How are flows of information in Iranian network of universitie's websites? Examining small world theory in network of top Iranian's universities

Small world is on the theories in the field of social network analysis and consists of clusters that are globally connected. This situation in a network leads to a network of appropriate flow of information among network members, which can increase network productivity. On this basis, this paper aims to investigate the situation in the network of top Iranian universities websites.
The study is in the field of Webometrics with an analysis of the country's top universities web sites network using indicators of network. Top 199 universities of the Iran and SID is Statistical Society. Analysis performed by Webanalyst and Pajek applications.
Findings: The highest numbers of incoming links is 45 for university of Tehran and the minimum value is zero. Maximum output links are 147 for Scientific Information Center website. Finally, the small world indicator is equal to 7.685085.
Results show that small world network model exists in the network. So, a good structure of communication among academic websites has been established.
journal of knowledge studies, Volume:9 Issue: 35, 2017
85 to 95