Criteria and Indicators of Presence Quality Improvement in Urban Spaces (Case Study: Historical Texture of Kashan city)
Urban space has been formed in historical texture of cities under the influence of meaning and shape on the onehand and qualities related to human behaviors on the other hand. Among these points, neighborhood centers as themost important areas of social life in urban open space play a critical role in attracting people and improving qualityand vitality of environment. This study presents the related literature in an analytical approach and expresses therelationship between neighborhood centers and human presence by structure analysis; it focuses on rules governingpresence quality and formed behaviors in this places. In this survey, human and his presence in neighborhood centersare evaluated and urban spaces concept is formed by composing space location characteristics and human behavior.At least, it is sated that people`spresence in urban space of neighborhood centers expresses their thoughts and culturalinteractions whose form shows its function and meaning. Therefore, humans would appear in urban space in a way thatneighborhood centers quality depends on activity kind and their user's behavioral patterns.
Futures Studies of the Environmental Component in Educating Cities: An Approach Based on Global Experiences
Sara Feli *, , Hossein Zabihi
Journal of Geography and Regional Future Studies, -
Analytical Comparison; On the Challenges and Opportunities of Architectural Components Influencing Urban Branding in Yazd and Rasht
Rana Abbasi, Azadeh Shahcheraghi *,
Journal of Urban Economics and Planning, -
Presenting biophilic architectural strategies compatible with the climate using the analysis of climatology factors; Case study: Qom city
Parisa Zolfaghari, Azamsadat Razavizade
International Journal Of Culture and Biotechnology Architecture, -
An Analysis of the Behaviour of Citizens in People-oriented Suburban Spaces By using Pearson Correlation Coefficient; (Case study: the Centre of Sultan Mir Ahmad Neighbourhood, Kashan)
Azam Sadat Razavizadeh, Hamid Majedi *
Urban Management,