Calculation the Return on Investment Rate (ROI) of the Specialized Courses of Tehran Municipality

Sustainable development is based on knowledge and education is the key of knowledge and consciousness development. So it could be noted that: education is the key of development. Here it is necessary to denote the efficiency of educational courses to achieve goals of the organization. Therefore the main Purpose of research is addressing the Return on Investment (ROI) of education in urban development area in Tehran municipality. In this study, special trainings of Tehran municipality urban development and its ROI was investigated. In this process AHP teaching and expert Choice software was about 559.37 percent. This Rate is a well ROI rate and shows the logic holding of these courses. Also it shows that investing in education in Tehran municipality will have a positive effect on its total productivity, in long term.
Journal of Urban Economics and Management, Volume:2 Issue: 8, 2015
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سامانه نویسندگان
  • Taghavifard، Mohammad Taghi
    Corresponding Author (2)
    Taghavifard, Mohammad Taghi
    Professor Industrial Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University, تهران, Iran
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