Kramie in Khorasan
Kramie is one of the most important religins in Islam which Mohammad bin Karram (died in 255 AH) is its founder.This sect of Islam began to spread in large areas at a short time. The most important zone of Kramie influnce was Greater Khorasan and especially Nishapur and Herat and some cities of Transoxiana. Also, his tomb in Jeruselam and Syria was under the influence of Kramie.The asceticism, mysticism and ascetic withdrawal of the convent were expansion factors of Kramie.The followers propaganda of this sect caused the spread Islam in the areas of Transoxiana and Khorasan which had not spread until that time. Kramie influence among the rulers Ghaznavi and Ghori was a factor to getting political gain for a short time. Family of Mohammad shah and Ibn Heisam were the most important of the followers in this sect. Sects are derived from aforementioned Kramie in books of Nations and Nahl. Muslim writers began to write refutation and charges against Mohammad bin Karram, from his life time. Lot of contents about their thoughts and ideas in Nations and Nahl resources, also ancient historical and theological works have been obtained which are mostly writtern in opposition and enmity with them. Kramie founded the monastery in Jowzajan, Khtl, Fergana, Merv, Samarkand and Nishapur which was an important center of their propaganda. The second half of the fifth century began with the arrival of Seljuks to Khorasan and Kramie weakness. They were in severe hardship and gradually were influenced by other sects.
Kramie , Mohammad bin Karram , piety , beliefs , Ghaznavids , Herat
Journal of Greate Khorasan, Volume:3 Issue: 8, 2012