Evaluate the obligation and beliefs of Kabul people to recommended economic behaviors in the field of consumption in Islam.

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

The economic behaviors of a Muslim consumer is one of the most important social behaviors that affects his personal and social life. One of the most important forms of economic behaviors is consumption. In the consumption area, 7 crucial determinants have been extracted from religious literature. The statistical population is selected from Kabul city and the number of samples is determined by the Cochran formula 384 in the consumption area. The sample information is 95% accurate to the entire statistical population. Data was collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by Excel and SPSS 21 software. In the consumption sector, among the independent variables, most of the relationship is related to the inclusion of the relevant principles of age, education, nature of the occupation and average monthly income of the household. In the beliefs regarding consumption principles, education variables and average monthly household income are more significant rather than other variables. The results show that, on average, 53.4% of the population are followed to principles of consumption, and 50.3% of the community members believe in the principles. The Chi-square test and t single-sample also confirmed the results. In general, more than half of the community is committed to the recommended economic behaviors of Islam in the field of consumption and there is no significant difference between the degree of commitment and the people's belief in the principles of consumption.

Islamic Economics & Banking, Volume:8 Issue: 29, 2020
147 to 169
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