The Sociological Explanation of the Role of Family’s Economical Capital in Social Reproduction among University Graduates
The current study has addressed theoretical explanation of the study and hypothesis tests the economic capital of family and its effect on individual position in higher education system and then the career position of the individual. The statistical population of this research includes all employees in the Isfahan labor market who have graduated from university since 2006 onward. The sample includes 530 people chosen by SPSS Sample Power is estimated 530.The results of the research indicated that on one hand, there is a relationship between the individual position in higher education system and career position of the individual and on the other hand economic capital has a positive effect on the type of the acceptance of individual in university. It means that those who have higher economic capital, they possess a higher position in higher education system. Of course, the results of path analysis show that entire effect of economic capital on career position is performed through mediation of individual position in higher education system, on the other words, social inequalities are reproduced through the educational system.
Policy Researcher and Policymaker; An Investigation into Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Policy Research in Governmental Science Policies in Iran
Maghsoud Farasatkhah, Reza Maniee *
Qurterly Journal of Research and Planing in Higher Education, -
Ethical Pattern of Faculty Members in Iran's Higher Education
Kazhal Sheikhahmadi*, Mohammad Yamani Doozi Sorkhabi, MohammadHassan Pardakhti Pardakhti, Maghsoud Ferasatkhah
International Journal of Ethics & Society, Spring 2024