The ratio of fecal coliform to fecal streptococci traditional ice cream marketed in Tabriz

Origin of contamination for traditional ice cream consist of using of using primarily contaminated or unpasteurized ingredients (i.e., milk or cream). Determination of coliform- Enterococcns ratio is among methods used for investigation of fecal coliform's origin. This study aims to enumerate fecal coliform and Enterococci as well as their ratio, in order to find out the origin of contamination in traditional ice cream. Consequently, 21 traditional ice cream samples were collected throughout Tabriz. Samples were prepared and then enumation of fecal coliforms and Enterococci were performed according to the Iranian standards (No. 356, 2946 and 2198 respectively). Mean level of contamination for fecal coliforms was 6.67 and for Enterococci was 307.1. on the other hand, the fecal coliforms-Enterococci ratio was determined as 0.0217. Regarding the normal mean ratio of coliforms and Enterococci in cow's intestine, therefore the origin of contamination for traditional ice creams were distinguished as cow's feces which could enter cow's milk direct and lor indirectly.
Quarterly Scientific - Research Journal Food Hygiene, Volume:1 Issue: 1, 2011