Fiqh and Hadith View on Tradition of " من قال یعلم الله لما لا یعلم الله "
Knowledge is one of the perfection attributes of God, and it has no restrictions. The Quran states that Allah knowledge surrounds all things completely, and it repeatedly emphasize that God has knowledge of everything. Sheikh Saduq narrated a tradition from Imam Sadiq (PBUH), as follow: " من قال یعلم الله لما لا یعلم الله اهتز العرش إعظاما لله عز و جل "; everyone says about what God knows, He knows, shook the throne of God falls into the bow of God. The appearance of this tradition is the conflict with the definitive teachings of Islam, because here, this is about the unknowingly by God. One question arises for the audience is that if there is something that the Creator is unaware of it? This article tries for the first time, with studying the different resources, provide an answer to this question. In this regard, the origin version of this tradition will be examine, and explore the evidences and content of tradition. Following discussion applies to the Tashif, Rejal, problem with Hadith and Fiqh al-Hadith.