Improving theRooting of JuniperusoblongaCuttings by Superabsorbent Hydrogels

The present factorial study was carried out in a complete block randomized design with three replications to study the effects of Taravatsuperabsorbent hydrogel on the optimization of moisture content and improvement of rooting in Juniperusoblongacuttings. The treatments included four levels of hydrogel (i.e., 0 (control), 0.15, 0.3, & 0.6) and four irrigation intervals (1,2,3,& 4 days). The results of ANOVA indicated that different levels of irrigation and hydrogels and their interaction were significantly meaningful (at P≤0.01) for the indices of fresh and dry rootweights, root length, root width, root number per cutting, and the percentage of the rooted cuttings. Based on the comparison of means results, the individual consumption of hydrogel up to 0.3% significantly increased the rooting and improved the morphological characteristics of the cutting roots. The irrigation interval however had a negative effect on the rooting index of the plant. Comparing the results of the interaction effect of irrigation and hydrogel, it was observed that the highest rooting percentage (83.3%), fresh and dry root weight (4.8 & 3.5 g respectively),and root length and width (6.4 & 2.6 cm respectively) belonged to 0.3% hydrogel treatment with a two-dayirrigation interval which was significant (at P≤0.01) in comparison to the other treatments. On the basis of these results, it can be concluded that using 0.3% hydrogel of Super AB A 200 with a two-day irrigation interval not only produces cuttings with appropriate rooting but also scrounges 50% of limited irrigation water resources and other costs including the working costs compared to daily irrigation.
فصلنامه گیاه و زیست بوم, Volume:12 Issue: 47, 2016