (67/1 = OR). بیماران با گروه خونی O در معرض کمترین احتمال مرگ داخل بیمارستانی قرار داشتند (40/0 = OR).

    نتیجه گیری
    بیماران مبتلا به دایسکشن آئورت توراسیک که دارای گروه خونی O هستند، به احتمال زیاد مرگ بیمارستانی کمتری دارند.
    کلید واژگان: دایسکشن آئورت, آنوریسم, گروه خونی, مرگ بیمارستانی}
    Ahmad Separham, Reza Hajizadeh, Abdolmohammad Ranjbar*, Arvin Zabeh, Masoumeh Jahanafrouz

     Acute aortic dissection is one of the catastrophic cardiovascular events with high in-hospital mortality. We aimed to assess the distribution of ABO blood groups in patients with acute aortic dissection, and to identify any association between their blood groups and in-hospital mortality.


    In cross-sectional study, 147 patients with confirmed acute aortic dissection by computed tomography angiography were included. According to the type of their blood groups, patients were divided into non-O (including A, B, and AB blood groups) and O blood groups. According to the tearing location, patient were divided into proximal (ascending aorta) and distal (descending aorta) dissection groups. The data were statistically analyzed using chi-square, Fisher's exact, and independent t tests.


    The mean age of patients was 58.77 ± 16.04 and 59.3 ± 15.32 years in non-O and O blood groups, respectively. From 147 patients with thoracic aortic dissection, 93 patients had non-O and 54 patients had O blood groups. A and O blood groups were seen more frequently among the patients. 54 patients (36.7%) died during their hospital course. Blood groups of AB [odds ratio (OR) = 3.52] and A (OR = 1.67) had stronger correlation with in-hospital mortality. Patients with blood group O had better in-hospital survival (OR = 0.40).


     It seems that patients with aortic dissection and O blood group have a better in-hospital survival than patients with non-O blood groups.

    Keywords: Aorta, Dissection, Aortic aneurysm, Blood groups}
  • Anjith Rajakumar *, Mithun Ravikumar, Karthik Raman, Arun Singh, Ejaz Sheriff, Rajan Sethuratnam
    We report a case of a type B aortic dissection with an aneurysm treated by the replacement of the proximal descending thoracic aorta via the reversed elephant trunk technique. A 48-year-old asymptomatic man was diagnosed with a type B aortic dissection, moderate aortic regurgitation, and a good biventricular function in March 2012. Four years later (April 2016), a contrast-enhanced computed tomography examination revealed an aneurysmal dilatation in the patient’s descending thoracic aorta with a thrombosis in the proximal part of the false lumen, which warranted surgical repair. He underwent type B aortic dissection repair through the left posterolateral thoracotomy. Three months after the surgery, the patient developed a type A aortic dissection with severe aortic regurgitation, which was successfully managed via a Bentall procedure with arch replacement facilitated by the reversed elephant trunk technique performed during the initial surgery through thoracotomy. At 2 years follow-up, the patient was doing well with a normal left ventricular function.
    Keywords: Dissection, Aortic aneurysm, thoracic, Thrombosis}
  • B. Baharestani, A. Amin, B. Ghadrdoost, M. Behjati *
    Concomitant replacement of the ascending aorta and heart transplantation are an infrequent procedure. This procedure was most often performed in patients with Marfan syndrome, however, it has its own technical difficulties. Hereby, we report on combined heart transplantation and aortic root replacement using donor’s ascending aorta in a 25-year-old man diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy and ascending aorta aneurysm. This procedure was successful and beneficial to patients with aortopathy who are candidates for heart transplantation.
    Keywords: Heart transplantation, Aortic aneurysm, Aortic root replacement}
  • Ali Mohammad Haji Zeinali, Kyomars Abbasi, Mahmmod Shirzad
    Endovascular treatment of aortic diseases has improved in recent years. More complex thoracoabdominal and juxtarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms can now be treated with new stent grafts and techniques. Fenestrated endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (FEVAR) with fenestrated stent grafts was commenced in our center after hundred cases of endovascular aortic repair, and so far 4 serial complex cases deemed inoperable (2 juxtarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms, 1 thoracoabdominal aneurysm, and 1 thoracoabdominal pseudoaneurysm) have been treated with FEVAR. All these patients needed custom-made stent grafts, which were designed and implanted successfully under general anesthesia in the catheterization laboratory. They were followed up for more than 1 year, with a median follow-up period of 23.0 months. There were no major in-hospital or short-term complications. Only 1 patient had midterm unilateral iliac artery thrombosis, which was successfully managed interventionally. Computed tomography angiography at 1 year’s follow-up showed that the stent grafts were patent and their visceral branch cover stents had no endoleak.
    Keywords: Aorta, Aortic aneurysm, Stents, Iran}
  • فاطمه محمدی*، غلامرضا معصومی، سمیرا وزیری، مهدی رضایی، رضا مصدق
    پارگی آنوریسم آئورت شکمی عارضه ای با میزان مورتالیتی بالا در مراجعه کنندگان به بخش اورژانس می باشد. علائم شایع آن شامل درد شکم، پشت و پهلوها بوده و هیپوتانسیون و سنکوپ از سایر تظاهرات آن می باشد. ولی گاها این بیماران با تظاهرات نامعمول مراجعه می کنند که با توجه به این مهم، در این گزارش به معرفی بیماری با تظاهرات آتیپیک پرداختیم. تشخیص اولیه این عارضه بر مبنای ظن بالینی بالا و انجام سونوگرافی شکمی بر بالین است. استاندارد تشخیصی سی تی اسکن شکمی در بیماران پایدار از نظر علائم حیاتی است. درمان انجام جراحی باز یا اندوواسکولار است و تاخیر در درمان با مرگ و میر بسیار بالایی همراه خواهد بود.
    کلید واژگان: آنوریسم آئورت شکمی, بخش اورژانس, هیپوتانسیون}
    Fateme Mohammadi *, Gholamreza Masoumi, Samira Vaziri, Mehdi Rezai, Reza Mosaddegh
    Abdominal aortic aneurysm is a condition with a high mortality rate among those presenting to the emergency department. Its common symptoms include abdominal, back, and flank pain and hypotension and syncope are among its other manifestations. However, sometimes these patients present with uncommon manifestations. Considering this important point, we have introduced a patient with atypical manifestations in the present report. Initial diagnosis of this condition is based on high clinical suspicion and performing bedside abdominal ultrasonography. Diagnostic standard is abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan in patients with stable vital signs. The treatment is performing endovascular or open surgery and delay in treatment is accompanied with a high rate of mortality.
    Keywords: Aortic aneurysm, abdominal, emergency service, hospital, hypotension}
  • Melek Kechida *, Sondes Yaacoubi, Ahmed Zrig, Walid Jomaa, Rim Klii, Sonia Hammami, Ines Khochtali
    Hughes-Stovin Syndrome (HSS) is a rare clinical disorder characterized by deep venous thrombosis and multiple pulmonary and/or bronchial aneurysms. Aneurysms in systemic circulation can also be seen.
    Case Presentation
    We report the first case of HSS with aortic aneurysm in a 55-year-old man who initially presented with deep venous thrombosis. The diagnosis of HSS revealing Behçet’s disease was made given the history of recurrent oral and genital ulcers. Treatment consisted of 3 daily pulses of methylprednisolone (1g) followed by oral prednisone (1mg/kg daily) and 6 monthly pulses of cyclophosphamide. Oral anticoagulation treatment was held 3 months and then was stopped with good outcome.
    Systemic aneurysms in Hughes Stovin is a worth knowing complication which may reveal Behçet’s disease.
    Keywords: Behçet syndrome, Hughes-Stovin syndrome, Aortic aneurysm}
  • Feridoun Sabzi, Reza Faraji
    Aortic wall with its poor blood supply is a very rare location of Hydatid Cyst (HC) infestation and mediastinal HC is a rare presentation of human hydatidosis. Here, we reported a case of primary mediastinal HC invading the ascending aorta, which initially presented as an aortic aneurysm. The patient underwent open cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass for resection of the aortic wall HC. During surgical exploration, it was found that the HC had ruptured into blood stream and residual cyst cavity contained a large thrombosis. Thus, the patient underwent ascending aorta replacement and removal of the cyst with thrombotic material. It seems that the signs and symptoms of stroke were related to emboli of cyst contents or thrombotic material into cerebral circulation. Invasion of aortic wall by hydatidosis is an exceedingly rare presentation of HC in the anterior mediastinum that may be wrongly diagnosed as a pseudoaneurysm of ascending aorta. Our study patient had an uneventful recovery and one-year follow-up revealed no recurrence of HC in mediastinum.
    Keywords: Ascending Aorta, Hydatid Cyst, Mediastinum, Aortic Aneurysm}
  • Ahmadreza Zarifian, Yasamin Moeinipour, Hamid Hoseinikhah, Babak Manafi, Aliasghar Moeinipour *, MohammadSobhan Sheikh Andalibi

    Aortic surgery hasmademuch progress recently. Yet the combination of aortic surgery and coronary artery bypass grafting has remained amajor issue for the surgeons.

    Patient and Observation:

     Herein, we present a case of severe aortic insufficiency with aortic aneurysm concomitant with single coronary artery disease on the right coronary artery. The patient underwent Bentall procedure for the correction of severe AI and aortic aneurysm. Subsequently, due to the lack of proper site for proximal anastomosis of the saphenous veingraft on the ascending aorta, we decided to performcoronary-coronary artery bypass for the right coronary artery lesion instead of conventional implan- tation of saphenous vein graft on the ascending aorta.


    Coronary-coronary artery bypass could be performed safely for special conditions like porcelain aorta and when the ascending aorta is not suitable for the proximal saphenous vein graft.

    Keywords: AORTIC ANEURYSM, Aortic Insufficiency, Cardiac Surgery, Coronary, Coronary Artery Bypass}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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