Characterization in the Tales of Marzban Name

The present research studies Marzban Nameh tales considering personification and its role on narrative texts, according to the votes of those who are narrative mastered. The aim of this research is to show that what elements and tools are used in personification of narrative texts. Can we compare personification methods of Varavini to votes of contemporary people who are masters in narrative? In the main body of this research, we tried to explain personification, its importance in fictional texts and the relation between Roland Barthes theory and personification element. Then different methods in personification with a focus on Marzban Nameh tales are studied. After studying the tools and methods of personification in Marzban Nameh tales, the writer concludes that Varavini has benefited two personification; but, frequency of direct description is higher. Direct description considers action and speech of characters, environment and their external properties; and indirect description, "naming people" specially their "semantic features", "title of stories" and "element of comparison" are paid more attention and introduce characters of its anecdotes through it.
Journal of Literary criticism and stylistics Research, No. 14, 2014
157 to 180