The Application of Semantic Domain Theory in the Study of Dignity Based on Islamic Resources
The purpose of this research is to "examine the concept of dignity" based on Quran and Islamic Narrations.
The qualitative method of language semantics and the content analysis of religious texts were used to collect and analyze the data.
The results showed that: a) dignity is one of the most complex religious concepts, as well as the most used concept in religious literature. B. Dignity includes two types of intrinsic and acquired, which is the acquired one used most in psychology. C: the sense of dignity can be damaged and can be increased, dignity is a general attribute that is related to the “Self”, and self-esteem as a component of dignity refers to the privacy and the attribute of “Linat” refers to the quality of this privacy.
According to Islamic literature, dignity is related to the “Self”, and for this, dignity is similar to Rogers' humanistic psychology, so that to enrich the field, it is suggested that the findings of this research should be used in prevention and treatment of dignity health.
dignity , self , worshiping , linat , self-esteem
The obligation of parents to educate teenagers with an emphasis on independence in decision-making from the point of view of educational jurisprudence
Asiye Homa *, Masoud Azarbayejani
Scientific Journal of Islamic Education, -
Spiritual health scale based on Islamic sources
Masood Azarbayjani *, Ali Bayat
Journal of Studies in Islam and Psychology,