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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « coronavirus disease » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • شیما شهرآبادی، سعید اسلامی، فرشته شیبانی، معصومه اکبری، ژیلا طاهرزاده*
    زمینه و هدف

    این مطالعه با هدف بیان پیش آگهی کووید-19 با سابقه مصرف داروهای موثر بر سیستم رنین-آنژیوتانسین در بیماران مبتلا انجام گرفت.

    روش اجرا:

     در این پژوهش مشاهده ای تحلیلی- مقطعی اطلاعات بیمارانی که با علائم مشکوک به بیماری کووید-19 به بیمارستان امام رضا (ع) از اسفند سال 1398 تا اردیبهشت سال 1400 مراجعه نموده بودند، از سامانه رجیستری بیمارستان امام رضا (ع) مشهد استخراج گردید. اطلاعات جمعیت شناختی ، بیماریهای زمینه ای و مصرف همزمان سایر داروها، داروهای مورد استفاده در درمان کووید، درجه حرارت بدن، سطح اکسیژن خون، پیشرفت کووید-19، در روز پذیرش و روز ترخیص در 139 بیمار مبتلا به کووید-19 با سابقه مصرف داروهای موثر بر سیستم رنین-آنژیوتانسین در مدیریت فشار خون (گروه A) با 67 بیمار مبتلابه کووید-19 که هیچگونه سابقه مصرف داروهای داروهای موثر بر سیستم رنین-آنژیوتانسین در مدیریت فشار خون نداشتند مقایسه شد. مدت زمان بستری و پیامد نهایی (بهبود/ مرگ) نیز برای بیماران ثبت شد.

    یافته ها

    ارتباط آماری معناداری بین سابقه مصرف داروهای موثر بر سیستم رنین-آنژیوتانسین با میزان مرگ و میر (0.72= p) و پارامترهای بالینی مانند شدت بیماری کووید-19 (0.64=p)، تب (0.72=p) و سطح اکسیژن موجود در خون (0.40=p) وجود نداشت. ارتباط معنا داری بین مصرف داروهای موثر بر سیستم رنین-آنژیوتانسین و تعداد روزهای بستری در هنگام ترخیص از بیمارستان در دو گروه مشاهده نشد.

    نتیجه گیری

    سابقه مصرف داروهای موثر بر سیستم رنین-آنژیوتانسین نقش عمده ای در تشدید بیماری کووید-19 و یا افزایش مرگ و میر در بیماران مبتلا به پرفشاری خون ندارد.

    کلید واژگان: سیستم رنین-آنژیوتانسین- آلدوسترون, کرونا ویروس, کووید- 19, مهارکننده های گیرنده آنژیوتانسین, مهارکننده های آنزیم مبدل آنژیوتانسین}
    Shima Shahrabadi, Saeid Eslami, Fereshteh Sheybani, Masoumeh Akbari, Zhila Taherzadeh *

    This study was carried out with the aim of expressing the prognosis of COVID-19 with a history of taking drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system in affected patients.


    In this cross-sectional observational-analytical study, the information of patients who were referred to Imam Reza (AS) hospital with suspected symptoms of COVID-19 from March 2018 to May 1400, was extracted from the registry system of Imam Reza (AS) Mashhad Hospital. Demographic information, underlying diseases and simultaneous use of other drugs, drugs used in the treatment of COVID-19, body temperature, blood oxygen level, progression of COVID-19, on the day of admission and the day of discharge in 139 patients with COVID-19 with history of use drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system in the management of blood pressure (group A) were compared with 67 patients with COVID-19 who had no history of taking drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system in the management of blood pressure. The duration of hospitalization and the final outcome (improvement/death) were also recorded for the patients.


    There was no statistically significant relationship between the history of taking drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system with the mortality rate (p=0.72) and clinical parameters such as the severity of the COVID-19 disease (p=0.64), fever (p=0.72) and the level of oxygen in the blood (p=0.40).


    The history of taking drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system does not play a major role in the exacerbation of the disease of COVID-19 or the increase in mortality in patients with hypertension.

    Keywords: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System, COVID-19, Coronavirus Disease, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, Angiotensin Receptor Blocker}
  • مژگان آقامحمدی، محمدحسین فلاح*، علی نظری، ابوالقاسم عاصی مذنب
    سابقه و هدف

    سبک های مقابله ای، تلاش های شناختی و رفتاری است که افراد در موارد استرس زا برای کنار آمدن با مشکلات خود به کار می برند و نقش اساسی در سلامت جسمانی و روانی آنها ایفا می کند. یکی از گونه های سبک های مقابله ای، سبک مقابله اسلامی است. هدف از انجام پژوهش حاضر طراحی و اعتبارسنجی بسته آموزشی سبک مقابله اسلامی در مواجه با بیماری کرونا در سال 1401-1400 بود.

    مواد و روش ها

    این پژوهش از نوع پژوهش اکتشافی پیمایشی است. در مرحله ی کیفی پژوهش حاضر، برای دستیابی به مدل مفهومی، از روش تحلیل شبکه مضامین استفاده شد. در مرحله کمی پژوهش، برای اعتبارسنجی الگوی نهایی سبک مقابله اسلامی، پرسشنامه ای تهیه و از نظر خبرگان آگاه جهت اصلاح این الگو و سایر مضامین مستخرج در سوالات پژوهش استفاده شد. در مرحله کیفی ابزار اصلی گردآوری داده ها، مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته بود. درنهایت مرحله اول با استفاده از روش تحلیل مضمون داده های کیفی با روش مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته شناسایی شدند و مرحله دوم با توجه به داده های کیفی حاصل از تحلیل مضمون، شبکه مضامین با استفاده از نرم افزار MAXQDA ارائه گردید.

    یافته ها

    NFI برای این مدل برابر با 0/98، NNFI برای آن برابر با 0/99 و IFI برابر با 0/99 هست که در اینجا مقادیر شاخص ها بیش از 0/9 است، داده ها به خوبی می توانند مدل را برازش کنند.

    نتیجه گیری

    بر اساس نتایج، روایی همگرایی واگرایی بسته آموزشی مورد تائید است؛ بنابراین می تواند مورد توجه مراکز بهداشت و درمان قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: طراحی و اعتبارسنجی, سبک مقابله اسلامی, بیماری کرونا}
    Mozhgan Aghamohammadi, Mohammadhossein Fallah*, Ali Nazari, Abolghasem Asimozneb
    Background and aim

    Coping styles are cognitive and behavioral efforts that people avoid in stressful cases which also plays a pivotal role in their physical and mental health. As a type of coping styles we can refer to the Islamic one. The objective of the present paper is to create and evaluate an educational program centered on Islamic coping strategies while dealing with the challenges caused by the 2022-2023 COVID-19 outbreak.

    Materials and methods

    The study adopts an exploratory survey approach. In the qualitative phase, the theme network analysis method was adopted to reach a conceptual model. In the quantitative phase, a questionnaire was prepared and the knowledgeable experts were asked to modify the model and other theme extracted in the research questions. That was all to evaluate the final model of Islamic coping style. In the qualitative phase, the main data collection tool was a semi-structured interview. Finally, the first stage was identified using the theme analysis method, applying the semi-structured interview technique, and the second stage was presented, according to the qualitative data extracted from the theme analysis. The theme network was also presented using MAXQDA software.


    In this model, NFI for is equal to 0.98, NNFI is equal to 0.99 and IFI is equal to 0.99, where the index values are more than 0.9, the data can fit the model well.


    According to the results, the validity of convergence and divergence of the educational package is confirmed; therefore, it can be of interest to healthcare centers.

    Keywords: Design, Evaluation, Islamic Coping Style, Coronavirus Disease}
  • Masoud Mohammadi, Mohammad‑Rafi Bazrafshan

    Dear Editor, Coronavirus disease (COVID‑19), a terrifying pandemic that has plagued the world for more than 2 years and continues to infect and kill people, mutations in its spheres, especially the omicron sphere, has accelerated the incidence of infection and death. According to the World Health Organization on February 25, 2022, more than 5 million COVID‑19 deaths were reported worldwide.

    Keywords: COVID‑19, Coronavirus disease, Infection, Internet, Pandemics, SARS-CoV-2 virus}
  • Mahnaz Yadollahi, Mehrdad Karajizadeh *, Mohammad Farahmand, Najmeh Bordbar, Zahra Ghahramani
    This study aimed to identify the clinical features and predictors of mortality in patients hospitalized with Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in southern Iran.
    This cross-sectional study was performed on patients with COVID-19 admitted to Ali Asghar Hospital in Shiraz, Iran, in 2021. All patients with a definitive diagnosis of COVID-19 were included in the study. The required information was extracted from the patient's medical records.
    In this study, 619 patients with COVID-19 were included. Sixty-four patients (10.3%) died due to COVID-19, and 555 (89.7%) patients recovered. The clinical signs of breath shortness, muscle pain, low Oxygen saturation, and intubation were statistically significant between the two groups (P<0.05). The results of the multivariate logistic model showed that age >52 years, diabetes, and SaO2 level less than 90% significantly increased the risk of death in COVID-19 hospitalized patients.
    The results of the study showed that patients with SaO2 levels less than 90% and over the age of 52 and those with diabetes had a higher risk of mortality from COVID-19. Therefore, identifying COVID-19 risk factors and deaths will have important implications for clinical management and disease reduction strategies.
    Keywords: Coronavirus disease, Predictor, Mortality, Survival, Iran}
  • Poorya Davoodi, Delaram J. Ghadimi, Malihe Rezaei, Mohammad Amin Khazei Tabari, Aryan Shirani, Behnaz Nouri, Noosha Samieefar, Meisam Akhlaghdoust *
    Background &
     Endometriosis, a common disease of the female reproductive system, could affect many aspects of women’s lives. Along with many other diseases, COVID-19 has affected the diagnostic or treatment approaches towards endometriosis. This systematic review aims to investigate COVID-19 in endometriosis patients in terms of prognosis, diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life during the pandemic.Materials &
     Relevant studies were identified through searching for endometriosis and COVID-19 in different databases, including PubMed, Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science, on 17 January 2022. Peer-reviewed published articles evaluating COVID-19 and endometriosis written in English were included.
     Out of 115 articles, 9 manuscripts met our criteria. Endometriosis does not intensify the risk of COVID-19 infection. However, COVID-19 has changed the health care of endometriosis patients.
    COVID-19 has affected endometriosis patients’ life in many aspects, including their job, lifestyle, and health care. Further studies are recommended to evaluate how the pandemic has affected endometriosis patients.
    Keywords: Coronavirus disease, COVID-19, Endometriosis, Pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, gynecology}
  • Bitta Fathian, Mitra Payami Bousari *, Farzane Ahmadi

    Death anxiety is common in disease with a high mortality rate. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is considered a crucial factor with remarkable impact on community different age groups' mental health.


    The present study aimed to determine the relationship between death anxiety and happiness during the COVID-19 pandemic among the undergraduate students of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan-Iran, in 2021.


    This correlational-descriptive study was conducted on 395 undergraduate students of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences using convenience sampling method. Data was collected through a three-part questionnaire including demographic characteristics, Templers’s Death Anxiety Scale (DAS), and Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHI). For data analysis Spearman, Mann-Whitney, and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used in SPSS software version 26.


    The results indicated that the mean (SD) scores of death anxiety and happiness were 34.04 (8.30) and 51.98 (14.43), and their median scores were 34 and 53, respectively. The death anxiety of 70.7% of the studied students was average, while the level of happiness of 40.8% of the students was average and 47.3% was high. A significant weak, inverse relationship was observed between the two variables of death anxiety and happiness (r=- 0.155, P=0.002).


    The results of the study indicated a slight decrease in happiness in students with higher death anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. But considering the high prevalence of death anxiety among students, especially female and non-native ones, it is necessary to pay particular attention to decreasing death anxiety in undergraduate medical students.

    Keywords: coronavirus disease, happiness, death anxiety, students, undergraduate medical education}
  • بررسی روایی و پایایی ابزار رفتارهای پیشگیری کننده از بیماری کرونا ویروس در زنان باردار بر اساس الگوی اعتقاد بهداشتی
    منصوره رنگرز جدی، ذبیح الله قارلی پور*، نرگس اسکندری، ابوالفضل محمدبیگی
    Evaluation of validity and reliability of coronavirus preventive behaviors in pregnant women based on health belief model
    Mansoureh Rangraz.Jedi, Zabihollah Gharlipour*, Narges Eskandari, Abolfazl Mohammadbeigi

    Coronavirus disease, which has spread from China to the rest of the world, on the one hand, with a high prevalence and on the other hand, with a high mortality rate, is a problem that affects all age groups. Mortality is similar to others among the most important groups. This study aimed to evaluate the validity and reliability of coronary heart disease prevention behaviors in pregnant women based on the health belief model in pregnant women in Qom in 1400


    This descriptive-applied study was performed on 20 pregnant women. The pre-test questionnaire was provided to the target group electronically using the relevant link. After one month, the questionnaire was completed again by all individuals. Data were collected in SPSS software and then statistically analyzed by parametric tests such as independent t-test, paired t-test, chi-square, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient.


    The results of this study provided good evidence about the strength of the factor structure and the acceptable reliability of measuring instruments of health belief model on the promotion of coronary heart disease prevention behaviors in pregnant women in the study population. The scales obtained in this study can be used for similar and relevant research both thematically and in terms of the study population. Also on various other health issues, the need for such studies in the current epidemic of coronary heart disease is fully felt.

    Keywords: : Validity, Reliability, Pregnant mothers, Coronavirus disease, Health belief model}
  • Masoud Mirghorbani, Hamid Riazi-Esfahani, Fatemeh Bazvand, Mohammadreza Mehrabi Bahar, Mehdi Yaseri, Mohammad Zarei

    To evaluate the epidemiologic pattern of intravitreal injections (IVIs) during Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) pandemic.


    The records of patients receiving IVIs in two 12‑month periods immediately before and after the beginning of the COVID‑19 epidemic were included. Age, province of residency, indication, number of injections, and number of operating room (OR) visits were analyzed.


    Compared to pre‑COVID period, a 37.6% decrease in the number of patients receiving IVI in COVID period was seen (10518 vs. 6569). There was a parallel decrease in the number of OR visits(25590 vs. 15010: 41.4%) and injections(34508 vs. 19879: 42.4%). Regarding IVI indication, age‑related macular degeneration (AMD) showed the highest decrease in IVI rate (46.3%) which was significantly higher than decrease in other indications (P < 0.001). Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) patients showed no change after epidemic. Mean overall age in AMD group was the highest (67.7 ± 13.2 years) compared to other indication groups (excluding ROP) (P < 0.001); while the mean age of the other indications was not significantly different from each other (excluding ROP).


    COVID pandemic decreased the number of IVIs significantly. While previous studies suggested that the AMD patients had the highest risk of visual loss due to failure to receive IVIs in a timely manner, this very same group showed the highest decrease in the IVI number after pandemic. The health systems should devise strategies to protect this most vulnerable group of patients in future similar crises.

    Keywords: Age‑related macular degeneration, Coronavirus disease, Intravitreal injection}
  • Shalaleh Aghaei, Roghaye Mohammadirad, Azita Fathnezhad-Kazemi *

    There is scarce information about the effects of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection in pregnant women. The present study aimed to evaluate pregnancy’s clinical characteristics and outcomes in women with COVID-19 and their babies.

    Case Presentation

    We conducted a case series study, from April 15 to May 30, 2021, including 24 cases with COVID-19 infection and their babies with a 30-day follow-up after delivery. The patients’ mean (SD) age of was 31.50 (5.69) years, and all the deliveries were in the third trimester. Fever and myalgia were the most prevalent clinical symptoms in women. Positive RTPCR test results [in 20 pateints (83.33%)], and CT scan findings [in four patients (16.67%)] confirmed the diagnosis. Moreover, 66.66% of pregnant women with COVID-19 underwent Cesarean section. Performing a Cesarean section was mostly due to obstetric indications or the mother’s request. None of the babies were positive PCR. Out of eight preterm infants, seven were admitted to the intensive care unit (NICU) for reasons other than COVID-19.


    The most common obstetric outcomes were high rates of premature delivery and Cesarean section. Additionally, the most prevalent neonatal consequences were prematurity and low birth weight. There was; however, no evidence of intrauterine vertical transmission.

    Keywords: Coronavirus disease, Gestation, Prenatal, Patient outcome, Baby}
  • Soodabeh Omidvar Tehrani, Mahboobeh Ghasemzadeh Rahbardar, Kamran Shoorgashti, Mohammad Javad Dehghan Nayeri, Amir Hooshang Mohammadpour *, Hossein Hosseinzadeh
    Severe disease onset of COVID-19 may result in alveolar injury and respiratory failure. Apoptosis and inflammation are the main causes of respiratory distress syndrome. Berberine is used in medicine as an analgesic, anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral. In the current investigation, the effect of berberine on COVID-19 outpatients was studied.
    Materials and Methods
    The present clinical trial was performed on 40 outpatients who were randomly assigned to berberine (300 mg, TID, 2 weeks) (n=19) or placebo groups (n=21). Both groups received standard therapy and they were monitored on days 3, 7, and 14 after the beginning of the therapy for clinical symptoms’ improvement, quantitative CRP, lymphopenia, CBC, and SpO2. The severity and frequency of these symptoms and the level of the parameters were statistically compared between the two groups.
    On days (0, 3, 7, and 14, there was no significant difference between the berberine and placebo groups in the improvement of clinical symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, nausea, loss of smell and taste, diarrhea, dizziness, sore throat, stomachache, body aches, and body temperature), quantitative CRP, lymphopenia, WBC, neutrophils, platelets, or SpO2.
    Berberine (300 mg, TID, two weeks) is ineffective in treating COVID-19. More research with a larger sample size is needed to investigate different berberine dosages in other pharmaceutical formulations.
    Keywords: Clinical trial, Berberis vulgaris, Barberry, Coronavirus disease, Lymphopenia, Antiviral}
  • Lakshmi Deepak Bethineedi, Hediyeh Baghsheikhi, Afsaneh Soltani, Zahedeh Mafi, Noosha Samieefar, Shaikh Sanjid Seraj, Mohammad Amin Khazeei Tabari *

    Bitter taste-sensing type 2 receptor (T2Rs or TAS2Rs) found on ciliated epithelial cells and solitary chemosensory cells have a role in respiratory tract immunity. T2Rs have shown protection against SARS-CoV-2 by enhancing the innate immune response. The purpose of this review is to outline the current sphere of knowledge regarding this association.


    A narrative review of the literature was done by searching (T2R38 OR bitter taste receptor) AND (COVID-19 OR SARS-CoV-2) keywords in PubMed and google scholar.


    T2R38, an isoform of T2Rs encoded by the TAS2R38 gene, may have a potential association between phenotypic expression of T2R38 and prognosis of COVID-19. Current studies suggest that due to different genotypes and widespread distributions of T2Rs within the respiratory tract and their role in innate immunity, treatment protocols for COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases may change accordingly. Based on the phenotypic expression of T2R38, it varies in innate immunity and host response to respiratory infection, systemic symptoms and hospitalization.


    This review reveals that patients’ innate immune response to SARS-COV- 2 could be influenced by T2R38 receptor allelic variations.

    Keywords: Bitter taste receptors (T2Rs), Coronavirus disease, COVID-19, Infection, T2R38}
  • Abdollah Karimi, Ilia Mirzaei, Saeedeh Yaghobi *

     SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of the recent pandemic. Although children are less affected by the virus, they can present with various presentations ranging from asymptomatic or fatigue and fever to multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C).

    Case Presentation

     In this case report, we presented a case of a 9-year-old boy who presented with bilateral deep vein thromboses (DVTs) of the femoral and iliac veins as his main presentation of MIS-C, which occurred following a COVID-19 infection. A complete history was taken from the patient, and then a series of tests, including complete blood counts (CBCs), liver function tests (LFTs), and D-dimer, were performed. Bilateral doppler sonography to confirm the event and its location, as well as a decent follow-up method, were performed. Levels of anti-Xa assays followed the toxic levels of enoxaparin. The child was treated with a regimen of enoxaparin and corticosteroids, with a dosage of 1 mg/kg/12 h for both. The child was in the hospital for two weeks, after which he got better and was managed as an out-patient with a regularly scheduled appointment. Finally, once the radiologic evidence of DVTs was cleared, the patient tapered off his enoxaparin over the course of three weeks.


     Thrombotic events following COVID-19-associated MIS-C are an unlikely yet deadly event, especially in children. Prompt treatment with anticoagulants and corticosteroids alongside monitoring the patients are strongly advised.

    Keywords: Coronavirus Disease, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Thrombosis, Venous Thrombosis, Pediatrics Multisystem Inflammatory Disease}
  • Amrish Kohli, Kamna Singh, Yangchen Dolma

    Hospital‑onset coronavirus disease‑2019 (COVID‑19) infection has been reported and is probably linked to ineffective implementation of infection prevention and control measures. Contaminated surfaces and air are considered a key part of the transmission dynamics of severe acute respiratory syndrome, Middle East respiratory syndrome, influenza, and other organisms in hospitals. This study aimed to assess the extent and persistence of surface contamination with COVID‑19.


    It was a hospital‑based cross‑sectional study conducted for a period for 2 weeks from December 03, 2020, to December 16, 2020, in Kathua district of J and K, India. The environmental samples were taken from the patient care area that included COVID isolation ward and intensive care unit (ICU) as per the guidelines of WHO Protocol “Surface sampling of COVID‑19: A practical “how to” protocol for health care and public health professionals after seeking copyright permission from the WHO. Universal standard precautions were strictly followed. Descriptive analysis was done using the MS‑Excel and expressed in numbers and percentages.


    A total of 140 surface samples were taken, 70 each from the COVID ICU and isolation ward. The results of ten samples from the ICU turned out to be positive and 20 samples were positive from the isolation ward. Eleven (78.6%) out of the 14 samples taken from the corners of the ICU and isolation ward were found to be positive.


    Our study revealed surface contamination in the hospital setting both in COVID ICU and isolation ward particularly from the corners of the COVID ICU and isolation ward followed by the samples taken from the linen. Strict adherence to COVID appropriate behavior, increased frequency of disinfection in high‑risk areas, and sensitization of the staff are mandatory to minimize the infection risk.

    Keywords: Coronavirus disease, hospital based, infection control, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2}
  • Mohammad Hossein Mehrolhassani, Vahid Yazdi‑Feyzabadi, Noora Rafiee, Sara Ghasemi*

    Coronavirus disease‑2019 (COVID‑19) pandemic can aggravate the health problems in slum areas. The present study intends to examine the challenges of health protection of slum’s residences during the COVID‑19 pandemic with the Social Determinants of Health perspective, in Kerman city in Iran.


    The present study was a qualitative content analysis. Data were collected by purposeful sampling in‑depth and semi‑structured interviews with 16 people. The interviews were conducted (from October to December 2020) with the local representatives of the slum’s residents, health‑care workers, managers of facilitation offices, and welfare social service centers that are located in slum areas (Interview’s guide is attached). The textual material from the interviews was entered into the MAXQDA software and directed content analysis was used to analyze the data.


    Data analysis led to the identification of 4 categories (Sociocultural, Situational, Economical, and Physical environment) and 12 subcategories: Sociocultural: lack of awareness, begging culture, low trust in disease control programs, low bottom‑up planning, and increasing violence; Situational: decreasing donors’ activities and canceling important meetings; Economical: unemployment, decreasing in income, and increasing limitations of many institutions in providing resources; and Physical environment: inadequate space and inappropriate conditions in some houses and alleys for people protection against Corona viruses.


    Slum residents have faced many challenges during the COVID‑19 pandemic. These challenges can affect the health of slum and other urban dwellers. Multidisciplinary thinking and actions are needed. Increase awareness and engagement slum residents in control disease programs should be considered.

    Keywords: Coronavirus disease, coronavirus disease‑19, Iran, Kerman, slum, social determinants of health, suburban}
  • سید عبدالله محمودی، محسن شمسی*

    اکنون پس از گذشتن بیش از دو سال از شروع کرونا و فروکش کردن نسبی فضای التهاب آمیز حاکم بر جامعه، زمان مناسبی برای بررسی دقیق تر ابعاد بیماری کرونا از منظر مسایل اخلاقی که در جوامع انسانی رخ داد، می باشد. در اوایل بروز بیماری به دلیل ماهیت ناشناخته آن و ترس زیاد در جوامع، دنیا شاهد برخی بی اخلاقی ها در زمینه عدالت در سلامت و توزیع داروها و اقلام بهداشتی بود. بعد از تولید واکسن نیز توزیع آن ناعادلانه و به دور از اخلاق و منشورهای حقوقی بین المللی بود و اکثر واکسن های تجویز شده در کشورهای با درآمد بالا متمرکز شده و سهم کشورهای کم درآمد اندک بود. همچنین بروز موج های بیماری باعث انباشت حجم زیادی از بیماران در مراکز درمانی و پیامد این شرایط سخت و طاقت فرسا برای بسیاری از کادر درمان به خصوص پرستاران به دلیل نزدیکی بیشتر و مراقبت از بیماران، اختلالات جسمی و روانی بسیاری بوده است که بر روی کیفیت مراقبت های آن ها و همچنین عملکرد نظام سلامت کشور بی تاثیر نبوده است. مجموع این عوامل باعث شد تا فقدان مراقبت بیمارمحور و همدلانه، تبعیض، توجه نکردن به استقلال بیماران، تعارض بین تعهد حرفه ای و مسیولیت های شخصی از جمله رایج ترین معضلات اخلاقی در کادر درمان باشد. امید است منشور حقوق بیمار که ضامن حرکت نظام سلامت در چارچوب اخلاق حرفه ای است بیشتر مورد توجه قرار گرفته و از بحران اخیر برای تشخیص فرصت ها و تهدیدهای موجود در این مسیر درس های بیشتری آموخته شود.

    کلید واژگان: کرونا, اخلاق, دستاورد, چالش}
    Seyyed Abdollah Mahmoodi, Mohsen Shamsi*

    Now, more than two years after the onset of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the relative remission of the inflammatory atmosphere in society, it is a good time to meticulously investigate the dimensions of COVID-19 occurring in human societies from an ethical perspective. In the early days of COVID-19, due to its unknown nature and high fear in societies, the world witnessed some immoralities in the field of health justice and the distribution of health medicines and items. After the production of the vaccine, its distribution was unfair and far from ethics and international legal charters, and most of the prescribed vaccines were used in high-income countries and the share of low-income countries was low. Moreover, the waves of the disease have caused the accumulation of a large number of patients in medical centers and the consequence of these difficult and exhausting conditions has led to many physical and mental disorders in many medical staffs, especially nurses due to their closer proximity and care of patients, influencing on their care quality and the performance of the country's health system. All these factors have led to the lack of patient-centered and empathetic care, discrimination, ignoring patients' independence as well as conflict between professional commitment and personal responsibilities, which have been the most common ethical problems in the medical staff. It is hoped to pay more attention to the Charter of Patients' Rights, which guarantees the movement of the health system within the framework of professional ethics, and to learn more from the recent crisis to identify the opportunities and threats in this direction.

    Keywords: Coronavirus disease, Ethics, Achievement, Challenge}
  • Masomeh Kalantarion, Zhale Rajavi, Hamideh Sabbaghi*, Bahareh Kheiri, Mohammad Hasan Shahriari, Farinaz Fatahi Mozafar

    To identify the psychological impact of coronavirus disease on ophthalmologists practicing in Iran between August and December 2020.


    In this cross-sectional online survey, a standard Patient Health Questionnaire9 (PHQ- 9) was completed by 228 ophthalmologists who were practicing in Iran. The PHQ- 9 questionnaire was revised by adding two additional questions specifically applicable for the assessment of the psychological impact of coronavirus disease on the Iranian ophthalmologists. An organized classification regarding the assessment of different depression severities identified as no (0–4), mild (5–9), moderate (10–14), or severe (15–21) was then considered for data analysis.


    The mean age of our participants was 49.0 ± 15.61 years and the majority of them (67.1%) were male. Depression was discovered in 73.68% (n = 168) with different severities ranging from mild (n = 61, 26.75%), moderate (n = 63, 27.63%), and severe (n = 44, 19.3%). It was found that participants with depression were older as compared to those without depression (P = 0.038). Higher percentages of severe depression were noticed in the high-risk regions contaminated with corona virus as compared to the other low-risk regions (P = 0.003). Based on multivariable models, we determined that ophthalmologists who were somewhat concerned about their training/ profession (OR: 0.240; 95% CI: 0.086–0.672; P = 0.007) and those with no concerns about their income had lower association with depression (OR: 0.065; 95% CI: 0.005–0.91; P = 0.042).


    High prevalence of depression was observed among older aged Iranian ophthalmologists living in high-risk contaminated regions who possessed serious concerns with respect to their training/profession and income. It is recommended that the health policymakers of Iran pay more attention to the ophthalmologists who experience the aforementioned factors.

    Keywords: Coronavirus Disease, Iran, Ophthalmologists, Psychological Impact}
  • علی حسنوند، محمد شریف کریمی*، علی فلاحتی، آزاد خانزادی

    به منظور کاهش وابستگی اقتصاد ایران به صادرات نفت خام و چرخش به طرف اقتصاد چند محصولی در صادرات، جهت گیری سیاست های صادراتی باید به سوی تولید و صدور کالاهای غیرنفتی تغییر یابد. یکی از این کالاها و صنایع غیر نفتی صنعت داروسازی است. که به عنوان یکی از صنایع استراتژیک همواره مورد توجه اقتصاددانان و  سیاست گذاران در این زمینه بوده است. با توجه به این که دارو جزء صنایع با فناوری بالا محسوب می شود و از کاربری نسبی بالایی نیز برخوردار است لذا گسترش رقابتمندی در این صنعت می تواند افزایش اشتغال و توسعه صادرات غیرنفتی را به دنبال داشته باشد.

    روش کار

    جامعه آماری پژوهش فعالان حوزه تولید دارو بودند که با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری هدفمند و بر اساس اصل کفایت نظری 18 نفر از آنان به عنوان اعضای نمونه انتخاب شدند. پژوهش حاضر بر پایه روش ترکیبی و به صورت کیفی و کمی و در رهیافت قیاسی استقرا یی است؛ که از نظر هدف کاربردی و از حیث ماهیت و روش، توصیفی- پیمایشی است. ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات در بخش کیفی پژوهش مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته است؛ و همچنین ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات در بخش کمی، پرسشنامه  دلفی فازی بوده است.

    یافته ها

    نتایج  نشان دهنده این بود که عواملی مانند  کیفیت مواد اولیه در داروهای تولیدی، طول درمان داروهای تولیدی، ارزیابی و کنترل کیفیت، طراحی بسته بندی های جدید محافظ شده در برابر ویروس ها از جمله ویروس کرونا و افزایش تولید از طریق افزایش بهره وری جهت پاسخ گویی به نیازهای بازار بر توسعه بازار صادراتی در شرکت های دارویی موثر است.

    نتیجه گیری

    برای موفقیت صنعت داروسازی در بازارجهانی باید به فاکتورهایی مانند کیفیت مواد اولیه در داروهای تولیدی، طول درمان داروهای تولیدی، ارزیابی و کنترل کیفیت، طراحی بسته بندی های جدید محافظ شده، توجه ویژه ای داشته باشند تا بتوانند در رقابت با سایر تولیدکنندگان  فعال در حوزه صنعت دارویی جهان رقابت داشته باشند.

    کلید واژگان: صنعت دارو, رقابت پذیری صادرات, دلفی فازی, کرونا}
    Ali Hasanvand, Mohammad Sharif Karimi*, Ali Falahati, Azad Khanzadi

    In order to reduce the dependence of the Iranian economy on crude oil exports and turn to a multi-product economy in exports, the orientation of export policies should be changed to the production and export of non-oil goods.One of these goods and non-oil industries is the pharmaceutical industry, which as a strategic industry has always been considered by economists and policy makers in this field.Due to the fact that medicine is a high-tech industry and has a relatively high use, so the expansion of competitiveness in this industry can increase employment and develop non-oil exports.


    The purpose of this study was to prioritize the factors affecting the development of the export market in pharmaceutical companies by emphasizing the competitiveness of exports in the context of the corona epidemic with the fuzzy Delphi approach.

    Materials and Methods

    The statistical population of the study was drug production activists who were selected as sample members using purposive sampling method based on the principle of theoretical adequacy.The present research is based on a mixed method and qualitatively and quantitatively and in an inductive deductive approach; Which is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of nature and method.The data collection tool in the qualitative part of the interview research is semi-structured; Also, the data collection tool in the quantitative section was the fuzzy Delphi questionnaire.


    The results showed that factors such as quality of raw materials in manufactured drugs, length of treatment of manufactured drugs, evaluation and quality control, design of new packages protected against viruses including corona virus and increase production by increasing productivity to Meeting the needs of the market is effective on the development of the export market in pharmaceutical companies.


    For the success of the pharmaceutical industry in the world market, they should pay special attention to factors such as the quality of raw materials in manufactured drugs, treatment duration of manufactured drugs, evaluation and quality control, design of new protected packages to be able to compete with other active manufacturers. Compete in the world pharmaceutical industry.

    Keywords: Pharmaceutical industry, Export competitiveness, Fuzzy Delphi, Coronavirus disease}
  • Maryam Sadat Mirenayat, Atefeh Abedini, Arda Kiani, Alireza Eslaminejad, Parisa Adimi naghan, Majid Malekmohammad

    More than a year after the onset of the coronavirus disease pandemic in 2019, the disease remains a major global health issue. During this time, health organizations worldwide have tried to provide integrated treatment guidelines to control coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) at different levels. However, due to the novel nature of the disease and the emergence of new variants, medical teams' updating medical information and drug prescribing guidelines should be given special attention. This version is an updated instruction of the National Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (NRITLD) in collaboration with a group of specialists from Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran, Iran, which is provided to update the information of caring clinicians for the treatment and care of COVID-19 hospitalized patients.

    Keywords: Treatment Guidelines, SARS-COV-2, Clinical Management, Coronavirus Disease, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)}
  • Vanya Singh, Amber Prasad, Prasan Panda *, Manjunath Totaganti, Amit Kumar Tyagi, Abhinav Thaduri, Shalinee Rao, Mukesh Bairwa, Ashok Kumar Singh
    Background and Purpose

    The healthcare system in India collapsed during the secondwave of the COVID-19 pandemic. A fungal epidemic was announced amid the pandemic with several cases of COVID-associated mucormycosis and pulmonary aspergillosis being reported. However, there is limited data regarding mixed fungal infections in COVID-19 patients. Therefore, we present a series of ten consecutive COVID-19 patients with mixed invasive fungal infections (MIFIs).

    Materials and Methods

    Among COVID-19 patients hospitalized in May 2021 at atertiary care center in North India, 10 cases of microbiologically confirmed COVID-19-associated mucormycosis-aspergillosis (CAMA) were evaluated.


    All patients had diabetes and the majority of them were infected with severeCOVID-19 pneumonia (6/10, 60%) either on admission or in the past month while twowere each of moderate (20%) and mild (20%) categories of COVID-19; and were treatedwith steroid and cocktail therapy. The patients were managed with amphotericin-B along with surgical intervention. In total, 70% of all CAMA patients (Rhizopus arrhizus with Aspergillus flavus in seven and Aspergillus fumigatus complex in three patients)survived.


    The study findings reflected the critical importance of a high index ofclinical suspicion and accurate microbiological diagnosis in managing invasive dualmolds and better understanding of the risk and progression of MIFIs among COVID-19patients. Careful scrutiny and identification of MIFIs play a key role in theimplementation of effective management strategies.

    Keywords: Aspergillosis, Coronavirus disease, invasive fungal disease, Mucormycosis}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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