The status of development program rules in the Iranian constitution» Capacity of the program rules in the judiciary operation«
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
AbstractOn the one hand, existence of any ambiguity in explaining the status of development program rules in Iranian legal system, may bring this assumption to mind that some of the acts of parliament have a dominant position in relation to other laws. This assumption is reinforced when the program rules is recognized as a supreme law in some procedures. In this situation, a legal issue arises; Privileged status under the constitution is not recognised but actually the hierarchy of laws in Iran's legal system, faced with a fundamental change. When the set of rules have a single unit in the Iranian legal system, how can recognized and extend the feature's constitution and its consequences to an ordinary law, even if parliament approve it under the program rules?On the other hand, it is possible when we determine the top position for program rules, certainly impose the specific format and limitation of legislative initiative to parliament. When a program rules impose to forces, It is possible that the most important duties of government institutions be affected by the program rules and some of the duties that explicitly stated in the constitution, run out priorities.
The Judiciary Law Journal, Volume:83 Issue: 106, 2019
69 to 86
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