The challenge of monism and pluralism in the political philosophy of Plato and Aristotle


Monism and pluralism are two main approaches to political thought, and we can interpret all the works of political philosophers from the classical to the contemporary period based on that. Throughout history, these two approaches have had many supporters among political philosophers. Among classical philosophers, Plato believes in monism and Aristotle in pluralism, and hence the challenge of monism and pluralism in their political philosophy has been formed, whose can be seen their effects in the political philosophy of the political philosophers of later periods. Briefly, monism with the emphasizing unity in civil life, believes in the concentration of political power; and Pluralism by defending multiplicity in the field of politics, believes in the diversity and distribution of power among different groups and currents. Therefore, this article explain Platonic virtue-centered monism and Aristotle's virtue-centered Pluralism. through this explanation, the difference between two
approaches becomes clear.

Maarif Aqli magazine, Volume:13 Issue: 36, 2019
65 to 84