Sociology of mate-selection rules in masoomin sira
Mate- selection is a process that is subject to rules of social values and norms.The purpose of this study is to understand the spouse's choice according to the social context of the Masoomin sira. The method used in this study is historical, probatory and descriptive, so the data are qualitative. The basis of data analysis is discourse analysis. Discourse is both a specific form of language and a particular form of social interaction; therefore, at three levels, social analysis, social cognition, and discourse dimensions, it describes the rules of spouse selection in the Masoomin sira and compares it with the pre-Islamic era.The change in the general social context, from the tribal system to the single political system with the comprehensive laws for all segments of society, and the change of racist and masculine ideology to humanistic across race, ethnicity and gender, and changing attitudes towards women and girls, and their right to choose the future of family life, and Maintain parental respect in the field of spouse selection, are central to Masoomin sira on the rules of marriage. Accordingly, prohibitions on marriage, types of marriage, marriage structure, As mentioned in this article, the criteria and the right to choose a spouse have changed radically in the Masoomin sira compared to the pre-Islamic era. As a result, the social context, the musts and shoulds, the type of social and cultural attitudes and values, are complex and multilateral concerning discourse and vice versa, and change or modification in each affects the other