Analytic Study of the Origin of Cultural and Political Zionism
Zionism had its roots in Judaism since the year 70 AD and it was culturally raised until the 19th century. Then it was raised politically in the west. Accurate analysis of the political Zionism indicates the fact that it is not related to the cultural Zionism. The most important step in formulating the cultural Zionism is that political independence, temple establishment and returning to Palestine must be done by Messiah and after his advent. While political Zionism, executes the principle of Puritan Protestants that all these affairs must be manifested before the advent of the Jesus. Using an analytic approach, this paper tries to clarify the roots and origins of cultural and political Zionism and their inconsistency. The fact remains that cultural Zionism has its roots in Judaism, but political Zionism is rooted in nationalist Judaism and Puritan of England and America.
Journal of Political science, Volume:8 Issue: 2, 2017
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