Translocal Flows of Capital in Rural Spaces

Translocal flows of capital play an important role in rural economy. They include the flow of people, agricultural products, capital, and information that exist between rural and urban areas. The severity and extent of these flows vary across geographical areas. In this regard, the environmental capacities of the geographical regions are highly important in attracting and expanding capital flows. According to Takoli (1998), these flows have a prominent role in the transformation of rural economy through stabilization and economic diversification of rural settlements. The translocal flow of capital from urban to rural areas can help expand the industrial and services sectors. Moreover, they can affect other spatial flows. Thus, the efficient utilization of these flows will bring in benefits for rural households. The capital flow is formed based on different mechanisms including: regional economy, market functions, urban services and the urban actors. The case studies of Ehlers reveal that factors such as the property relations and owners’ residence in the city will provoke the one-way flow of capital from rural to urban areas, leading to the transfer of the wealth to the cities and thus the impoverishment of the rural areas. The unbalanced distribution of the rural and urban households will encourage migration to the cities, creating a regional imbalance.