Analysis of the Role of the Press in January 2011 Egyptian Revolution


The Egyptian Revolution of January 25th, 2011, in fact was the result of crises in the Egyptian society such as increasing social gap and corruption and Mubarak efforts for inheriting the presidency. These crises by the help of the media –from the press to social networks- provide the grounds for shaping anti Mubarak social movements and eventually led to fall him. In this regard, one should consider the prominent role of the press and print media in the process of the revolution. While we are traditionally faced with three types of journalism system in Egypt (governmental, independent and the parties press), In this context, the researcher has tried to respond to this question that how was the role and position of every press system in the land of pyramids in the process of the revolution (especially from January 25th to February 11th, the day that Mubarak resigned), and how were the effects of these roles  ظand positions on the January Revolution? In this regard, in addition to detailed introduction of every newspaper of each system, we study their views and positions and portray the main differences between governmental newspapers with the independent and parties’ ones. As the research findings show, it seems in the revolution, the relative freedom of these traditional media in expressing their opinions with the growth of the middle class, could
provide the possibility of transition of Egypt from a thirty years old dictatorship by mobilizing people to achieve their demands and forming powerful social movements.

Middle East Studies Quarterly, Volume:24 Issue: 3, 2018