The design and conceptual modeling triggers for Iranian hand-woven carpets based on holistic marketing approach using an interpretive structural modeling (ISM)
Iranian hand-woven carpets as a strategic commodity in the field of non-oil exports is important, The identification of barriers to the industry and provide optimal solutions to facilitate its exports is important. This study aims to identify barriers to the export of Iranian handmade carpets using holistic marketing approach and offering its facilitators in the form of a concept model. In the first study, using a qualitative approach (content analysis), 57 code as barriers to the export of Iranian carpet extraction and according to semantic relationships were categorized into 6 classes and To overcome these obstacles, as facilitator for each class a concept proposed. In the second stage, using quantitative approach (interpretative structural modeling), the conceptual model was developed triggers for Iranian hand-woven carpets. Finally, the use of leverage-dependent matrix and conceptual model of research proposals to facilitate export of Iranian carpet was presented.
Quarterly Scientific-Research Goljaam, Volume:13 Issue: 30, 2017
68 to 82
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