Effective Factors on Unity and Islamic Solidarity among Students of Islamic Azad University (11 zone)
Morovvatb.* , Aghapour , M.
The aim of the present article is to recognize and clarify the Effective factors on unity and Islamic solidarity among students of Islamic Azad University. the research is attempting to realize the views of 11 zone students of Islamic Azad University toward unity and Islamic solidarity.Method
The method of the research is survey method and sample population is selected based on kocran formula 325 persons. Results
The results of the survey indicate the conformation of all 5 hypothesis of the research. there is a significant conformation between correlation variables such as " rate of confidence to government", "rate of membership in civil societies ","rate of political participation", "rate of faith and worshiping attitudes"," general social devotion feelings "and depended variable of " unity and Islamic solidarity"." rate of confidence to government "and" general social devotion feelings " clarify and predict approximately. / 226 of variance differences of dependant variable. Conclusion
The author of the paper conclude university students are loyal and faithful to the values and norms of Islamic nation and unity.Keywords:
Irainian Journal of Culture in The Islamic University, Volume:4 Issue: 1, 2014