Quantitative Detection of Transgenic Roundup Ready Soybean Seeds Using Real-time PCR Method

As genetically modified organisms (GMOs) development is now increasing¡ detection and determination of their quantitative threshold using reliable methods would be necessary. The goal of this study was to introduce a sensitive method for qualitative and quantitative detection of Roundup-ready soybean samples. For primary screening¡ semi-quantitative molecular assays have been used for detection of various percentages of transgenic and non-transgenic Roundup-ready soybean samples. Furthermore¡ an experiment was conducted using the CaMV 35S primers in combinations with soybean lectin-specific primers in two imported samples of soybean seeds. Real-time PCR-based analysis indicated that the amount of GMO material in the seeds and the limit of detection (LOD) obtained for 35S sequence was less than 1%. The sensitivity and accuracy of this method had conformity with the international standards of seed labeling. This is the first report of its type for quantitative detection of a genetically modified material in a commercial seed lot in Iran.
Journal of Plant Genetic Research, Volume:1 Issue: 2, 2015