A study of information seeking behavior of faculty members at Payame Noor University of Jaharom
This survey aims to investigate the information seeking behavior of faculty members of Payame Noor University of Jahrom. This study uses a descriptive and survey methodology. Since the population of the study was limited (34 faculty members), all of the population were included in the survey. Data analysis was accomplished using SPSS for Windows and Microsoft Office Excel.The results indicated that faculty members search information for updating personal information mainly. Moreover, most of information used by faculty members was relevant to their specialty; and the usage of English resources is more than Persian or translated ones. Although the libraries are major sources of information for them, the most important difficulty encountered by the faculty members in obtaining the needed materials is the lack of sufficient information resources in libraries. Finally, findings revealed that there is a significant difference between fields of study and hours of study. So that faculty members in technology and engineering courses with more than 15 hours a week; allocated the highest rate of studying to ghemselves.
Journal of Digital and Smart Libraries Researches, Volume:1 Issue: 1, 2014
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