Imam Khomeini's Mysticism and Its Manifestations in Mystical Interpretation of the Quran
Undoubtedly, the foundation of all thoughts and behaviors of Imam Khomeini should be found in his mystical and intuitional theological thought. By throwing away the veils of scientific and demonstrative wayfaring, Imam Khomeini showed the truth of obedience to God in his self and in the light of the Quran achieved the perfect position of faith and heartfelt certitude. Imam’s approach to theoretical mysticism is manifest in his works such as Sharh Duai Sahar, Exposition of Misbah ul-Hidaya Ila al-Khilafat wal-Wilaya, Exposition of Fusus al-Hikam wa Misbah ul-Uns and Asrar al-Salat. His exposition and explanation of ethics, manners and ways of mystical wayfaring are manifest in his books Adab ul-Salat and Expositin of forty Traditions (Sharh Chehel Hadith). The present paper is an attempt to present Imam Khomeini’s mysticism and his mystical exegesis of the Quran as well as the distinctive features of his mystical school. His mystical school was distinct from the newly emerged mystical schools. His interpretation of the world of being, which was based on the Holy Quran and traditions of the infallible Imams, besides paying attention to individual aspects of spirituality, encompassed collective and social aspects as well and finally led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Matin, Volume:16 Issue: 62, 2014