specifing the important featurs and utilitarian indexs in pilot avition training system
As for the tremendous changes which have been occured in oprerat of army aviation in unbalance conditions and revising , updating for avilable pilot traini in order to respond opration scene requirements in nonsymetrical threats . In this regard, availabe article has been provided for specifing the important featurs in pilot avition training system . Their utilitarian indexs are based on aviation function in contrasting with unbalance threates that have been tried to important teachers and untilitarian indexes in related to priority of unbalance threates. First of all, this article with reviewing documentries, books and researches have been determind in related to training system and unstable threats are based on this important factor in pilot aviation trainig system. Furthermore, by using provided questionaires and distributing statistics samples and the rate of importance of any factors and conections have been determinded by following indexes. To conclude, in related to finding charts and factors of statistics graphs (instructors, content and educational text student pilot, training equipment and educational space) that Have been determind as the most important system of traing system.