Spatial analysis to measure of urban fragmentation (Case Study: District 1 neighborhoods of region 14 of Tehran)

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Growth rate of urbanization has led to significant changes in land use, resulting fragmentation of urban land, each of which allocated to specialized purpose. In spatial planning, fragmentation is a known phenomenon whose initial advent can be found in urban land use. Fragmentation space is often perceived as a negative phenomenon in the fundamental of policy spat, but the aim of this study is to assess the balance of spatial function using the concept of space in urban neighborhoods. The research method in this study is combination of descriptive-analytical and comparative methods. In order to measure the fragmentation of urban functions, Rff and Aff indexes have been used. The results indicate that these two indicators are an appropriate tool for measuring the spatial and functional integration of land usage in the neighborhoods. The two indicators were studied in District 1 neighborhoods of region 14 of Tehran. the results indicate that all the neighborhoods are in high level of spatial and functional integration in terms of indicators Aff and Rff, except Dojkam and Ahangaran.
Quarterly of Geography (Regional Planing), Volume:8 Issue: 3, 2018
255 to 266  
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Borhani، Kazem
    Corresponding Author (1)
    Borhani, Kazem
    Researcher Geographi, Tarbiat Modares University, تهران, Iran
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