Protective Effects of Linoleic Acid against the Cytotoxicity of Palmitic Fatty Acid in Rat Cardiomyocytes
Background and Aims
Lipotoxicity is the process through which accumulation of lipid intermadiates leads to cellular dysfunction. The worldwide prevalence of cardiovascular diseases has been increased dramatically due to lipotoxicity. According to the peformed studies¡ saturated and unsaturated fatty acids differ significantly in their contributions to lipotoxicity. It has been reported that linolenic acid prevents lipotocixity in rat hepatocytes. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of linolenic acid on the lipotoxicity induced by palmitic acid in adult rat cardiomyocyte.Methods
Ventricular heart muscle cells were isolated and seeded into 24-well-plates. Cells were randomly treated with palmitic acid (0.5 mM)¡ linolenic acid (0.5 mM)¡ palmitic acid linolenic acid (0.5 mM.5 mM) or left as control. Triacylglycerol (TAG)¡ diacylglycerol (DAG)¡ DNA fragmentation and percent of viability were measured at 24¡ 48 hours.Results
Linolenic acid decreased DAG and DNA fragmentation and increased TAG and viability when coadministrated with palmitic acid in comparison with palmitic acid alone (PConclusion
In conclusion¡ linolenic acid significantly eliminates induced lipotoxicity induced by palmitic acid in primary adult rat cardiomyocytes culture.Keywords:
Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Volume:23 Issue: 6, 2017
727 to 740