The effects of mental practice onbasicCPR operations in undergraduateanesthesiology studentsat Arak University of Medical Sciences
Inmedical practice, learning the correct method of CPR and its practice and continuous training are of great importance. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of mental practice on learning basic CPR operations in undergraduate anesthesiology students studying at Arak University of Medical Sciences.Materials And Methods
This educational trial was carried out on 46 anesthesiology students at Arak University of Medical Sciences that were divided into intervention (mental and practical training) and control (practice alone)groups. Then they were assessed through accuracy and speed checklist designed by two instructors blind to the presence of training. Data were analyzed by t-test and Chi-square using SPSS software. Results
The mean scores of speed in intervention and control groups were 2.50.26 and 3.160.33, respectively, which showed a significant difference (p=0.001). The mean scores of the accuracy of students’ performance in case and control groups were 4.330.7 and 3.40.62, respectively, which indicated asignificant difference between them (p=0.001). Theopinions of the students in the mental practice group (90%) suggested the positive effects of mental practice on their performance.Conclusion
This study showed that mental practice increases students’ performance. Hence, for achieving better results in clinical practice, the application of both physical and mental exercisesby the teachers is suggested.Keywords:
Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences, Volume:15 Issue: 8, 2012