The Basics and Principles of Dialogue from the Perspective of Islam
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (ترویجی)
Dialogue plays a significant role in the strategy of approximation of different religions and sects. Dialogue in this age, especially during the Hajj and pilgrimage, when millions of people of different nationalities come together, can provide a suitable space for informing and conveying messages to one another and an opportunity to identify and understand the ideas and beliefs of the other parties and to follow the strategies of intellectual interaction and exchange of views and opinions. Undoubtedly, scientific discourses, reasonings, and debates based on logic and ethics can be the best ways to discover the truth. In the meantime, religious teachings have often expressed the principles and practices of dialogue and how to communicate effectively in a variety of ways, the most notable of which are: The most important principles that Islam outlines for interaction and dialogue are the principle of justice, the principle of man’s dignity, the principle of freedom of thought and opinion, and the principle of rejection of fanaticism and racism.
the Hajj season , Dialogue , Interaction , debate , Argumentation , consultation , contemplation , religions , and sects
Miqat Hajj, Volume:27 Issue: 108, 2019
65 to 91
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