Qajar government income sources in Mozafar al – dine shah period
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (بدون رتبه معتبر)
The proposal to change the system of Royal Rule to the Republic in , which wassuggested from British, was proposed by Sardar Sepah and his supporters tocompensate for the benefits of the canceled agreement of , despite all the cost andeffort did not succeed. Mirzadeh Eshghi's reflected opinion, Malek al-Sho'ara Bahar,Seyyed Ashrafidin Gilani and Aref Ghazvini about this subject are a view of thethoughts of open-minded people and the public. By analyzing the poems of these four,Eshghi and Bahar were strongly opposed to the Republic, and Seyyed AshrafodinGilani accompanied them with a humorous sound, but Aref recognized the occurrenceof this idea beneficial for the country and advertised it. The accuracy of the way therepublic reflect on the poems of these poets, in addition to the historical and logicaloverview, helps us to better understanding the reasons, the causes of the plan, the manyactions to make it successful, and the reasons for the failure of republicanism. In thisarticle, by analytic-descriptive method, the poems of these four poets concerning RezaKhan Republic are carefully considered, and also comparing them with each other, aswell as with related historical sources, the reasons for their opposition or agreement areexpressed. It also has been shown that the great political events if does not take theirproper time, do not be succeed and the mention of the influential components on animportant historical event without reference to the simultaneous literary works can’t befully valid. These poems are considered as historical documentary poetry, whosehistorical value is very much debatable.
Journal of History, Volume:12 Issue: 47, 2018
86 to 118
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