Comfort Evaluation of Penagain Ergonomic Pen with Traditional Pen (non-ergonomic)
Ergonomics involves sci-entific issues of the environment and conditions for the optimal design and comfort are the most important results. Comfort plays an important role in the use of hand tools including pen، is writ-en as a tool. The goal of this research is evaluating and comparing the comfort one model of ergonomic pen e. g. Pena-gain with two models of none-ergono-mic available pen in market e. g. Stabilo and Bocheng. Materials and Methods
The 30 men right-hand students were participate in this study and evaluating the comfort of three types of Penagain ergonomic pen and Bocheng and Stabilo as none-er-gonomic pens. They wrote a text in Persian and English with two types of pen during 30 minutes and they had a rest after each test. A Local Posture Dis-comfort (LPD) questionnaires and Com-fort Questionnaire for Hand tools (CQH) were fill out by participants and were analyzed based on Friedman and Wilcoxon statistical tests at the end of the test in SPSS software. Findings
The compare of three types of pens showed that according to both LPD and CQH، the ergonomic model provided more comfort and it was better than the others for both Persian and English passages. Discussion & Conclusion
Considering that hand tools are designed based on ergonomic principles، making the user more comfort and less damage to get in، research is suggested for designing and manufacturing ergonomic pen on ant-hropometric characteristics and differ-ent segments of the Iranian people are doing.Keywords:
comfort , pen , ergonomics , loc , al posture discomfort
Ilam University of Medical Science, Volume:20 Issue: 3, 2012
46 to 54