Investigating Space Behavior in Urban scenography for Environmental theater Focusing on Naghshe Jahan Square, Isfahan
Environmental theater that has attracted the attention of the audience and artists during the last few decades, has made thought and the art of architecture much more closer, especially urban architecture and theater. Recognition of space and space behavior as urban scenography, and its physical and environmental recognition, are among the most important issues that Environmental theater performers pay attention to, for performing in urban spaces. Space praxeology is an issue that examines spaces or urban environments and their relation to human activities. The present study, by studying the behavior of the communal spaces and examining its tools and facilities for performing environmental theater in creating the relationship between the audience and the performers, considers the impact on the audience on the urban environment. Considering the theoretical infrastructure of Environmental theater and its relation with the spectator, this research investigates one of the well-known urban spaces, i.e. Naghshe Jahan Square of Isfahan, in terms of the functioning of space, its elements and the relation between mass and space on social behavior for performing Environmental theater, and while presenting a model for analysis of elements of urban space in relation to performance, it argues that the geographic location, the physical and its display areas, have the necessary capacities and spatial facilities for performing Environmental theater.
Theater, Volume:4 Issue: 68, 2017