Sociology of Iran: Autonomy & Localization

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (ترویجی)

The common method of evaluating of sciences only takes into account the tangible utility of sciences. This method leads to constant appreciation of natural sciences and convicting humanities of inefficiency because natural sciences yield concrete results. In this article, this method is criticized. Using Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory, and adopting a normative approach, the autonomy of the field of science in general, and specifically sociology, is defended. Also included is Karl Popper’s three world theory, due to the prominence it gives to the formation of an objective augmentative sphere for science. In the end, a definition of science localization proposed by Reza Davari is presented. Any utility and efficacy of sociology relies upon the formation and autonomy of the field of sociology. The autonomy of sociology should not be interpreted as ignoring the profitability of sociology to society. The aim is to enable sociology to achieve the competency required by its responsibilities

Journal of the Popularization of Science, Volume:2 Issue: 2, 2012
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Monavvary، Nooh
    Monavvary, Nooh
    Assistant Professor Department of Sociology Faculty of Social sciences University of Tehran, University of Tehran, تهران, Iran
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