Application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Analysis of Settlement Pattern; Case Study of Dargaz Plain's Sites From Neolithic Period Until the End of Iron Age IV
Khorasan province and in particular Dargaz plain which is located among the cultural area of southwestern central Asia (Turkmenistan mountainous), northeastern of central plateau and northeastern Iran is one of the unexplored but important regions in archaeological investigation in Iran. Climate characteristics of the region, its special geographical conditions and its important location caused this region to receive attention from human’s groups long time ago. Therefore, our records of the changes of the region in different periods of prehistory and its mode of relationship with other cultural area are incomplete. So archaeological investigation and archaeological excavation is very necessary. Archaeological survey’s and settlement pattern analysis is one certain method in archaeology for understanding cultural contacts at prehistoric periods. Information and awareness of settlement pattern of Dargaz plain could improve the perception of its cultural landscapes. In the past, this kind of analysis was done through traditional methods but nowadays analysis of settlement pattern is done by different software like ArcGIS that results in real and accurate information. In this article, we are working with the results of archaeological surveys of Dargaz plain and analysis of them with ArcGIS. In this study, the influence of soil, water and also a certain height range created a specific pattern.