Developing a Model to Measure the Corporate Governance Index in Usury-free Banking (Calculation in a sample Bank)

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Good implementation of corporate governance principles is considered an important tool for the stability and soundness of a financial institution. An extensive body of studies has done about the effects of corporate governance on firm performance. The majority of those studies have found a more corporate value for implementing those principles. Due to these facts, the assessment of compliance with corporate governance principles is a critical factor for external inspectors to be sure about the long-term sustainability of any economic organization. Based on these facts, this research aims to introduce a suitable mechanism for measurement of Iranian banking corporate governance, and calculation of corporate governance in a bank as a sample through a set of value measures, elements, and indices. This mechanism helps to score banks compliance with four corporate governance principles: accountability, responsibility, transparency, and fairness and rank them according to their score. For valuation of importance coefficients for each of the measures and elements, we use the viewpoints of the experts. To calculate the final corporate governance index for the sample bank, the value of any sub-indices is derived from published information and other information related to the bank.
Journal of Economic Research and Policies, Volume:26 Issue: 87, 2018
77 to 116  
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Nassiri Aghdam، Ali
    Author (2)
    Nassiri Aghdam, Ali
    Associate Professor Planning and Economic Development Department, Faculty of Economics, Allameh Tabataba'i University, تهران, Iran
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