Designing Semantic Model of Library & Information Science’s Eeducation, Utilizing Soft Systems Methodolgy (SSM)
Reviewing the recently published and authentic texts in the field of Library & Information Science’s education indicates some fundamental problems in this pedagogic process. According to different factors dealing with the process such as professors, learners, educational department and learning resources, confronting the challenges is considered as complex issues. Therefore, in this research Soft Systems Methodolgy (SSM) was chosen to propose a comprehensive model to solve the mentioned problems. Soft Systems Methodolgy (SSM) is one of the Action Research’s methods. In view of research approach, SSM’s considered qualitative. Based on the Checkland seven proposed stages, problem situation was identified, and then it was expressed in the form of rich picture. Driving root definitions and CATWOE model were cleared to accomplish the conceptual model. Comparison of the conceptual model to real world, also proposing feasible and desired changes are the fifth and sixth stages of the reserach. Finally, taking action to improve the current situation in the field of Library & Information Science’s education finished the procedure. Utilizing the seven steps of SSM, this resrarch draws the rich picture illustrating the process of Library & Information Science’s education and its issues dealing with the related ecosystem. Accordingly, the final model consisting of three ontologies (learners, professors, and educational content) was attained. To validate the semantic model, Cohen’s kappa coefficient was calculated. Pertaining to the high level of agreement coefficient, 9203/., the achieved conceptual model was approved. To utilize the comprehensive model, it was implemented by Protégé4.3 software and OWL2 language. The obtained model, approved by high level of expert agreement, not only can be an appropriate solution for the problems involved in Library & Information Science’s education in Iran, but also can be considered as a pattern for future researches in designation and implementation of semantic model of education in the other disciplines. The findings indicate that the semantic model is a complex concept including different aspects and indices which can be easily implemented and noticed by policy-makers, designers and other players in designation and assessment of teaching-learning environments.