The Emergence of Arabic Language in Afzal-al-Din Kermani's Works

Sixth century can be considered as the period of Arabic literature influence on Persian language. Maybe because of knowing Arabic spread among the educated class, the influence of Islam and the development of religious schools, and also interest in Arabic literature and attention to Quran style which is the source of eloquence in Arabic literature are the main reasons of its emergence in the Persian works. Among Persian texts, from the view point of abundance, diversity and also the spiritual and literal relationships, Arabic language has appeared mostly in historical texts. Taj-al-Zaman Afzal-al-Din Ahmad-ebne-Hamed Kermani Kuhbanani, one of the great writers and historians of the sixth century and the early days of the seventh century, is among those authors who have written their works in literary prose style and under the influence of gloating atmosphere of knowing Arabic which included the texts of that age. This article tries to analyze the emergence of Arabic language in the sixth century prose; Then among presenting a division, expresses the related cases in Afzal-al-Din Kermani’s works.
Journal of Culture Researchers, Volume:11 Issue: 31, 2012