Evaluation of disturbance impact on species diversity of oak forest using parametric method
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of destroying the understory species diversity using frequency distribution model has been discussed. Three forest patches with similar physiographic conditions of each region were selected and in each patch, 3 plots of 400 square meters (on transects and at a distance of 100 meters) were taken to record the floristic information. Type and abundance of understory species in 5 micro plots with 1.5 × 1.5 m dimensions were recorded in each sample. Broken stick model of distribution, lognormal, geometric series and logarithmic series were fitted for each treatment and the best distribution model based on the p˃0.5 was selected. The three treatments using diversity ordering curves (Renyi), and k-dominance were compared. Based on all models both less disturbed and middle disturb forest had high diversity compare to severe disturb forest.