Architextual relations (longitudinal and Genre-related) in Poetic Iskandarnamehs
Arcitextuality is one of the quintuple issues of transtextuality by Gerard Genette which analyzes genre-related relations and Arcitexuality in a piece of work and the genre it belongs to. This category is appropriate for the analysis of literary works which have undergone changed from their initial type, due to social and ideational, and audiences expectations in a specific period of time. One kind of such works is "Iskandarnameh" which consists historical epopees, but has also features from other genres which change them to something more than just historical epopees. How such features can affect the epic nature of these works and how they are related to the title Iskandarnameh can be analyzed in these works. Therefore, the elements of these three genres are extracted, and the relationship between different lyrical and pedagogical genres, and epic architext was analyzed. The results reveal that the overlap of the genres in Iskandarnamehs after Ferdowsi and prominent features of pedagogical genre paved the way for a change in the title of these works to Kheradnameh (letter of thought/wisdom) although the epic aspect of these works has not been lost. So in this essay, arcitexuality of poetic Iskandarnameh( Ferdowsi, Nezami, Amirkhosrow) and the type and genre they belong to are analyzed in order to determine their textual relations and the transformations they have undergone.
Research in Persian Language & Literature, Volume:14 Issue: 1, 2016