Study on association between H-ras gene polymorphism and gastric adenocarcinoma risk

The aim of this study was to investigate relation between H-ras T81C polymorphism and some of the important risk factors in gastric adenocarcinoma (GA).
GA is one of the leading causes of cancer death in most countries. RAS gene is an important member in the PI3K-AKT signaling and the single nucleotide polymorphism at H-rasc DNA position 81 has been demonstrated has an important role in tumor genesis.Patients and
In this study, we carried out single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis in an Iranian population. A total of 100 patients with gastric adenocarcinoma and 100 controls were examined for the presence of T81C H-ras polymorphism using PCR- RFLP assay.
Statistical analysis revealed no relationship significant between TT, TC, CC and risk of GA, but, there was a poorly relation between male patient with C-carrier genotype and increasing risk of GA (P=0.07). Also, we investigate effect of four important risk factors for GA. There was a statistically significant difference between increasing of age and susceptibility for GA (OR=1.106, 95%CI=1.073-1.139, P<0.001). We observed a statistically significant between smoking and T81C polymorphism C-carrier genotypes (OR=3.98, 95%CI=1.831-8.68, P<0.001) as this individual had three-time risk for GA. We did not show a significant association between three main genotypes and H. pylori infection for risk of GA.
These results suggested that there is no relationship between T81C-HRAS polymorphism and gastric cancer risk in Iranian patients. But, gender (male in our study) and the other risk factor described above have an important role in developing of GA.
Gastroenterology and Hepatology From Bed to Bench Journal, Volume:6 Issue: 3, Summer 2013