Grading of Potato Tuber as Influenced by Potassium Level and Mulch Materials
Effect of potassium (K) and mulch materials on grading of different types of tuber were investigated at the Agronomy research field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period from November 2013 to March 2014.
The experiment comprised of four different doses of K viz., 0 kg K ha-1, 100 kg K ha-1, 125 kg K ha-1, 150 kg K ha-1 and four different types of mulch materials viz., soil mulch, rice straw, water hyacinth and saw dust. The experiment was laid out in a splitplot design with 3 replications. Statistical analysis done by using MSTAT-C program and mean differences among the treatments were compared by Least Significant Difference (LSD) at 5% level of significance.
Maximum large sized tubers were produced by 150 kg K ha-1 with rice straw mulch. Application of 125 kg K ha-1 with rice straw produced maximum seed potato and tuber for French fry. Without K and soil mulch produced highest tuber for chips (% by t ha-1).
Application of 125 kg K ha-1 with rice straw mulch seems to be more suitable for getting higher seed potato (% by number and % by weight) and French fry for BARI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute) TPS-I.